
Birth of a Psychotic Demon

With the knowledge of several immortal beings at his fingertips, as well as, the ability to force himself into a state of enlightenment, Shung Yun fought, schemed, manipulated, and tricked his way through every challenge in his path, as he climbed towards the top of the food chain in a universe with beings able to traverse the limitless void with just a step, able to destroy a realm with a swing of a sword, able to blur the line between real and fake, twisting reality into whatever they deem fit, and many more impossible feats that can't even be imagined. But with so much knowledge and such an insane ability, can he survive the prophesied destruction and catastrophe brought about by his very own existence? Follow along the journey of a youth who wishes to have fun despite the torment brought to him by a bunch of siblings imprisoned in his soul by a true god to find out. And when reading, don't forget to leave a review so others can also join in the fun without much doubt. Cover image was created with the aid of an AI in a website called nightcafe.

Akugbo_Larry · Kỳ huyễn
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160 Chs

Chapter 113 New Clan Head

"It's wood Qi," Shung Yun thought as he turned off his rune vision, "commander Zhu must have gotten an insight from the mountain painting."

"He advanced," the few higher-ups with sharp senses thought with shock expressions as they waited to see the new middle-stage dantian unsealing realm cultivator.

Coming out after three minutes from the time he advanced, commander Zhu had an excited expression on his face as he looked at his clan's men.

"The goddess haven't forsaken my clan," the old Elder of Zhen Clan said as she happily moved towards commander Zhu.

Bowing her head, she said, "Waoqui greets clan head."

"Yan greets clan head," Elder Yan, the previous strongest fighter of Zhen Clan after the death of clan head Boyuang, bowed his head as he greeted the new clan head of his clan, Zhen Zhu.

The two other Elders of Zhen Clan said with their head bowed.