


Crystal Lemiere

/"It feels so good to be back here with you./" I squealed when me and Lucas arrived in Raja Ampat. I can't contain my happiness. Lucas took my hand and lead me to a car. We drove towards another port to take a boat to the place where Lucas kidnapped me almost 4 years ago.

We got there and can't help but admire the view again and again. This place has the best view of nature and I will not stop visiting this place. I swear I will always come back here.

/"It feels good to be back here with you./" Lucas said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from the back. He kissed my cheek and we both looked at the view.

/"Should I invest here? Maybe we can buy a house or build a house here?/" He asked and I chuckled. I gave a peck to his lips and looked at him chuckling.

/"That's a really good idea!/"