
Chapter 5- Forever trustworthy friends

Yori was lying on his hospital bed thinking something in his mind. His mother was sitting beside him watching a random YouTube video. His father was talking to the doctor about recent medical requirements. Actually, his father had a pharmaceutical based business where he supplied bandages, health kits and such medical stuff. Doesn't sound like an interesting job, but he used to earn quite a good amount by this. That was one of the reasons why they could afford such a living, other reasons being crypto currency, stock market and a side job of his. Well, let's not go into that.

Yori took his phone and switched on his net connection. His phone started hanging and flooding with messages. It was all about Sakura leaving Hibiya. Everyone was showing a level of desperation and sympathy like they knew Sakura from ages. And here, Yori was a little happy hearing the news, he brought a little smile on his face and his hand started rubbing his balls. Wait what? Oh yeah, boys problem...

A week passed just like that. Yori used to go to school with Daisuke, always made a failed attempt to study, came back and study at home, went to his tuition, spent time with Daisuke and Yasushi, went home and slept again. His life was all stucked in an endless loop, which didn't change for a long time. He also got back in touch again with his so called girlfriend and made out sometimes. He came to her house, she kissed him, they got half naked, and covered back up again after a moment. It surely made him happy but it was a temporary happiness. What he was searching for was excitement, adventure, dreams, money and love. I know 'love' sounds cringe but it's the only thing a teenager wants, or so he says.

As he was watching his favourite one of the Minecraft vids from YouTube, an ad showed up, "Do you want to earn money in your teenage life? Do you want to achieve your dreams and make your parents proud of you? Then click the link and join us!" It was like his mind started going in a deep inspection. "What the fuck am I seriously doing with my life! I should try this. I wanna achieve all my wishes and dreams so why am I not working for it!" Yeah, these were the thoughts of a 6th grade kid. He clicked the link making sure his parents don't notice and followed the steps as it said. A little further came a question of skills. With an another self inspection, he concluded, "Fuck! I don't have any skills and I wanna earn? Surely Acting and Singing are there but how am I supposed to do a fucking online work with these skills. I gotta improve, no no, rather say build up my skills." Yori went through some websites, searched some interests and after half an hour of researching on his "money-earning skill" started a youtube channel. Literally every second kid I've met with starts a youtube. It's like an obsession for this generation. Well, atleast we're not talking about tik tok here...

So now we see a new change in his life, there's a specific "Yori no Komedi (Yori's Comedy)" named YouTube channel in this platform. He made awfully edited and shot humour videos and pranks. Basically, he copied everything what he used to watch, but it's ok, he's a child anyways, excluding the hickeys he's given to his first.

Yori was living a really constant life until his 7th end. More than a year passed and he had the same routine. He learnt a lot about stock market meanwhile and broke up like a thousand times with his girlfriend. He proposed 3 others girls during this period of time and as usual got rejected by all. His percentage dropped down to 56% scoring in his 7th grade but still always had a smile in his face. Everything had changed, children from his class achieved names and awards, but Yori was still confused why does Nobita doesn't take Anywhere Door to go to his school. Everything was different except his forever trustworthy friends, Daisuke and Yasushi.