
Birth of a beauty

"..I was born like this!!..Is this my fault for being ugly?!...Or Is this in my hands to be beautiful or not?!.." Looking at herself in mirror, Li Seulbi sensed a massive feeling of sadness engulfing her heart again. She touched the mirror as she was touching herself and asked "Why are you so ugly?!". She washed her face many times and again looked herself in mirror. She found no difference in her face from before. She shouted" Why?!... Why?! .. Why people hate me because of my appearance?!...Will...Will they love me if i look pretty?!..Will.. they be my friends and not bully me?!...But it is not.. possible". She felt hurt and dissappoinited too. After 5 years - Li Seulbi touched the mirror as tears flowed down from eyes" Is this really me? She is so beautiful to be true. " "This is the result of your hardwork. Now that you are so beautiful and after today you will gain more attention. Are you happy? " " Happy? I would've been very happy that i will jump around like a fool if i was the Li Seulbi 5 years ago, but now the situation is changed, Li Seulbi is changed. It's not only the birth of beauty but Birth of new Li Seulbi." ( This novel is no longer in webnovel. It's continued in another novel platform called ' Hinovel'.)

VXnessa · Tổng hợp
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92 Chs

I am sorry

Sorry to say this, I am not going to continue writing this novel in this platform. It's no one fault's, I just feel this is wrong cause at first i started writing it as a hobby of mine. Then ,unexpectedly got so much love and support which made me motivated and wrote a little further. I also got mail from Webnovel content editor that she liked my story and i need to make more effort to it if i need to push it for contract. She was so nice which drived me to do some more so i began to write more than one novel.

I don't know what happened, and what is happening i just can't take out some of time to write even if i do i don't get ideas to further lead my story. I am extremely ashamed of myself to let down my readers like this but trust me i tried..i deleted a lot of drafts which were bad, i wrote up to midnights, even when a lot of drafts got deleted accidently i wrote it back somehow.

I hope you all understand.It was really hard for me to make this decision. I am literally so depressed. Thankyou for supporting me all the times. You can remove it from library, leave bad reviews or comments, *sigh* i deserve it. I wish you all good health. God bless you. Bye.

[A/N : Since you all are curious about where i am continuing my novel. It's in platform called " Hinovel ". I haven't changed my novel's name, so you can search it up. The cover is different tho. If you couldn't find it, you can contact me. Also, I have changed a lot of storyline of my first few chapters. So check it out. Thank you. Take care. ]

And I am not completely abandoning this story, i am just not writing in webnovel. If you really wish to know, where will i write you can leave comments.

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