
Black Blood Mage

Stealing mushrooms and drinking urine is the only way many in the underground and Demon-controlled city of Adonia know how to live. In such a world, how could anyone–much less a young boy no older than five-years-old–survive?

Smoogy · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Memories Part 2

As I found my balance, I got a rush of visions filling my head. They were all events that someone lived, and I think I know who.

"What was that?"

The dizziness and visions started going away, revealing a lot of truths I didn't know I needed.

"Those were your memories. You went through some sort of trauma that locked those memories away somewhere. I just helped pull them out. It seemed a little strong, though. Next time, I'll have to…"

As Kreechur trailed off, making another concoction off in another corner of the room, leaving me to contemplate my memories.

It seems Kreechur was right. The drink was strong. So strong that I even had memories from my birth. I'll try to keep those unremembered.

It seems that my parents were just like Alex: working jobs that paid well enough for us to live inside one of the buildings. They raised me well for the first few years of my life.

Then, Homeless Hell struck. That was the name for the month of time when Kreechur's men indiscriminately captured humans for his experiments. I had barely learned to walk at that point.

I had been barely surviving on the streets at that point, nearly dying too many times to count. And then Kreechur got to me too.

He had been saving up his human captives for the past month and was finally starting. I was his first subject. "Human Test Subject #0000" aka: Alpha.

The next big section of my memories was filled with my younger self fading in and out of consciousness as Kreechur subjected me to terrible experiments every day, not even glancing at the other humans he had captured.

The pain in my memories was enough for even my present self to cringe, but the worst was yet to come. He imported a "special" product from the Capital: a Royal Demon heart and Royal Demon blood, implanting both in my body.

The pain from then on was unbearable, nearly leading me to death. I don't think I could survive that pain again.

Finally, it was over.

The next part of my memories was mostly happy, when I was living with Alex. Unfortunately, I was subjected to more torture soon after by the Beastmen, and the rest leads me to the present.

It was a lot to take in all at once. Kreechur was the cause for my parents' deaths, and the cause of my initial memory loss, and Donovan's people tortured me. Alex was the only one that seemed to really care about me. But what can I do?

I can't return to St. Donovan because they all dislike me there–even after my contribution during the battle.

I can't return to Adonia because my job has probably already been passed to someone else, and if Kreechur wants to, he can get the Demon guards to just bring me back. For now, my best option is to stay here and get strong enough to kill Kreechur, but I don't know where I'll go after that. I've lost everything, despite getting all of my memories back.

A sudden flash of light woke me from my stupor. Looking over, Kreechur was somehow emitting streams of light from his hands into some sort of crystal.