
Chapter 7• Companionship

Last Chapter:

"If you let me, I'm willing to guide you and be your light in the darkness."

Chapter 7• Companionship

After hearing what the boy said to her, she knew right at that moment...

She had to trust him.

No one, not even Suzy, not even her mother, had said this to her. And that meant a lot to her. After losing her eye sight, she expected to be blind forever, until Jimin had 'volunteered' to help her see the world.

"Really?" She asked Jimin while lifting her head up, still unsure even though she trusts him. "I promise you that I won't let you down." Jimin said through his smile, his eyes formed into a single line.

Byeol's eyes began filling up with tears of gratefulness. The boy who was smiling immediately frowned once he saw the tears. "Are you crying? Y-yah! Don't cry! You're going to make me feel bad." Jimin said while wiping her tears away.

"N-no, I'm fine. I'm probably just overreacting, that's all." She said sniffling, her voice cracking from time to time. Jimin then sighed. Silence took over the carriage, only the girl's sniffling could be heard.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Jimin looked at Byeol, confused. "What do you mean?" He asked her without hesitation, oblivious of what the girl meant. "The view. Is it just like the view in the movies?"

Jimin looked out of the carriage out of curiosity. Lights of the buildings in the city shone in his eyes, lighting up the dark and cold night. "If you refer to the scenery in movies, do you mean the city lights shining like stars in the night sky?"

The girl nodded, agreeing while imagining the sight. "Yea, it's beautiful." Jimin stated in awe, looking back at the girl. At the same time, the ride started slowing down, indicating that the slow ride was ending. "Come on." Jimin said to Byeol helping her get off the ride.

13th March (Thursday), 9:30 PM

"Go in. It's getting late." Jimin dropped the younger girl off to her hospital room. "But-" "I'll come visit tomorrow, I promise." The boy said cutting her off, knowing that she can't bear being alone again.

"I'll be going now. Good night!" Jimin exclaimed while ruffling her hair. "Bye..." she mumbled but audible for Jimin to hear. His footsteps slowly faded away from the hospital room, indicating that he's gone for sure.

Byeol sighed and entered the room, doing her night routine before heading off to bed.

Jimin continued to visit the girl the following days, even though there wasn't anything special, but hey, the best support you can give is companionship.

The doctors and nurses of the hospital has become close to Jimin now, to the point that whenever he came, they knew he was there for Byeol. Byeol too, was living probably the best moments of her life.

—Two weeks later—

27th March (Thursday), 9 AM

Jimin POV

I am on my way to the hospital, of course, going to see Byeol, I even brought some video games to play with her! Today's going to be fun.

"Ring... ring... ring" my phone rang. Why is she calling again...

"Hello, eomma?"

"Jimin-ah! Where did you go this early in the morning?"

"Yah! Eomma mind your own business."

"Jimin-ah, when are you going to your dad's office? Even god won't let you dance anymore, come and help your dad at his office, and move back into our house on the way."

"Don't talk about dancing anymore! About the office... I'll think about it. Bye."

Aish! I don't even want to be what, a CEO? I'm not interested, I just want to keep dancing. Never mind, let's not think about it... I should go find Byeol, don't want to keep her waiting.

"Oh you're here! Byeol's very lucky to have a friend like you." A nurse passing by said to me smiling.

"I think she's still sleeping, I don't think I've never seen her sleep in this late before." She remarked.

"Really?" I asked her. Maybe I watched movies with her for a little too long last night.

"Yea, maybe you should go check on her, she may be awake by now." I bowed to her saying thank you then headed towards Byeol's room.

I opened the door gently.

"Byeol-ah?" Silence greeted me. She really is in deep slumber. I quietly went to sit on the chair next to the hospital bed. She's sleeping like a baby, I wonder what she's dreaming of right now?

I rested my chin on my palms with my elbows on my knees, me staring at the angelic girl, admiring her features. God must have been jealous of her beauty, so he took her eye sight away.

Wanting her to sleep for a bit more, I slowly got up and got out of the room, closed the door gently, scared that I will wake her up. Then I made my way to the activity room.

End of Jimin POV