
A volunteer

Poppy's POV


New York City, the city for flashy broadways, exclusive shops, expensive apartments and most importantly high flying business tycoons is where opportunities lies. Or so people think.

From experience it is the city of depression , unaffordable rent, unbearable traffic, screaming people, bustling roads and many more terrible things.

Maybe I should blame part of this on my poor financial state. But regardless.

This "fancy jungle" lies on of the world's most famous multinational technology companies TBK. It is the same company where I've been working for over four years listening to the same morning chant as I am doing now.

"We are the face of the company" Our VP shouted as she set herself on a chair.

"We are the link, we create a connection between the buyer and the seller. We do the promotion for the goods. Without us the TBK is nothing" she continued fiercely

"We are" she said and paused dramatically as she threw both her hands in the air.

"The marketing department" she completed

She gave out a war cry and everyone around her clapped warily, already tired of this utter nonsense.


"Gosh the second hand embarrassment I feel for her every day, I can't" Kate said as she subtly face palmed and shook her head

"This is nothing new, our Vp is a very crazy person" Grey yawned and stretched his arms up, getting ready for another busy day of endless work

"Other departments call us weirdos because of her" Kate shook her head

"The finance department calls us the money wasting department" Grey mistakenly said too loud that the Vp heard it from the other side of the room.

She looked up and scowled. "That is because they are the nerd department Mr West. Do not ever utter such unholy words in here or else I will be forced to report you to the chief" She threatened and Grey looked down in embarrassment.

"Sorry ma'am" he said

"I told you she has super hearing" Lexi hissed next to me. "I swear she is not human. My money is on vampire"


"I heard werewolves have mates" Alex who was sitting in front of us smirked.

"Maybe I am your mate sweetheart, we should get at it before the heat comes" Alex winked and I swear Kate could have erupted into a pool of lava if I had not wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"Kate relax chief is coming" I whispered after I noticed chief coming out of the elevator.

Our Chief/ CMO is the head of the marketing department and the only reason that we are still sane.

He is a nice guy and most importantly he is the only one who can tell our dearest vp to shut the hell up. Not that he ever says that because obviously he's a "nice guy"

He's in his fifties and loves his family more than anything. His wife is also just as nice. She bakes us cookies and gives us gifts and even invites us to their anniversary party every year.

"Good Morning everyone" he came to a halt and flashed us a huge smile.

"I see that you all are already working hard for the next campaign, sorry for this minor interruption"


"Awww my heart is melting" Kate whispered dramatically as she placed a hand over her chest.

"Why did he have to be thirty years older than me, I would have married him" she gushed further.

"Love has no age" Grey whispered

"Yes, but unfortunately he is married. Not that I want something bad to end his marriage" she complained

"I never said he isn't" Grey whispered in annoyance

Kate leaned to the front and looked at Grey

"Why are you all so fired up? Don't tell me you are interested in an older woman? Is she married?"

"I don't like anyone"

"Guy shut up" I hissed. "Chief is talking"

They immediately shut their mouth and paid attention to what Chief was saying. I turned to face him with a smirk of achievement on my chin. I was a good employee

"Today all the executives have a meeting with Mr Kings about the mew product that we are going to lunch this summer" the smile on Chief's lips fell then he continued

"Unfortunately my secretary called in sick"

I stiffened and I noticed that everyone else had fearful expressions plastered on their face, as we all dreaded what would come next from his mouth.

We exchanged frightened glances as we all knew what Chief was going to say and no one was pleased about it.

"So I was hoping that anyone of you would be willing to accompany me to the meeting" he finished

No way, no f*cking way, not in a billion years

Our CEO AKA Mr John Kings is the man you would wish never to meet. He's a handsome 29 year old Billionaire.

Most eligible bachelor, blah blah blah. Well he's eligible and handsome to world but not to the TBK employees. To us he might as well be the devil himself.

He is the Chairman's son and also one of the leading business tycoons in the world, if I do say so myself.

He started out at a young age due to influence from his father. And he has been successful ever since.

The only difference between him and the others on the Forbes list is that he is very quiet. He's very private and stays out of social media drama.

He does not associate with everyone , he only speaks to those he feels he can benefit from. The rest are simply non existent to him.

He could be very demanding, he hates when others make noise or talk or do something outside of the main focus. You are only allowed to make a sound if he permits you. He must think that he is a god of some kind.

The only good thing about him is that he does not scream or shout. Probably just a death glare. But he would definitely not forget to give a call to the HR department and tell them to fire you the next day.

So yeah, he's very popular for firing people. Even breathing too loud around him could get you fired.

At the TBK, the most risky job is that of the Secretary. And not the Secretary to Mr John Kings himself, but the Secretary to any of the executives.

Mr Kings Secretary is his long term friend Mr Pete Banks. So that position is permanently taken. But if you get to work as a Secretary to the Executives.

You would constantly have to attend meetings with Mr John Kings. And that usually ends in getting fired. No wonder Chief's Secretary called in sick. She was ditching the meeting.

"Anyone?" Chief asked again

My mind came back reeling to Chief's words.

"Is their anyone that would like to volunteer" he asked hopefully and I almost felt bad. Almost