

In the aftermath of war, the struggle for survival begins. From the ruins, a warrior will rise.

Jujumaster · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


Milner goes into the house. He searches around for Evelyn inside the house. He doesn't see her. He was in the Kitchen. He decided to go search in the sitting room again. He found her hiding behind a couch which was close to a wall. He pulled her out of hiding.

"You again!" – exclaimed Evelyn.

"Yeah, it's me again. I discovered you played me." – said Milner.

"I didn't do such thing. I was hundred percent honest with you." – said Evelyn.

"We will discuss about your honesty over at my place. We have to go." – said Milner.

Milner punches Evelyn on the face knocking her out. Milner heaved her on his shoulders. He went outside and boarded the car the Decoy crew left behind. He didn't have time to detach the safe from the vehicle and so he drove off with the safe to Ohz. The decoy crew had made crazy arrangements; they bribed the customs at the Capital city to keep off this car which Milner rode. It was to an advantage to Milner, Ohz was directly separated from other the Capital city by open grasslands. So, it wasn't a problem for Milner to get to Ohz.

Milner gave Evelyn the same treatment as his other Hostages. He kept her at a separate room from other hostages. He threatened to kill Evelyn if she didn't tell him everything she knew.

"I heard that Black_Riot76 had a calm temper. Maybe that's why he didn't turn you guys in. But look, I'm not him. I have a quick temper." – said Milner to back up his threat.

"Where is Mhilov?" – asked Milner.

"He is at a Pyro hotel. It is a five star hotel." – cried Evelyn.

Shit! A five star hotel. A five star hotel in these times only received one guest. The guest could decide how long he or she could stay. Also, the guest could decide who is welcomed to visit him or her at the hotel. The guests must be renowned high class members of the society. Another feature of this hotel was that it had a security network that could rival that of government houses. Milner left the room to think.

That same day at 6:00 pm, Milner was in the Kitchen preparing dinner for only himself. He planned to starve his hostages for the night.

"By now Mhilov's men should have found the incinerated corpse he dropped in the house on Mhilov's island." – thought Milner.

On how Milner got the clone of Evelyn: Before kidnapping Evelyn, Milner met with a geneticist in the Capital city. The geneticist was a man in his early thirties but he was already a widow. The geneticist hated the Supreme government ministers for having a hand in the destruction of Ohz. The geneticist's wife died during the explosion which destroyed Ohz. Milner revealed to the geneticist that it wasn't only the ministers that were to be blamed but there was a network of powerful people on their planet that were to be blamed too.

"I'm going to find all those involved and make sure Justice is served." – Milner said to the geneticist.

On Milner's demand the geneticist agreed to make a 'dead clone of Evelyn' which was going to have all the current features of Evelyn. Making clones was illegal across all planets. The geneticist used a recent blood sample of Evelyn to create the clone. The blood sample was supplied by Milner who extracted it from Evelyn's body when she was sleeping.

Back at Milner's Kitchen, Milner had dinner while sitting on a wooden cupboard. He thought of how he could get to Mhilov and make Mhilov tell the public of his (Mhilov's) involvement with the Unds. He knew that the method he used to get to the ministers wouldn't work.

"Damn! I'm lucky that the ministers panicked and blew their cover." – thought Milner.

Milner had done some research into Mhilov's life. Mhilov and his ancestors were citizens of the Capital City. They were poor citizens. Mhilov worked his way to the high class at age thirty five with patience and diligence. According to the records, Mhilov's source of wealth was an honest business. It was said Mhilov was a trader in the energy grid market. The energy grid market were few competing companies who supplied energy on an agreed contract to any place on any habited planet across the five living galaxies. The story about Mhilov being a trader was cover to his true source of income, the grand Tohhzmbe mafia.

Milner wanted to start a movement which will be determined to expose Mhilov's crimes. But it wouldn't work because Mhilov was a very powerful man and Milner didn't have any ace up of his (Milner's) sleeve apart from being the Black_Riot.

"I will meet him and have a talk with him. There is a probability he will expose himself when we talk. I will have it recorded on the cam." – thought Milner.

Milner planned to wear his normal identity (not Black_Riot77) when he was going to meet Mhilov at the hotel. If he wasn't let in, he would sneak in using Black_Riot armor. Using the Black_Riot was a precaution incase he got caught and attacked.

Milner spent the night working out: he did a hundred - pushups, sit-ups and pull ups. He then trained himself in perfecting his sword technique and also his combat body technique. After that, he took out his Hologram-phone to watch some videos to learn new martial art skills. He dropped the phone to practice the skills. It was soon 1:00am the next day. Milner was exhausted. He went to sleep. He had a mission to accomplish later in the morning.

It was 8:30am. Milner's alarm had been ringing from an hour and thirty minutes ago till now which it managed in finally waking him. Milner went to kitchen. With the way today's target is, Milner expected it to be a long day at work. He prepared an ATP liquid meal which could keep a human being from hunger for three days for his hostages. He injected it into their bloodstream.

"I'm going to meet Mhilov. I promise you that it will be in the most civil way. Tell me what kind of character he is." – said Milner to Evelyn.

"He is egotistical, arrogant and selfish." – said Evelyn.

"Selfish? But he gave the house and security." – said Milner.

"You're a kid. When you meet him, you will understand." – replied Evelyn.

Milner left the cave for the Capital city. Milner had planned to sell a gem from the safe before going to Pyro hotel. He sold the gem at a gem exchange organization. The organization didn't ask its selling customers how they got the gems. Milner used the money from the sale to purchase a luxurious car which he drove to Pyro hotel. Milner was denied visiting Mhilov by the hotel's security but on persistently insisting on seeing Mhilov, Milner was denied by Mhilov on call. Milner left the hotel with his car.

"We will have to do it together, bro." – said Milner to Riot Blade as he stroked the sword and drove the car with the other hand.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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