


Dragonfire099 · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Raque is always hot and is used as a popular resort area for the nobles and magic knights due to the huge amount of mana in the area, the beach is always full with many people while the streets have shops, restaurants, and tourist attractions.

In a small but beautiful park close to the outskirts of the city you can see a little child by the age of 6 training while an aged lady is watching over him and helps him.

The little child has white hair with silver eyes and a cute face, while the old lady had a red cloak over her body, so you can see only her aged face.

"Aevus take a break, you are still too young to train for more than 1 hour a day" says the old lady while sighing.

"But grandma mary how am i going to become the strongest magic knight if i don't have a strong body"

'sighs this child'

"Fine, even if i tell you to stop training, you are not going to listen" Grandma mary says, after 1 second she continues.

" Listen carefully Aevus when you become 12 years old the Magic King will come and take you as his student since your magic attribute is the same as his. He will teach you how to control your time magic, while at the same time training you to achieve your dream"

Aevus was dumbfounded when he heard her say that.

"How do you know that THE MAGIC KING will take me as his student?"

"I have my have ways little Aevus hahaha"

"wait a second you said that the magic emperor has the same attribute as me?" Aevus looks at her with a little confusion as he continues "So does that mean he can use time-magic like me?"

"Of course the Magic Emperor in currently the only known magic knight who has time-magic " answers grandma mary while looking at Aevus with a little smile.

"AMAZING, i have the same magic as the Magic King," says Aevus with stars in his eyes.

"Very well let's go back to the orphanage Aevus i have something to tell when we are close to it"

"Why don't you tell here?" Asked Aevus with curiosity in his voice.

"That's because i want to say something to the boss of the orphanage and i want you to hear it" Said grandma Mary.

While taking Aevus back to the orphanage grandma Mery (or the Magic King Julius Novachrono in disguise)thought to himself 'Aevus has a huge amount of mana, amazing talent in controlling his magic, magic that has huge potential and a good character, i truly wish to see how strong he will become when he gets his Grimoire' if someone takes a good look at the old lady the may see stars in her eyes.

About 50 meters away from the orphanage the magic emperor in disguise stops Aevus and tells him.

"Aevus don't tell anyone what i told you today, ok?"

"Why grandma?" Aevus looks at her with a suspicious look.

"Because some people might become jealous of you becoming a student of the magic emperor, so until the Magic King personally says that you will become his student, tell no one," says the disguised Magic King with a serious voice and face.

"Ok i understand grandma"

"Good, by the way, i have to tell you 2 more things, first start practicing your time magic, currently you can only speed up your body a little which is only the tip of an iceberg compared to the powers of the magic emperor"grandma mary stops for a second" as for the second one i have to leave little Aevus"

Aevus looks at her with a sad face and tears were about to fall "Why??"

"Don't worry i won't leave you forever, i just have to leave to take care of some things back in my place, by the time you meet the Magic King you will also see me again" Grandma mary stop for a second before continuing "Remember what i said before and you will do fine Aevus" the Magic King pat his head"Now let take you back to the orphanage for one more time"

"Don't worry grandma i will make you proud" mutters Aevus after a few seconds.


After that goodbye, Aevus kept his promise to grandma mary, he trained for 1 hour at most, and every year he added 1 more hour till the age of 9. Now that he is 9 years old Aevus decided that he should put more time into socializing with more people his age and going to the library to study more about magic and the world that he lives in.

Aevus Chegar had been an orphan his entire life, his mother lost her life during his birth while his father died after a month due to an accident while working.

His father was an accomplished merchant while his mother was the last member of a noble house, as a result, he had a good inheritance but he could only use it when he gains his grimoire at the age of 15.

Aevus was always a quiet child and always helped at the orphanage, at a young age he showed a high intellect and a calm personality the only problem he had was his magic. Aevus has time-magic but because it is an extremely demanding magic he had a hard time controlling so in order to not hurt the kids from the orphanage he always was at least 3 meters away since that was his current maximum range.


INSIDE THE MAGIC KING OFFICE(2 days after the Magic king left Aevus)

Here you can see the Magic King with a very happy expression while two people are in front of him.

"William, Yami you should be wondering why i called you here"

William is a 26-year-old man with an average height and a lean build. He has purple eyes and short white hair. William wears a helmet that also functions as a mask that obscures the upper half of his face.

While Yami is a tall man with a very muscular build. He has grey eyes and black hair of medium length that is messily combed backward, making it stick outwards. Additionally, he sports a stubble mustache and beard.

Both of them are magic captains of their own squads and powerful Magic Knights.

"Well Julius from that happy expression on your face i suspect that something good has happened," Says Yami with a cigar at his mouth while William just stays quiet.

"Indeed i am very happy," says the Magic King" About a year ago i found a child with a VERY powerful and interesting magic"The Magic King stops for a second and continuous" He has time-magic just like me" Both captains are shocked by his magic.

" Yo Julius, can i take to my black bulls?"

" He should be given to my squad Master Julius," Says both William and Yami at the same time.

"Relax he is still 6 years old, i plan on letting him enjoy his childhood and when he becomes 12 years old i shall take him as my student," Says the Magic king.

" Well when he gets his grimoire give him to mine squad i only have 2 members right now," says Yami.

"My squad would be much better than Yamis Master Julius please give him to my squad' Says William.

" NANI my squad is ten times better than your little golden dawn," Says Yami.

"You only have 2 knights in your squad Yami... wait you only have 1 since your vice-captain left," Says William, with sarcasm in his voice. .

Just as the captains were about to have a friendly fight the Magic King stops them and says" Aevus will make his own choice when the time is right"

Both of the captains stop and nod their head.

"Very well now that both of you have calmed down let's continue our official business" Says the Magic King.

If i did some mistake pls say in the comment section

(Aevus the mc will be in the same age as Asta and Yuno but he will rarely be with them before the Eye of the Midnight Sun arc)

Dragonfire099creators' thoughts