
947. Flaw

Iron Feathers felt confused when he saw that Noah wasn't inside the black cloud. However, that feeling only lasted for an instant since a dangerous sensation rose from the back of his mind and forced him to focus.

Iron Feathers turned as he followed the origin of that sensation and saw Noah charging at him. He wasn't using the Demonic Form because Elder Julia's spell wouldn't have been able to hide him otherwise, and he had even dispersed his other spells.

The Demonic Sword laid on his shoulder, and he kept his arms spread as he neared the cultivator of the Empire. Elder Julia's protection had lasted enough to get Noah close to the expert, but there were still fifty meters left to cross to reach him.

Noah could cross that distance in less than an instant, but Iron Feathers had all the time to control his defenses too. The few feathers remaining around his body and the two-winged birds around him pointed at Noah as they prepared themselves to attack.