
lake of vitality

I was currently walking through the streets of the city to find the holy demon merchant guild

sometimes ago when i talked a random merchant to buy my beast core

he got ready but after I showed him the beast

cores he said that his fortune will dry out to buy these cores

but he was an honest one so he told me to go to holy demon merchant guild

it is the biggest Pavilion in city

he told me that they would give me a fair price

now I am heading towards the holy demon guild

just as I was heading towards the guild

some old man stopped me

I would say he look like a beggar

and then the old man said

"boy you have a extraordinary destiny I can see it

in the future the nine heaven will trample under your feet"

than he gave me a locket

"keep it it will help you in future "

just as the old many was saying the nonsense

I was saying inside

"of course

what did you expect old man I am a transmigrated person

I have a cheat of course I will trample the nine heaven in future

but then the old man just disappeared

like he just never existed

well whatever I don't care

but then I looked at the locket he gave me

just then jiang warned me

master be careful I can sense a powerful aura inside that locket

woahh what the fuck!

jian: don't worry master I have sealed the entity for now

ok thank you.

10 minutes later

huhh finally!

I have I have arrived at holy demon merchant guild

man only by looking at the outside of the building I can tell the boss is as rich as fuck

and there are 2 guards at the 7th and 6th level of body refining respectively

guard at this level especially in lower district in big thing

as I entered i saw the inside

it is very big and the interior is only in golden colour

than I saw the cashier

I told him I want to sell beast cores and corpse

cashier xuan: 7 body refining1, 2 body refiing 9

you will get total of 473 gold

thank you , please come again

I am not going yet I want to buy some pill and herbs and also introductory alchemy book

Than a lady came to me and guided me to the main Hall of buying and selling with the help of my spirit eye that I got from jian

I could see through anything and the eye will also grow as I grow

I could see many excellent things but nothing caught my eyes but suddenly my caught three things

first a book it's appearance is shabby but I could sense a great amount of knowledge inside the book

and a lotus called "colourfull lotus of a decade" this lotus was very rare it only bloom every 10 years during the spring and the pill made with this lotus can help one break the martial emperor

after taking two items I walked forward to the receptionist

receptionist qin: 220 gold for colourfull lotus of a decade and 10 gold for the book

just as I was about to do the payment a voice ranged in my ears

?? : 300 gold for the lotus

qin: I am sorry customer, but this item has already been sold away you can choose any other item

chen clan elder's son :No I want this lotus only.

xue:Brother it would be better if you choose any other item, I have already bought this item

chen: shut up you low born, you have no right to talk to me. if you give this lotus to me right now than i will consider leaving you alive.

xue: Now you are going over the board brother.

I said to him with my cold eyes

chen: me going overboard do you know who I am I am chen jin. I am the son of chen clan great elder

just as he introduced himself he orderd his bodyguard to attack me who was at the 9th level of body refining

then the bodyguard released his yellow level 2 spirit

bodyguard: you insignificant creature

I will rip you apart

take this 'claw of the heavenly tiger '

as he attacked me but I caught the attack with

one hand

xue: hmph so much weak and you dared to attack me

then I released my 2nd level xiantian aura

throwed the guard to the wall

and the other guard and the young master stand remain terrified.

young master:how can this be, xiantian level at such young age!

jus! just! you wait I will get my revenge

then the young master with his guard ran away with their tail between their legs

hm! scaredy cat

I think now I should focus on reaaching martial highness

than establishing a sect

but right now I have to find a place to stay

and I am dead poor!

guess I will have to look out for that

(pov switch to two cannon fodder)

cf 1:have you head the competition for entrance for lake of emperor qi is open

all the competitors will get free food and luxorious place to stay from the city authority

cf 2: yeah! yeah! I heard about it, the exam will be conducted tommorow at 10 of morning

hoh! interesting

jiang tell me bout this lake of vitality

yes master,like it's name lake of vitality increase vitality by 10× times if you bath at it for one hour

and the effect will last for 2 hours

and since vitality is proprtional to cultivation speed

it will just give you 10× cultivation speed

xue:it will be quite a gain

just you wait I will dominate the competition