


Dragonfire099 · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Today is another hot day in Raque( just like every day) but for the kids, at the age of 15, it is something far more important. Today is the Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony, as a result, we can see a couple of dozen kids in front of the grimoire tower waiting for the Ceremony to begin.

"Aevus are you excited today?" Says a plump teen.

" Of course Hamord, i had always wanted a grimoire," Says a handsome child that has white hair with silver eyes.

" A yes you always wanted to become a powerful magic knight," Says Hamord who is also an orphan and a friend of Aevus.

" Unlike you who only likes to eat and have fun" Responds Aevus with a little mockery in his voice.

" Give me a break you know i don't care about such things, i only want to live a quiet and peaceful life with a couple of wives," Says the fatty.

" Yeah right good luck with that"

Just as they were about to continue to talk an aged woman comes in front of the group of teens and says.

"Everyone please be quiet and remember what i say" she stops for a couple of seconds and continues.

" Today is the day you will all get your Grimoire, I hope that you will use your magic for a good purpose and that you will strive to be the best,

Now lets the ceremony begin"

As the woman finished her words a couple of dozen books started to fly around searching for their host.

Just as everyone had their grimoires a bright silver light takes place in the tower.

That light originates from the middle of the tower, where we can see Aevus with a 4-leaf book in his hand.

The book had a clock on the cover while a 4-leaf clover was in the middle of it, the book had a silver and golden color around it.

As everyone is shocked that someone got a 4-leaf book, Aevus opens the book and sees a clock inside it, that was also made out of gold and silver. Aevus feels a certain feeling inside of him when he sees his grimoire, he feels like the book has connected to him like it has become another arm for him. While Aevus tries to understand that feeling he hears someone talking to him.

"What is your name young man?" Says the aged woman.

" Aevus Chegar senior"

" Very well Aevus i expect big things from you now that you have a 4-leaf grimoire"

" Of course my dream is to reach the peak of the magic world"

" Good," Says the aged woman she stops for a second so that the kids around her will stop talking about the 4-leaf grimoire to each other and continues.

" Everyone now that you have all taken your grimoire you are free to go back to your home" When she says that, she leaves.

" Fatty let's go," Says Aevus.

" Yes"

While walking back to the orphanage the two kids are talking to each other.

" So Hamord what grimoire did you get" Says Aevus.

" Well my grimoire in a normal 3-leaf that allows me to control my food-magic," Says Hamord with a proud tone.

Both of them stay silent for a second before Hamord says.

" Are you going to the Magic Knights Entrance in 6 months?"

" Yes but i will leave our home in 3 days," Says Aevus in a sad tone.

" WHAT why you still have 6 MONTHS," Says Hamord in a loud voice.

" My master told me to go with him so he can teach me more about the capital, in the past years he only taught about magic or the world around us, he didn't tell me about the capital or how the noble houses work, so he decided it would be good for me to go to the capital and slowly learn about them."

" I see... do the others know of this?" Asks Hamord in a sad voice.

" No i didn't know how to tell them before but this time i will tell them."Says Aevus.

" I haven't asked before but know i believe is the right time, how strong are you?" Says the fatty

" Well before i had my grimoire i would say i had the power of a Junior Magic Knight but now, i don't really know to say the truth.

With the grimoire, i can now control my mana much better and with the training i had before i should have the power of an Intermediate Magic Knight"

" THIS. IS. SO. OVERPOWERED" Says the fatty in a shocked voice.

" Yea haha my time magic is a little too strong." Says Aevus but thinks to himself ' What if i told him that with the grimoire and mana zone i have the strength of a Senior Magic Knight'.

" Ok fatty we are about to reach our home lets stop this talk since i want to ready myself for when i am going to tell them."

" Sure"


After Aevus told them about him leaving in 3 days you can guess what happened. The father and the sister were a little mad since he didn't tell them about it, but they were expecting it so it wasn't such a big surprise, as for the kids they were extremely sad but after a couple of hours the returned to normal again.

Aevus these past days, only played with his younger siblings or helped the father and the sister, but all good things end since today is the day Aevus goes to the capital.

" Aevus it has been many months since i last saw you, you grew taller again." Says a man that has fluffy hair and wear fancy clothes and a cape.

" Indeed it's been a while Cob," says Aevus.

" I am here to take to the capital where you shall see your teacher, master Julius," Says Cob.

" Ok let say my goodbyes and we can leave"


Aevus looks back and sees his family.

" Everyone, i don't really know how to say this but i am going to miss all of you" Aevus stops for a second and then continues" Father, Sister thank you for being there for me, i will try to send back the money that i make from being a magic knight so you don't have to worry about money, as for you little ones, (looks at his younger siblings at the orphanage) if you need anything just tell me and i will help you and fatty remember if you need any help with your little bakery that you are planning on opening just tell, ok?" Says Aevus with a lot of emotions in his eyes while saying goodbye to his family.

" Aevus you have grown to be a handsome and strong young man, you don't have to worry about us, just go and follow your dream." says the sister.

"We are proud of you Aevus" Says the Father.

Everyone else nods at her words while the young one have red eyes.

" Very well everyone, i will come when i have time to see you all" Aevus stops for a second while looking at them and then looks at Cob and says

" Cob lets go to the capital"

Next chapter i will write more about his abilities and what he learned in his younger years.

(By the way, if i made some mistake or i wrote something that doesn't make sense please inform me in the comments)

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