

In the aftermath of war, the struggle for survival begins. From the ruins, a warrior will rise.

Jujumaster · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


Milner found a car park. He parked his car. There was a restroom nearby. Milner went to the restroom with Riot Blade hidden in a travel bag. In the restroom, Milner pulled out the sword from the bag.


Milner burned in blue energy and then his clothes changed to his Black_Riot armor. Milner brought out from the bag a paper. The plan of Pyro Hotel was printed on the paper. Pyro hotel was twenty six floors tall. Each floor was twenty feet tall which made it a very tall building. Mhilov was on the twentieth floor. Milner went through the building's plan until he was satisfied. He couldn't go direct to Mhilov's room from outside the building because the building was designed to resist attacks. Milner left the bathroom.

Milner went into Pyro hotel through the main entrance using super speed. There were security sensors in the hotel for bodies moving at super speeds but the sensors couldn't pick up Milner's presence. Black_Riot76 taught Milner the art of being stealth while at high speeds.

Milner was heading to the seventh floor when he felt liquid quickly move up his esophagus into his mouth, it was blood. It choked his breath and made him trip himself to fall. He coughed blood in his helmet. Immediately he fell, the intruder alarms in the building went off. Before Milner could get himself up, security officials surrounded him.

"Who are you?" – asked one of the security officials.

"The Black_Riot." – replied Milner.

"You are under arrest for unauthorized entry." – said the security official.

"I can't let you do that." – said Milner.

Milner pulled out his sword. He wasn't feeling strong. He skin was sensing some kind of radiation on the building. It was then he noticed that all the security officials were in uniforms which didn't leave any part of their body exposed.

"If you kill anyone in this building, it will be considered a first degree murder." – said the security official.

"In my review of this hotel, this is the worst five star hotel. You guys put unknown radiations in your hotel at the risk of your customers." – said Milner.

"You felt the radiation? It is anti-somatic radiation. It weakens the cell of intruders like you. We don't use it on our customers. It's a secret security technology in here. The technology is mobile and changes position along with the movement of the customer. The technology just stays at potential intruder territory." – replied Black_Riot.

At Mhilov's room, Ritchie approaches his boss.

"Boss, the Black_Riot is here just as we expected. The security men have him surrounded but he hasn't surrendered." – said Ritchie to Mhilov.

"Send in the boys to clean him up." – ordered Mhilov.

Mhilov picked a cigar stick. Cigar was still a thing. It was a culture from the old world that refused to go extinct. Mhilov lit the cigar and then drew smoke into his body.

"If God was real… nah, I'm God." – said Mhilov. He then puffed smoke into the air.

Milner engaged the security officials in hand to hand combat. He didn't want to kill them. It was fifty against one. Milner knocked some security men each with a single blow. But it was a distraction, the other security men made a ring formation around Milner. They shoot electric energy grappler ropes on Milner's body. It tied him down because different pulling forces of almost the same magnitude from different directions were pulling on him.

Two killers sent by Mhilov who were dressed like the security men arrived at the scene. One of them pulled out a grenade to kill Milner. It wasn't the ordinary grenade. It was made of an element which could burn Milner's armor and cause him lethal harm. One of the security officials saw the killer pull out the grenade. The security official didn't have any option than to instinctively shoot the killer and the security official did. The killer dropped the grenade on himself and it blew. The explosion killed the killers but the impact blew the floor. Some security officials fell with the floor the floor below. Other security men were smacked on the wall making them unconscious. Milner was thrown across the floor. He was still conscious. He got up and headed to Mhilov's room.

Ritchie came running into Mhilov's room.

"Boss! We have to go! He is coming!" – said Ritchie.

"What sort of assassins do we now have in the mafia? Even with a grenade they can't clinically eliminate a target?" – said Mhilov showing his deepest disappointment in the recent development.

"Let's go boss!" – said Ritchie.

"I'm staying right here." – replied Mhilov.

"Boss, this isn't the Black_Riot we knew before. I think something went wrong with him, he is now kills with prejudice" – said Ritchie desperately.

Mhilov killed Ritchie with a bullet to the head.

"I can't believe I had a coward as my right hand man all the while." – said Milner to himself.

BISH! The door to Mhilov's room came crashing down.

"Hello mister Mhilov." – said Milner.

"Hello Black_Riot." – replied Mhilov.

"I want to have a talk with you." – said Milner. "Did you support the Unds?

"Yes, I proudly did. The ministers of the supreme government, the ones you killed were also proud supporters. There is also a network of supporters on Planet Vhradoz. If also want to meet these other supporters , we will be having a convention at the kranos dom in ten days." – said Mhilov. Mhilov had a grin on his face as he spoke. Mhilov was full of confidence.

"Why did you support the Unds?" – asked Milner.

"The records say that I and my ancestors were citizens of Tohhzmbe. I never had ancestors living in Tohhzmbe nor on this planet, Vhradoz. I came to this planet when I was thirty five because I heard there were likeminded people here. Powerful people who wanted to rule the universe. Together we founded the Unds. We operated in the shadows. Everyone there including myself knew that when we had this power only one person would wield it, we would have to battle for the crown." – said Mhilov. Mhilov was feeling more relaxed than ever. He wasn't afraid of the threat Milner poised.

"So you just wanted power. That's why you built the Tohhzmbe grand mafia to help you have the upper ground. I bet you were the one who wanted the Unds camp on Vhradoz located near Tohhzmbe." – said Milner.

"You are a smart boy. But the smartest get the best in life." – said Mhilov.

Mhilov with his huge size moved liked lightening. He stabbed Milner in the heart with a sword. The sword was made with the element KRAYO (If this element is weaponized it will lethal to any form of matter.). Milner's heart stopped beating.

"More efficient than my assassins." – said Mhilov. He laughed.

Milner drifted from life to the moon-like planet.

"Burn!" – yelled Milner with utmost urgency.

Milner returned to reality. Blue energy exploded from Milner's body. The energy fried everything in the room to bits and it also killed Mhilov. Milner got to his feet.

"Mission accomplished." – said Milner.

Milner left the room.