
Ch.9 First Mission: Saussy Village

'.....' (Character's thoughts)

"....." (Speech)

[…..] (Voice Transmission)

{.....} (Spell Names)

<…. > (Telepathic Communication)

"Like I said, we're going to put you in the field, you're going on your first mission." Magna said to Noelle Asta and I

I already knew what was going to happen on this mission, but I have no idea where Saussy Village is, nor do I know when they will actually be attacked.

"So what'll we be doing there?" I asked.

"We're going to go to Saussy Village and go Boar Hunting!!" Magna said.

Noelle and Asta weren't super enthusiastic of the mission at first, but after some "helpful" advice from Captain Yami, they agreed.

As we were leaving though, Asta and Noelle explained that they can't fly on a broom. Magna was upset at first because he thought he was going to have to carry both of them, but Ranto came in with a solution.

"You don't have to worry Magna, I can cast flight magic on them, it'll last for 5 hours at a time so I can always reapply the spell before it ends." I explained

"Are you sure you have the magic power for that?" Magna asked worriedly.

"That's the great thing about my spell, the way I learned it, the spell uses the ambient mana in the air to work as a sort of battery and I only need to charge the battery when it gets drained and that takes a negligible amount of mana." I explained to the shock of Magna and Noelle as they knew how powerful a spell that uses natural mana is.

'That is actually all bullshit. I don't have a spell like that, I am just going to cast the spell using my ability. As I only need to activate the spell once and it will remain active until I myself deactivate it.'

"Alright then, let's get ready. It's time to meet my baby." Magna said.

"Here it is. Introducing, Crazy Cyclone!!" Magna said excited as he showed us his broom.

I didn't have my own broom yet, so I just cast the requires spells for myself and Asta and Noelle.

"{Storm Magic: Wind Wings} "

"{Storm Magic: Flight} "

At that moment Asta, Noelle and I floated into the sky and I was slow and controlled, Asta was slightly choppy as he had done it before, and Noelle was very shakey. Magna had me give them a couple minutes to get used to flying and then we were off.

Magna wasn't surprised by how fast I was without a broom, but was surprised that the flight spell I cast had a just as fast flight speed.

We were off and after stopping at a few intervals so we could "recharge" we had arrived in the area of the boars. Fighting the boars was a lot harder than Asta thought and try as she might, Noelle couldn't hit them. Magna and I were killing them very easily. By the time we were heading to the village, we had over two times what they had in the anime, but that was mostly because I could use my magic to hold more boars than the rest could carry and I was carrying about 4 boars without my magic.

We eventually made to a hill overlooking Saussy Village and we could see it was covered with some kind of barrier. Magna got very anxious and we dropped the boars and rushed closer to the entrance of the village. We found the the barrier was made from a magic mist that would cause us to get lost before getting to the town square where we could find the villagers.

"A spell that can cover an entire village. A spell this powerful didn't come from a villager, and it sure as hell ain't Seihi's that's for sure. Something bad happened here."Magna explained anxiously.

Magna then suggested that Asta cut through the magic mist so we could get through, Asta was confused at first, but eventually understood what Magna was asking and he sliced our way through the fog and being directed by Magna, reached the village square in no time. When we got there, we saw all the villages huddled up in the square and there were icicles hovering above their heads. Off to the side was a group of mages with bluish white cloaks and the one who seemed to be their leader, a taller guy with a scar gave them orders to kill the villagers.

As the icicles were falling down to pierce the villagers, a multitude of wind daggers were attacking the icicles and creating a wind explosion with each that even pushed other icicles away.

Magna then walked into the center of the group of villagers, and some of the villagers recognized him. Magna then found a young kid.

"Hey Nick, what heck's going on here?" Magna asked but then saw Nick's crying face.

Magna then looked over to where a bunch of villagers were gathered and he saw the dead body of his father figure Seihi that he told us about on our way here. Magna stood up and looked at the group of mages.

"Are you the one who's responsible?!?!" Magna asked the leader of the group of mages in rage.

"You're messing with my schedule, I don't appreciate that. In the next 10 seconds, everyone here will die." He said as he conjured a large glacier sized piece of ice and launched it at the group.

I could've stopped it easily, but Asta was already on it. He jumped up and slashed his blade through the attack canceling it out.

"Think Again!" Asta said as he glared at the group.

"I agree with my brother here, you'd best rethink your strategy here, cuz no one else is dying on my watch."

