
Birth of the Supreme Monster

Daniel finds himself dead and in something that is a secret chamber. A voice claims to fulfill his dream of becoming a ruler. He reincarnates in a different world which is mysteriously called Earth just like his previous world. He finds loyal friends and make his dream come true. Join him on this adventure of hardwork , adventure and solving mysteries. Sorry for trouble or slow upload as I am uploading from phone

Unknown_Diablo · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
20 Chs

The Transformation

I came down the slope and went to the forest after hearing trees falling. I hurried and finally got down.

(Damn this small body. It will take time to learn to control it.)

After reaching the bottom I heard something coming from the bushes.

(Ooh!!!!!. What the hell is that?)

A 'something' came out of the bushes with a long approx. 6 inches long horn with a rabbit like body and a dark red fur with eyes of a serial killer.

(Hey, what is that?)

No reply came just like keeper said. This thing rushed towards me as if it has seen me thousand times around its backyard and don't feel danger from me.

I quickly thought about what to do. As I was examining the situation, the 'thing' attacked me with something like a beam.

I managed to dodge the attack but was shocked to see a large hole on the back slope.

And instantly I remembered I also had skills.

So like the protagonist in classic novels do I also said to activate the skill and apparently due to my systems 'manage' skill it activated.

(Wind blade)

The wind Infront of me got accumulated and formed something like a blade. It looked very sharp.

Ultimately it hit the target without any fail. I thought I didn't have any accuracy or training about archery or target hitting but how and the conclusion came it was due to the system.

The rabbit like monster died because it got beheaded. And I got exp.


[Master has got 100 exp points.]

[Master has completed the threshold. Achievement"First kill" achieved. 100 SC has been added to the status.]

I was happy that achievement are so easy to get. I got coins so I will try buying so formula later.

Now I wanted to try my ability as a Plagome. So I wanted to try it now. I went near to the dead body. I tried so many times and my doubts were cleared.

These are doubts that were cleared:

a) I can only consume the DNA not the whole body(like a slime) to copy the body.

b) I can modify the DNA before using it.

c) I can copy the skills of the monster but the output will be weak just like the keeper said.

(So, I just have touch the body. Hmm, and something in my body sucks the DNA. Let's try it.)

I went and touched the dead body and I could feel something slippery flowing inside my body.

[The DNA of Magical Beast: Rabbit Bull has been acquired. Would master like to use it? or modify it?]

(Let's see. Modify it.)

[Beginning Modification Technique:

What would you like to modify?]

(Lets see. So, it had a disgusting dark red fur.

Modify fur colour.)

[Accessing the genes, which colour would you like to acquire?]

(Hmmm... White fur)

[Commencing modification.]

[..... Modification completed.]

[Would master like to transform into the Clone 1 ?]

(Clone 1? What is it?)

No reply came. In frustration I shouted in my mind.


A light enveloped me once again and I transformed into the monster that I killed accept the fur colour was white.

I went running to a nearby river and saw my beautiful fur. I transformed back hurriedly to see my own reflection.

My man I was just like a slime. But the difference was I had a transparent layer with a dark large core and my colour was dark blue.

Unlike a slime whose body is completely transparent. I was wondering something and.


I again heard trees falling and birds flying so I hurried to the centre of the forest.