
Black Catt

They caressed each other's faces. Ti kissed another tear from her cheeks. Narges bit his lips. "You're so deep… and so so so big… it feels like something inside me is going to snap…" Cat got down on her knees, put her head between two pairs of legs, and started to lick all around Narges' pussy… licked the stretched opening. Licked Ti's cock, almost white from being squeezed too hard. Licked the sweat off his balls. Her tongue is gentle and playful, teasing and soft. Did she lick up some blood? I couldn't see… but if she did, I would love to taste Nana's virgin blood… Ti and Narges were lost in their kiss. I had to stop jerking my cock because this was all too hot - and I didn't want to blow my load on myself. "I love you." "I love you."

Fredrick_Udele · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
36 Chs


Cat came back, a big plate of fruits and nuts, arranged in circles, mixed with peppermint leaves.

"This looks delicious, Kitty". Damn. Cat. Not Kitty.

"Thank you, Daddy!" Ugh. And this was all going so well…

Narges, with raised eyebrows: "Daddy?"

"It's a term of endearment. It is also sexy as fuck"


"Oh come on. Have a nut."

"Thank you. I don't like it when you use language like this."

"Nana, I really don't want to offend you. But I've known you long enough to know that you have… questions. And if I don't push you out of your little veiled shell…"

"It's not a veil, Cath…"

"...you'll sit here all day, bottled up and not asking what you want to know."

Today I learned: even with Narges, it is possible to have the last word.

"So here's my offer: you ask anything you want to know. Anything. And we will answer honestly. No judgment. Well, not from us anyway."

Cat winked at Narges. Narges looked profoundly uncomfortable. Cat knew her much better than I did - I didn't know her at all. But this felt like a mistake.


"Take a nut. Ask one question. One real question."

Silence. But Narges did take a walnut from the plate. Put it between her lips. Chewed. Swallowed.

"Have you two been… intimate?"

"Yes. Depending on how you count, 2 to 6 times since yesterday"

"I see. This is a lot."

"You betcha!"

Cat snuggled up to me, pulled her feet up on the couch.

"You are not a virgin anymore?"

"No, I handed in my card last night. Around 10."


"Yes, it was very good". Cat nudged Narges' arm with her naked foot.


"New rule: stop saying 'Catherine!' every time I tell you the truth."

"That's not it. I meant it is good that you lost it with someone you care about." Pause. "And if it was… good… then it is…"



"Great talk". Another nudge with her foot.

"Can I ask you a question now? I swear, nothing will trigger you."

"Yes, Catherine."

"Are you a virgin?"

"Glad it's not a trigger question." Narges sighed. "Yes, I am a virgin. No, I don't think a man has the right to decide when I will stop being a virgin. No, I don't think I have to be a virgin when I marry. If I marry. But I do think that it is special and I will only give it to… someone special."

Me: "Nana, if I may…?"

"Yes, of course, Dan. Just don't ask me to call you Daddy!"

There was that smile again. Cat saw it, too. She looked up at me, moved her eyes back to Narges.

"I agree with you. This is your decision. But how does this… like… jive with your religion?"

"I'm Muslim. But I'm not devout. Allah gave me a head to think for myself. The Quran is not an instruction manual. If you want to be devout, ask my sister.

And before you ask: I'm not wearing this dress because of my religion. Women in Afghanistan don't wear dresses like this. They do have to cover up, but it's different. Maybe you have seen it."

I nodded.

"But I feel safe in it. When I came to America, the first thing I saw was some… lady… with her breasts almost falling out of her top and a very ugly painting on her lower back. I understand this is an acceptable look here. I prefer mine. I chose it. Not because of religion, not out of tradition. But from an online store. I like it. If Allah happens to agree, so be it."

"Thank you for your honesty. Again."

"You're welcome — Daddy." Not a wink, she just closed both eyes and opened them again.

Cat, in her little girl voice: "Oh, you homewrecker! He's my Daddy!"

"Catherine, you are not the only one who can mess with people."

Cat looked at me, again with her mock outrage, her mouth a big O.

"I apologize, Dan."

"No worries. Messing with cats is fun."

"Then let's see when you can 'mess' with me the next time, Mister!"

Cat got up and walked away.

"Cat… hey… it was a…"

Cat turned around. "Gotcha!"

And just dove back onto the sofa, on top of me, into my arms, and kissed me.

"What do you Americans say? 'Get a room'?"

"We have a room and you're sitting in it."

"I can leave if the two of you need some… privacy."

"...aaaaand I can still mess with you, you lovely emperor penguin."

This was the first time Narges laughed. Really laughed. Her whole face lit up.

Cat sat up, leaned over to Narges, hugged her.

"I'm serious, Catherine. I can give the two of you some space. I know… no, I can imagine… no, I believe new love needs… room to grow."

Cat put her head on Narges' shoulder.

"We do have a hard time keeping our hands off each other. Right, Daddy?"

"Uhm… since we agreed on honesty here: yes, I can say for myself, I do have a hard time."

"So, Nana… look at me…" Narges looked at Cat, a bit of the stern expression was back.

"I'm also serious, Nana. Dan and I will make love at some point. And if you want, you can stay. And watch."

Time stood still. Narges' face was a big question mark. Cat smiled, tilted her head. I just sat there because there was nothing to say or do. The ball was in the court.

"No, Catherine", Narges said softly. "I couldn't. This is between the two of you. And you shouldn't offer such things. It's not becoming of you."

Cat turned to me: "Notice how she didn't say she doesn't want to?"

I tensed up. Shook my head at her. Don't.

"Catherine! I will leave. This is no longer funny!"

"And I wasn't joking. Full honesty: I know what stories you read."

Narges turned red… with embarrassment or anger?

"I didn't spy. I really didn't. You left your laptop open when the Evil Queen messed with you after swimming lessons."

Me, confused: "Evil Queen?"

"Shhhh, hold that thought…"

"I'm sorry you had to see this, Catherine. But it was still private. You shouldn't have looked."

"I'm sorry. I thought it was your essay for it and… I was looking for… uhm… inspiration."

"And did you find inspiration?"

Narges looked at Cat, then at me. Her smile was back. Mischievous. Her skin tone returned to normal. Almost.

"Sure did… it was… unexpected."

"Please don't embarrass me any more, Catherine."

She looked at me.

"I will be honest because we shouldn't start our friendship with me telling half-truths. If you think less of me because of it, so be it."

"Nana, there is no reason for shame. I read… magazines… when I was your age, too. Everybody does it."

"Not in Afghanistan. Not in my family."

"Everybody here does it. And you are here."

"Not… stories like this…"

"Tell him what the story was about!"