As I was saying that, I had created tens of wind golems and lightning guardians and I myself had sparks of lightning coming off of me and my wind blade I had created. I then looked at Magna and the others.

"Leave these bastards to me, just protect the villagers." I said calmly.

The group in question was already shocked at me creating multiple creatures with creation magic, and the fact that the creation magic was of two different attributes, made them worried.

Magna and Asta looked like they wanted to say something, but Noelle beat them to it.

"Are you crazy, it's too dangerous!!" She screamed.

"I'll be fine, if I need help, I'll let you know."

"Hmph, the Black Bulls, the roughest, most undisciplined, most herretical of all the Magic Knight Squads. Dealing with this riffraff would be a waste of valuable time. Now we'll dispose of these villagers in a manner that befits their station.Then we will find what we came for." The enemy leader said.

"You really think you can ignore us?!?!" Asta yelled as he charged at the enemy mage.

One of the mages beside the enemy leader used his magic.

"{Mist Magic: Shroud: Illusionary Mist}"

Asta continued to run in without a care despite the spell used against him.

"If you think we will allow you to reach Master Heath, then you are a fool." The Mist Mage said.


Asta cut through the Mist Mage's spell easily.

The enemy leader got up after Asta destroyed the mist magic and Asta demanded to know why they tried to kill the villagers. The enemy mage explained the three realms of the kingdom and how Saussy village was in the forsaken realm and that the inhabitants were not better than beasts without access to tools and he said he wanted to do away with the villagers simply because they were useless beasts that would waste his time.

Those words really pissed Asta off. And he gripped his sword tighter and held it in front of him as he responded.

"You may think they're nothing but useless beasts, but I'll do whatever I have to to protect them!!" Asta said with conviction.

"Interesting, you really care for these pathetic animals?" Heath said as he created more icicles aimed at the villagers.

"I'll send that ice right back to....." Asta was interrupted by the Mist mages releasing their magic at the same time.

Mist started to fill up the area in a dome around the group and tens of icicles started forming from everywhere the mist was.

"{Ice and Mist Compound Magic: Endless Ice Cage}"

"Do you still belive you can protect your herd of beasts like this?" Heath asked smugly.

The whole group had looks of trepidation.

"I have never been a fan of doing things "slowly but surely" but I think in this case I can make an exception." Heath said as he started sending the icicles at the villagers.

The Wind Golems and Lightning Guardians did a good job of protecting the majority, but there were just too many for them all to block and some villagers got hurt.

I walked back from the front after sending out a couple hundred Wind Crescent Slashes, and went into the middle of the villagers.

"{Storm Magic:Healing Wind Aura}"

This was an improved version of Yuno's Healing wind as it has the same effect as it does on an individual, but now it can heal a group. Waves of green wind came out and encompassed the villagers and their wounds started healing at a visible rate.

The same scene repeated itself again at which time I looked at the enemy mage named Heath.

"We'll be at this all day." I said jokingly before I moved away from the villagers and sent another spell at the mages.

"{Storm Magic:Rising Maelstrom}"

This sent a large tornado at the group of mages and disrupted the casting of their Endless Ice Cage Spell even if it was only for a moment.

I tried to be more proactive and walked back near the front with Asta and Magna and I turned to look at Noelle.

"Noelle, I am trusting you to protect the villagers, I am going to try and end this." I said to Noelle before turning to the guys.

"Asta, Magna, it may get harder for you for a while" I said as I had my Golems and Knight Guardians move over to attack the mages.

This move did cause the mages to have to redirect their ice spell a little toward my creatures. But there were still villagers getting injured and Noelle wasn't doing anything.

(Noelle POV)

("Noelle, I am trusting you to protect the villagers, I am going to try and end this.")

'He is trusting me? But I'm useless, all I'm doing is being a burden to the three of them, I don't even need to be here. That's right I'll just leave, that way they won't have to worr....' My thoughts were interrupted by a young village girl grabbing my dress.

"Please miss Magic Knight, help us. We need you." The girl said while crying.

'This little girl is looking me in the eye and begging for help.I have to protect her!!'

I just had this thought, when my grimoire started to glow and flip to an empty page and inscribe words on the page.

'Huh? A new spell?' I thought while seeing what my grimoire was doing.'

'I won't run, Never!!'

"I will protect them, I am Royalty. What's more, I am a member of the Black Bulls!!"

(Normal POV)

'Heh, it's about time Noelle, now I can let loose a bit.'