
Prison Break and Weird Monsters!

Hugo retrieved his bike quickly and went back home, just like he planned. But the world didn't follow the plans of humans or monsters.

On the way back home, he had to pass by a large prison; it was a bloody ass coincidence. But the moment he passed by the prison, a huge explosion resounded from the side of the prison.

In a moment of temporary distraction, his hovercycle swerved off the road a little, even almost crashing into oncoming traffic, but Hugo's superb control of his muscles quickly fixed that fault by tilting the bike to the side a little.

"Dammit, what the hell was that?!"

He found a relatively quiet spot to park his hovercycle and took off his helmet, silently staring at the chaos unwinding at the point of explosion.

'I'm a Skydancer, it's my duty to apprehend any escaping criminals and protect the citizens!' he thought to himself a little self righteously—he couldn't help it after all; that was his nature.

And it also seemed like the Association had gotten wind of the events happening on this unassuming street. He pulled out his communicator just as the notification alert sounded.

{Skydancers Association: To all Skydancers in the vicinity of the Theta Region Awakened Penitentiary, please head there to recapture the escaping criminals and relieve the citizens. Thank you}

The message was short and straight to the point. So in other words, all he had to do was kick those prisoners' asses into their jail cells again.

'I don't even need my full strength for this!'

His scarf fluttered slightly in the emerging breeze.

"Huh? Breeze, that can't be possible. Could it be?..."


A blade of concentrated wind flew out of the gaping hole of the prison wall, slicing a bit of hair off the top of Hugo's head.

"The next shot won't miss!" The shadow emerging from the dust yelled out loud, but he continued, "Now tell me, kid, who are you and what year is this?"

His tone was frightening and a bunch of mini wind blades formed at the top of his palm. But Hugo wasn't scared one bit, and he just answered as calmly as he could.

"It's the year 2144 and I'm just a normal guy trying to cope with his curse."

The man was visibly confused and didn't mince words with Hugo.

"What the f*ck are you saying?!"

However, Hugo just said calmly: "Words."

A storm of black particles erupted around his body and harden to form into a familiar weapon. The long sword shone with a murderous gleam after not being used for weeks since that day.

"Shiloh, we can go wild just this once today."

The shadow stepped back a bit, seeing as he wasn't a weak opponent. It was also at this moment that the dust fully settled, making his features clear to everyone in the area.

It was a matchstick thin man, he was lucky. If he didn't have control of the wind, he would be blown down by it at any given time.

"State your name!"

Unlike Hugo, the criminal felt quite eager to say his name.

"Well, I guess I can tell you." The man shrugged a little, but it was clear that he was very excited to reveal his status to the public.

"My real name isn't really necessary, so I'll tell you one of my more well-known names—The world knows me as the man with a kill count of over two hundred people, evader of the law for five years and one of the few men in the world to have control of a natural element; Wind demon!"

His words garnered reactions from the more aged (older) crowd, who'd only realized the threat of this eccentric figure. They panicked frantically, some even going as far as to abandon their cars just to escape the range of this soon-to-come fight.

This eased Hugo's job a little since there was no need to yell for evacuation. But there was still a big white hole within the issue.

"Who the hell is wind demon?!"

He didn't hesitate to hide his thoughts, and since the civilians were gone he could unleash his more volatile side which he normally only displayed with close friends... or grave enemies.

"W-who the hell is wind demon? Are you joking with me, kid?" The man laughed out loud briefly but his eyes turned sharp a second after.

"No, I'm not. When were you jailed, maybe that can give me some clues?"

Hugo wasn't really interested in this, but Black Knight was just using this as an avenue to allow stragglers to escape, but wind demon didn't seem to realize it or he just didn't care enough to take action.

"They prolly jailed me way back before you were born. It was around 2120—the great criminal era. If you were born sometime after that, then it would make sense that you wouldn't know me."

Hugo nodded quietly, as he was born in 2127; just 7 years after this so-called wind demon was jailed.

The thin man got out of his thoughts and gathered clumps of wind on his palm.

"Well, we've gotten that out of the way now, so, lemme kill you and make my grand reappearance onto the world stage!"

It was when the two faced off that Hugo realized the gaping hole in this man's actions.

'Wait, something is wrong. An enormous hole was blasted in the side of the most dangerous prison in Allegro and only one man came out, how is that even possible, how can he even use his powers when those cuffs and chains were attached? And more importantly, why is he still alive?'

'Such a high-profile criminal should have been put on death row immediately he reached the prison. Why is he still alive 24 years later?'


At that moment, Hugo took a good look at "wind demon's body" and saw tons of dim green coloured particles floating in and out of his.

"So you've finally realized, haven't you?"

The weird green particles that were using wind demon's body to speak flew out slowly and formed into some sort of abominable creature.

It had a slender green body with several bone shards jutting out of its skin, and a green bone mask covered its face and whatever hideousness lay under.

Besides these unnatural features, its body was covered in multiple blisters and boils that pooped at any moment. It also emitted some guttural sounds that had an uncanny resemblance to coughing.

"What the hell is that thing?"

As I said, the main villains do be appearing from now on.

Purple_Midnightcreators' thoughts