
Black Knight : Zero

Leo was the lone survivor of a bloody massacre. His loved ones were killed by a group of criminals, he somehow manages to survives. He later learns that there was a knight in order called 'Black Knights' created by the King, they were knights whose solely purpose was to kill enemies. The only aim he had in mind at the moment was to train himself so that he could avenge his loved ones. What could be more convenient than joining the the special badge "Black Knights." In a world where magic is abundant, what challenges will he have to face? With little knowledge about the enemies, he goes on his journey to avenge.

LyzeLegend · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

The Lost Child

Garo Empire one of the most powerful nations in the world. Their military power were acknowledged among strongest nations. One day however, a small village at its border was under attack. The Viscount quickly called for the soldiers to head straight to the village. However, by the time the soldiers arrived the village was totally destroyed.

The Captain ordered the soldiers to see if there are any survivors. The soldiers quickly starts searching. After searching for almost an hour, the vice captain speaks with the captain.

"Captain, it seems like there are no survivors in here, this village is totally annihilated.

The Captain then quietly observes the situation and couldn't hear any sound of humans.

"Alright, tell them to retreat once. We'll have to report this to the Viscount."

Suddenly a soldier came rushing.

"We found a child sir"

"A child...?"

"But...the child is in a bad condition. And there is no hospital near this village Captain." The soldier speaks with a concerned face.

*We don't have a healer with us and the kid is on the brink of death, what a luck*

(* refers to when someone is thinking something.)

"So where's the kid?"

The Captain sees the kid sitting right at the corner of a burning house. The kid was covered with blood and had a dagger pointing at the soldiers. As if he'd kill anyone who comes near him. A strong killing aura was following through the kid. His senses were dull and filled with negative emotions.

After seeing that the kid was not listening to any of the soldiers words, he then looks around the place and the condition it is in. Suddenly a dark aura filled the place, the aura was overflowing out of him. He then speaks calmly.

"Listen kid, we are not your enemies. We are here to rescue you"

The child was filled with negative emotions and couldn't think nothing more than revenge. He then speaks out

"If....you....had.....came..... earlier, my..... pa...r...e...e...n..n...ts..."

His killing aura becomes more stronger as he keeps talking. He then speaks in a scary tone. "They wouldn't have died!!". His eyes grew larger and were staring right at the captains eyes.

The soldiers can't get less comfortable, as they had never expected a child to have such a strong aura.

"Captain, this isn't looking good. We should stop him right here".

The captain was so totally surprised in the kid's aura, ignoring his surroundings.


Suddenly, the captain release a totally different aura, a much terrifying aura then before. The wind starts blowing away, and his cloak starts floating. It seemed almost as if the wind was responding to his aura. He then takes a step closer to the boy.

Everyone in the area kneeled to the ground, as if the ground itself became heavy.

One of the soldiers starts thinking; I had seen captains aura manier times, but it's still as terrifying as i had first encountered it. After a while, the captain speaks up.

"I promise you, I'll avenge your parents. You've done a great job in surviving all by yourself self, you should rest now young man".

While everyone saw his aura terrifying enough to kneel, the kid on the other hand saw a bright promising aura. The kid's aura immediately vanished as he encounters the bright aura shining over him, and as he led down his guard he went uncounscious right away. The Captain carries him and holds him in his arms.

"What are we going to do about him, Sir?". says the vice captain.

"I'm taking him with me."

"Sir, even if his aura is gone, isn't he still filled with hatred and resentment against those bastards? My worse expectations is, he will sooner or later chase after those bastards and get himself killed before he even realises it".

"That won't happen, I plan on killing those bastards by myself."

He looked serious when he said it. He then faces towards the kid!

"Alright, lets report this to the Viscount first."

"Yes Captain."

After reporting the incident to the Viscount, the Viscount became very curious about the kid.

"So where is he now, Stain?" asks the Viscount to the captain (Stain)

"My Lord, he is currently resting at my rmansion"

"Very well.... I'd like to meet him when he wakes up"


After three long hours had passed -

The kid regains consciousness. He looks around in a dazzy manner. The healer quickly calls the servant.

"Quick, call your master. The boy has is awake"

The servant nods, and quietly walks away.

Meanwhile, the Viscount was patiently waiting for the message to arrive, while doing writting works in his office.

The Captain then quickly comes in, and greets the boy. "Are you feeling well?". The boy looks at his palms and grabs it tighty, with a confident expression. "I am."

With a relieve look on the captain, he then face towards the healer and ask. "How long will it take for him to fully recover?"

The healer stares at the boy *I've never seen someone recovering so fast, this boy he's*

"About two weeks or less than that."

"Alright." Stands up and faces his head towards the kid, "Listen Kid, I'll be heading to find those bastards. As I said, I'll avenge your parents, you should tale care until then."

He then orders the servant "Look after him, he'll be staying here from now onwards"

Three hours before -

"Who could have dared to attack our country, Vampires? Witches? Elves? No...they won't, since they have been in peaceful terms with humans...then who...." As the Viscount keeps thinking about the ones behind the invade. Stain speaks up.

"My Lord, it could be Night Hunters, the way the village was destroyed. Its no doubt it's them."

"Even if it's true, why would they attack our Nation. Why would just some criminal organization dare attack one of the most powerful Nations. Stain find out who is supporting those organizations back and find their real purpose behind this incident, kill them all if they resist." Stain then heads to his mansion along with five elite soldiers.

After having chat with the kid, Stain went to his room. He takes out a sword from a box, and with a good stare at it. "It's still as sharp as ever!"

He silently leaves the place with several soldiers waiting for him near the gate.

The Viscount arrives to the house, and starts looking right away for the boy.

"Who are you?" The boy seemed cautious as the guy next to him had a very strong aura

"I'm the Viscount, nice to meet you"

He observes the kid and keeps looking him for a while. "Your so young, I can't believe about the rumours that you were able to release such an immense aura"

The kid stares at him.

"You'll easily become a monster rookie, if you were to join the Young Academy.

Young Academy, it is one of the top academies in the entire nation and the only one that could stand up against neighbouring's top academies.

The kid keeps staring at him, for a while.

"Your aura, your presence. Your a complete monster yourself, Viscount!"

"Hey, watch your tone kid!" one of knights speaks up

The Viscount starts laughing lightly 'haha'.

"I like you kid, it was worth coming here. Not everyone can sense my aura, only a very few can....haha, I'm impressed by your sensing ability." The Viscount seemed more and more curious about the kid.

"I refuse"


"I don't plan on wasting my time going to some academies"

*I'd rather train everyday, every single moment and become stronger, strong enough to defeat those bastards. I don't have time to waste in some academy stuff*

The Viscount smiles. "I see....."

*He plans on killing those bastards all by himself? interesting...*

"So you still plan on getting your revenge against those bastards, but at this rate you'd ju-"

The kid looks in a scary way "isn't it obvious? I'll kill all of them"

"Kid, do you know? There are monsters just like you in the academy. Don't you think it'll be more convenient for you to know your current limits and train there instead, rather than practicing all by yourself?"

"It's still not worth spending my time!"

The Viscount can't stop his excitement, and smiles like some kind of scary villian.

"There is one thing that may suit your interest, I know who you really are, your past!"

Suddenly! A strong sound of explosion moved the entire mansion.

"An attack? Who would dare? Don't tell me? Night Hunters?"

End of first chapter :)

Hope you enjoy :)

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