
The Flesh Mound

Albie duct around the corpse pile as two musket balls whizzed passed him. He leaned against the rotting corpse pile. His left hand had sunken into the rib cage of a long dead body. Inside the chest was sticky and seemed to move on its own. The sound of hoof prints closing in on him beat in his ears. He pulled out his hand and in the dim light he saw the puss and swarm of maggots Crawling around his hand. A reek escaped the corpse pile churning Albie's exhausted stomach. The liquid in his lungs seemed to expand.

The young man felt his lungs stop working. He fell to his knees unable to breath. The maggots squirmed from his hands back to the corpses. Albie tried to cough but no air entered or left his throat. The pounding sounds of hoofprints slowed but the young man was too preoccupied with his choking to notice the rider stop nearby him. The pail mans face turned blue and tears filled his eyes as he clawed at his neck with a pus covered hand and a pistol.

The orange coat looked down on the dying man in the fancy cloak had taken a musket ball to the lungs while fleeing. It wouldn't take long for him to die if that was the case. He had disrupted a good party and if he died slowly so be it. At the same time, he had killed enough people in town to be cautious. He was loading his musket from horseback despite the weapon being meant for infantry. He had claimed the horse as spoils. It wasn't a war horse and he wasn't a calvary man. The orange coat didn't feel like dismounting and had more than a few glasses of pilfered liquor in him so was willing to risk the horse panicking. He finished loading the musket in time for the three men on foot to catch up. They had fixed bayonets and looked ready to stab the local to death. He reared his horse around and got ready to ride back to camp.

After an eternity something managed to climb out of Albie's lungs and stomach. He threw up a black tar and thin stomach acid onto the pile of corpses in front of him. The thick fluid seeped into the pile of bodies as the men surrounding him stepped back to avoid getting the foul liquid on their clothes.

The young mage gasped sucking in the foul air of the corpse pile. He choked again opening his eyes for to see the situation around him. The three orange coats were closing in and Albie didn't like what he came back to. The first man put a bayonet in his hip.

Albie screamed as the other men stabbed his stomach. After a moment he realized it didn't hurt as much as he thought it would. It was more the shock of getting stabbed than the pain. The men pulled their blades out and stabbed him again. It hurt him but compared to other pains he had experienced they were splinters. As the men made ready to stab him again, he began to laugh at them.

His laughing brought the stabbing to a stop. He was bleeding. He could feel his blood soak his clothes and cool in the night air. With his filthy left hand, he touched one of the worse wounds and began forming a blood stone from the blood escaping the wound.

"What so funny," said one of the men before clubbing him in the head with the butt of his musket.

Albie fell to his side still laughing hysterically a blood stone the size of his thumb in hand. The other men clubbed and stabbed him. He didn't know if they were bad at killing people or were cruel, but it was about to cost them. He sat upright despite the ringing in his ears. The men stabbed and hit him again. He stuffed the blood stone into the corpse pile and felt the flesh twist around his hand pulling the blood stone from his fingers.

The street squirmed underneath him. The orange coats paused and stepped back as every maggot tried to escape the pile of bodies. A carpet of squirming white worms crawled with all the speed they could to escape the know moving pile of bodies. Arms and legs once stiffened by death stretched out. A chorus of moans came out of the pile. The orange coats paled at the site. He grabbed the but of a musket and channeling moonlight for a bit of strength he pulled the orange coat into the range of the grasping hands of the pile.

Five dirty hands grabbed the man and pulled him in close. The man screamed and cried begging his fellows for help. Legs wrapped around him as he got in close and soon the man was disappearing into the pile of stinking bodies. The mound twisting and writhing around the man chewing him between the ribs and legs of the corpse pile. In seconds his screaming had joined the chorus of moans and the only sign of him was an orange sleeved arm reaching out of the pile grasping at thin air.

The two other solders screamed in horror as Albie got to his feet. His skin near transparent from blood loss. More men could be heard shouting from down the street. Smiling at his two remaining tormenters frozen in shock. He leveled his pistol and shot one of the men. His chest erupted as the lead ball ripped through the center of his orange coat. He fell to the floor and Albie limped over to him falling on his knees and placing his hand on the man's neck. He began to drain the life from the orange coat. The man began to shrivel as Albie's wounds healed.

Bang!!! Bang!!! Bang!!! Bang!!! Bang!!!

A volley of musket fire slammed into the moving pile of corpses. The last solder who had struck Albie stared bug eyed at the mage. The wounds he inflicted healed; his mates killed in horrific ways beyond his understanding. The mage saw something primal ignite in his eyes as he dropped his musket and ran into a nearby alley.

The pile of bodies continued to moan. As another volley of musket rounds splattered into the pile of rotting flesh.

"Kill them," ordered Albie running down the street. He turned a corner and looked back to see the lump of flesh slowly drag itself by arms and legs near its base in the direction of a line of solders reloading for another volley to fire into the approaching abomination. From this distance he could see the fear in the men's eyes as their guns proved ineffective.

Albie left the men to his creation as he walked back to the hospital. The pail lurker emerged from a nearby shadow. Blood splattered its pail face and long fingers. It had no face and could not smile but it seemed pleased with itself all the same.

"Have fun?" asked Albie.

Once again happy Tuesday. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Lot of excitement this time around. If you liked it let me know leave a comment or a rating. See you next week.

Zane_d_madcreators' thoughts