
Birth of a Psychotic Demon

With the knowledge of several immortal beings at his fingertips, as well as, the ability to force himself into a state of enlightenment, Shung Yun fought, schemed, manipulated, and tricked his way through every challenge in his path, as he climbed towards the top of the food chain in a universe with beings able to traverse the limitless void with just a step, able to destroy a realm with a swing of a sword, able to blur the line between real and fake, twisting reality into whatever they deem fit, and many more impossible feats that can't even be imagined. But with so much knowledge and such an insane ability, can he survive the prophesied destruction and catastrophe brought about by his very own existence? Follow along the journey of a youth who wishes to have fun despite the torment brought to him by a bunch of siblings imprisoned in his soul by a true god to find out. And when reading, don't forget to leave a review so others can also join in the fun without much doubt. Cover image was created with the aid of an AI in a website called nightcafe.

Akugbo_Larry · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
160 Chs

Chapter 130 The Survivors

Thirteen days later...….

Having twelve individuals covered in blood and pieces of flesh in front of him, Ikunga said to them, "the twelve of you have battled through so much to get to where you all are now, and I'm here to say that you've all passed the criteria needed to be a warrior of my great King."

"Finally, we're free from killing our friends," the girl of thirteen who outclassed her peers in terms of speed muttered as her tears flowed down her face, parting the blood in its path.

"Out of twelve thousand cultivators who weren't dantian unsealing realm cultivators, only the twelve of us survived to the end," one of the genius upper-stage Qi birth realm cultivators said as he sighed at the ruthlessness of the selection.

"And with the twelve warriors of his Majesty selected, we shall all prepare to welcome his arrival with the humans we captured!!" Ikunga spoke in beast language as he spoke to the members of race.