

In the aftermath of war, the struggle for survival begins. From the ruins, a warrior will rise.

Jujumaster · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


Milner stood among lying corpses of the people he murdered. When all of them were alive, being trapped behind the wall made them become friends with each other. They used their friendship to suppress the agony they had in them when it was revealed they were going to become zombies after nine days. Today, Milner had no friends. He was frustrated and sad but yet confused.

"What happened to me? What gave me the courage to kill my friends?" – thought Milner.

He stared at the sword in his hand. It had wordings on one side across the length of the sword. The words were written in ancient Latin. This world had lost touch with past history. Human beings spread across the five living Galaxies by 2075. They found many safe planets like Earth to live on. Now, on this planet the expansion happened eighteen thousand years ago.

In the view of a glass screen which was 1500 meters above the camp, Milner stepped out of the camp building. The glass screen belonged to the camera of a spy drone. The drone relayed its capturing to Hon.Swanwick's large monitor screen.

"He has the sword." – Hon.Swanwick said to himself.

Milner was unaware of the spy drone hovering over him. The drone had stealth features so it couldn't be easily noticed.

Milner was concerned with the sword in his possession. He remembered having a vision where he saw a person sitting on a sand mound but he couldn't recollect what the person said to him. He recalled he was overwhelmed by an energy which hardened his mind to kill his friends. He suspected that these events where inspired by the sword he had in his hand. He sat on the ground and he stabbed the sword into the ground making the sword stand. Milner recalled what one of the rescued women in the camp said to him.

"Meditating unlocks nature's secrets." – said the Woman.

Milner closed his eyes and tried to meditate on the sword and the person he saw in his vision. Instead, when he shut his eyes he saw flashbacks of him murdering his friends. The memory pained him. He was losing his breath. He opened his eyes and battled to gain his breath.

"Meditation has different methods. A method may work for this person but it may not work for you." – said the Woman in Milner's head.

Riot Blade was still in the ground, standing. Milner used both of his hands to hold the grip of the sword and with his eyes open, he cleared his mind to meditate.

Milner found himself in the vast emptiness of the moonlike planet from before. He stood up but with a hand still on the sword.

"You came back!" – said an excited voice.

Milner turned to direction of the voice. The voice belonged toBlack_Riot76. Black_Riot76 still sat on the sand mound from before.

"You came for answers to your questions about the sword?" – asked Black_Riot76.

Milner nodded.

"You didn't ask me why I'm still sitting on this sand mound." – said Black_Riot76.

"I was going to ask you that after I got the answers to my other questions." – replied Milner.

"OK." – said Black_Riot76 and subsequently sighed. "That sword in your hand is twenty thousand years old. It originated from Earth. The real name of the sword is Excalibur. The sword belonged to the lineage of the mighty King Arthur and his ancestors. It contains great and unimaginable power. It was said that the power contained in the sword was the greatest fear of the legendary Merlin the great. Merlin the great was the greatest mage being in the history of our Universe." – continued Black_Riot76.

Black_Riot76 took a pause to allow Milner digest.

"Why did you stop?" –asked Milner.

"To allow you digest the much I just said. I assumed the info I'm giving you would be too much for you." – replied Black_Riot76.

"My curiosity has a huge appetite" – said Milner.

Black_Riot76 sighed.

"Excalibur, the sword, has nineteen other swords like it across the universe. The swords are different from Excalibur. Excalibur can only be used for the greater good but the others can be used for other purposes. The universe is in potential danger from evil human beings who seek to wield the sword. For this reason, Excalibur has chosen you to track these beings." – said Black_Riot76.

Milner laughed.

"Did you hear yourself? You are the silliest manipulator I have ever encountered. You used this sword to destroy my city and the millions of innocent people living in it but you escaped to here, looking all good with no scratch. Just say you want the sword back, you big liar." – said Milner.

"Who said I was looking all good. I am a ghost as we speak." – snapped Black_Riot76.

Milner laughed.

"Let me clear your doubt." – said Black_Riot76.

Black_Riot76 descended from the sand mound. He walked past Milner and as soon as he walked past Milner, they both found themselves on Ohz. It was like the blending transition done in movies. Black_Riot76 walked to a pile of rubbles. Black_Riot76 used telekinesis to lift the rubble. Underneath the rubble were Black_Riot76's remains: his trunk (his legs were gone) was lying on the ground burnt to black including what was left of his knightly armor.

Milner was terrified at sight of the remains. Milner looked away from it and saw his (Milner's) real body still sitting on the ground holding Riot Blade.

Milner found himself on the moonlike planet again. Black_Riot76 was sitting on the same sand mound.

"Why did you destroy Ohz if Excalibur could only be used for good?" –asked Milner with tears in his eyes.

"There was an enemy camp outside your city. It housed the last of the enemy's armed forces. Your supreme government was allies with them but now the enemy is defeated, I'm very sure they will claim to have been ignorant on the threat the enemy posed. The enemy planned to overthrow the IGG (I-Global Government) in a bid to become an autocratic government. If the autocratic government lived, they would find the other nineteen swords and use it the way they like. So, I became allies with the IGG. The enemy had dealt a huge blow on the IGG armed forces resources. The IGG was left with little resources. There was no option but to strike the enemy with almost everything we got not minding the consequences. The sword revealed to me that I was destined to die that day your city was destroyed during the battle. Instead of me going down without ending the enemy, I decided to end myself, my colleagues and the enemy thereby fulfilling my destiny." – said Black_Riot76.

"So the supreme government is evil? They knew their citizens would die." – said Milner.

Milner was sad to learn about the evil in the supreme government. Milner's parents died in the Ohz city explosion. His parents corpse were found together with him under the rubbles.

"I know you are mourning. I'm sorry for what I have caused you. I wish I was alive to make amends…" – said Black_Riot76 but was interrupted by Milner.

"Is my planet the only planet that has suffered this kind of destruction from your battles." – asked Milner.

"No, it is not. There are thousands of other planets like yours but I managed to make amends with all of them." – replied Black_Riot76.

" Are you sure this sword chose me?" – asked Milner.

"I was going to fill you in on the sword choosing story but you interrupted me." – replied Black_Riot76.

Milner chuckled.

"You happen to be a descendant of King Arthur. Only descendants of King Arthur can wield the Excalibur. Only the good descendants. There is no time, the universe is threatened and the threats have to eliminated." – said Black_Riot76

"Starting with the Supreme government of Tohhzmbe." – said Milner.

"I will be here waiting for you anytime you need guidance." – said Black_Riot76.

"Tapping into the sword's power won't be a problem, will it?" – asked Milner.

"The same way you came here, use that way to tap into the power of the sword." –replied Black_Riot76.

Milner and Black_Riot76 said goodbyes to each other.

Milner awoke among the rubbles of Ohz city. He starred wickedly at the walls closing him from the rest of the world. He let a wry smile lose on a side of his face