

In the aftermath of war, the struggle for survival begins. From the ruins, a warrior will rise.

Jujumaster · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


A dozen henchmen stood around Hon.Swanwick. Hon.Swanwick paced back and forth with his right hand on his chin.

"The VIF is after me. They could overwhelm me if they wanted but not on foreign soil. Doing that would be a crime. I wonder why they haven't reported me to the IGG." – thought Hon.Swanwick.

"I have to make a call. You guys should sharp. You all are doing great." – said Hon.Swanwick as he headed for his tent.

Hon.Swanwick and his henchmen had done a thorough search across the camp to make sure there was no VIF agent in disguise.

Hon.Swanwick entered his tent. He activated a hologram TV. The TV had unlicensed connection to the Vhradoz television grid. Such unlicensed connection was punishable by international laws. Hon.Swanwick hadn't been keeping tabs on Milner. Hon.Swanwick went through the news. He saw that Milner with his real identity hidden had declared to the world that he (Milner) was Black_Riot77. Someone who wasn't Milner had narrated to the news media of Black_Riot77's adventure of taking down the Vhradoz Unds support network. Hon.Swanwick this was the work of the VIF.

"I think I have to make the playground favorable for me." – said Hon.Swanwick as he turned of the news and then activated a dial pad. He dialed four digits,3567 and then he called.

"Connecting." – replied the hologram interface.

"Mr.Swanwick." – said a voice from the receiving end.

"I want you and your team to infiltrate the VIF and keep me updated with any new information they have." – said Hon,Swanwick.

"Yes boss." – replied the voice.

"I want you to kill the new Black_Riot." – said Hon.Swanwick

"You want what?" – snapped the voice.

"I want you to kill the new Black_Riot." – said Hon.Swanwick once more.

"The Black_Riot isn't an ordinary warrior…" – said the voice before it was interrupted by Hon.Swanwick

"The new Black_Riot is just a boy with little combat experience. As experienced combatants that you are your team are, I expect you to easily take out the Black_Riot. The pay is goddamn good but you can't accept to do one mission. You have to accept the two." – said Hon.Swanwick.

"I accept." – said the voice and then disconnected from the call.

"Disconnected." – said the hologram interface.

Hon.Swanwick grabbed a radio comm. lying on a table and said…

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's get moving. We are heading to Saber."

Outside, Hon.Swanwick's henchmen ran across the place packing and arranging whatever stuff they had there; tents were loosened, arms were packed into chests, food supplies too.

Some engineers went to ready the engines of the spacecrafts. The spacecrafts were the only big vehicles capable of carrying most of the stuff in the camp.

Soon, everyone had boarded either the spacecrafts or the cars and they were ready for the journey. The vehicles blasted off into the skies with sonic speed. Planet Volenviski was a very enormous planet, about two thousand times bigger than the size of Earth. Saber was twenty five thousand kilometers away from where Hon.Swanwick camped. Hon.Swanwick and his crew were travelling at sonic speed.

Hon.Swanwick had boarded one of the spacecrafts. He was in the cockpit along with the spacecrafts pilot; he was captaining the ship.

"Weapons men on all ships, stay sharp. Never lift your eyes off the radar. You can never know when boogies come after you." – said Hon.Swanwick into a radio comm..

After ten hours, Hon.Swanwick and his crew arrived Saber. The crew got of their vehicles. They were disappointed in Saber. Most buildings in Saber had been reduced to rubbles and ashes. The village seemed abandoned.

"Weapons, everyone." - Hon.Swanwick commanded his crew.

His henchmen drew out their guns.

"How many armed are available?" – asked Hon.Swanwick.

"Two hundred and thirty five, boss." – replied a henchman.

"A hundred of you should follow me. The rest should stay around the vehicles. Remember, don't slack, stay sharp." – said Hon.Swanwick.

A hundred henchmen followed Hon.Swanwick. They cautiously walked into the village with their guns drawn. They had gone 40% into the village. "Stop there." yelled a voice at Hon.Swanwick and his crew. The crew quickly rushed to cover.

"Who are you?!" – asked Hon.Swanwick.

"I should be the one to ask that. You wandered into another's territory." – replied the voice.

"Boss, can we trust this person. We can't even see who it is." – whispered a henchman to Hon.Swanwick

"I am Hon.Swanwick. I'm an archaeologist. I'm searching for the people of Saber." – said Hon.Swanwick and then paused. "Are you a Sabern?" – asked Hon.Swanwick.

"I see you did your research well." – replied the voice.

"I take that as a yes." – said Hon.Swanwick.

Hon.Swanwick stood up from his cover. He had dropped his gun and had his arms in the air.

"Boss, what the hell are you doing?" – whispered the henchman who was still hiding beside Hon.Swanwick.

"Stand down men!" – ordered Hon.Swanwick.

"I promise that I and my men won't bring him to you and your people." – promised Hon.Swanwick to the voice he spoke with.

Hon.Swanwick did likewise their boss. Ariana, the voice who spoke with Hon.Swanwick came out of hiding.

"My people can't offer you anything." – said Ariana.

"I came to help." – replied Hon.Swanwick.

"Follow me." – said Ariana.

Ariana walked deeper into Saber. Hon.Swanwick and his hundred men followed. As they walked across the ruins of Saber, more Saberians came out of their hiding. These Saberians had the same dressing like Ariana. Ariana wore brown top and shorts made out of coconut fiber. The presence of other Siberians unnerved the Hon.Swanwicks henchmen. Ariana noticed.

"Don't worry, they are scouts like me who watch the borders of village. We do it for our village's safety." – said Ariana.

Ariana and the foreigners finally arrived at the village. The Saberians were tree dwellers. They built wooden cabins on tree branches. These trees they lived on span heights of three hundred and sixteen meters at most.

Hon.Swanwick met with the chief of the village. The chief was in her eighties, her name Matiti. The chief had wrinkles all over but she was stronger for her age. The chief told Hon.Swanwick that it was the Unds founding five who destroyed Saber fifteen years ago. The founding five wanted a secret weapon the Saberns had but the Saberns refused to give it them but al last the founding five took it by force, their forces rubbishing Saber city in the process.

"I'm on a very important mission. It involves finding people like the Unds founding five and bringing an end to them so that they can't harm anyone again." – said Hon.Swanwick to the chief.

Hon.Swanwick returned to his vehicles outside Saber. He ordered his men to work relentlessly to revive the city of Saber from the rubbles. His men started work. Some of the henchmen became educational guardians to the Sabern younglings, teaching them grammar, mathematics and ICT. Hon.Swanwick had reinforcements outside Planet Volenviski. He invited about two thousand men to join the reconstruction of Saber city. With the arrival of the additional hands and the much technology used in the reconstruction process, Hon. Swanwick estimated that the city would be restored after five days.