
Billionaires Breakable Bond

Hayes Tates; a fashionista who was extremely wealthy yet rude and arrogant finds his life becoming a total chaos after he signed some legal marriage paper unknowingly and he was tied to Carmel Anderson; an artist with a generous heart yet she couldn't find a place in her heart to like Hayes one bit. What happens when trouble comes knocking on their door and one person's life is at risk?

Qamardeen_Aweda · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


The ray of sunlight shined down on her face and she immediately used the blanket to cover her face then she remembered she had something to deliver by nine in the morning.

She threw the blanket off her and immediately ran to the bathroom. She feared that she was going to be late and perhaps she was going to me.

As soon as she was done she put her dark chocolate brown hair in a messy bun before sitting down in front of her mirror stand to do herself some makeup.

Carmel Anderson was an artist not just an artist who paints with a brush but everything that had to do with art was her and she was the art. She was known around the world for her writing skills and how creative she was in terms of painting and sculpting.

Regardless of the fact that Carmel and everything she ever wanted but she yearned for love even if she feared that her heart might just be broken by yet another man.

She didn't know she could ever love a person as much as she loved Felix, her ex-boyfriend butbhe had cheated on her with her assistant and ever since then she never saw both of them again and she was so glad that she never did.

Carmel was softhearted, and had a high tolerance unlike her twin brother who was cunning, business minded and sometimes rude. When they were young they were inseparable but as they grew and began to choose different lifestyles they fell apart and fought so much that even their parents feared what might happen between them if it continued.

Putting her hair into a neat bun she picked out a black button up t-shirt and some black pants to go with it. Carmel wasn't really a fan of heels that's why she had her shoe rank filled with different colors of sneakers and sandals which she might just remove when she starts to work to put on flip-flops.

She wore her black sneakers and picked her phone and keys before walking outside. She felt extremely awful as she thought of the man she had accidentally splashed paint on last night and wished she might see him again but in a much better situation even if he was so rude and hot headed she would really like to apologize.

"Morning mother, father and Connor." She greeted as she took a seat on the dining table and they all responded while eating and pressing their phones.

Carmel felt a bit sad that they didn't have meals like they usually do. I mean the excitement and everyone saying one thing or the other about what happened a day before but now it was just greetings and nothing else.

Though Carmel will happily take a day off just to spend quality time with them, they will never take a day of work for they felt as though work was much more important than spending time.

After she was done she used the napkin to clean her lips and stood to leave when her father's voice stopped her.

"Carmel, we are having lunch at the company today."

"I have a lot of work to do, father."

"You have work to do?" Connor let out a laugh. "... You do nothing but sit in a position for the whole day using paints and brushes, how is that called work?"

"Connor, be nice to your sister." Ava; their mother scolded and he just rolled his eyes

"Is it a family thing?"

"Nah, your mother has to go to Texas today."

"Then what's the use of having lunch without your mother being in it?"

"I'm fine being left out of it Carmel..."

"No mother... I'm sorry but all you all care about is business around the clock not caring what the hell is happening around you."

"You aren't..."

"Shut up Connor, I get it I'm not in the business world but I won't neglect my family when you all are ready to keep your phones down and consider the fact that our family is slowly falling apart then I'm just a phone call away."

"We aren't falling apart, sweetheart , come on, take a seat."

"Mother, what work do I do?"

"I can barely remember what you study in college."

"Father, when was the last time you and him had a day out without involving business within?"

"I can't remember."

"Connor, when was the last time you even stayed at home for two hours before you left in the morning or you came home early from work?"

"I never do."

"Exactly! The little things change and soon enough everyone will be on his own not caring if the other is in a hospital or not."

"How is your makeup not ruined with all your tears?" Connor asked and she sent him a glare.

"We can't even have breakfast or any meal while discussing something . It's you all on your phones talking business with someone or catching up with... You know what, I don't care what you all do anymore, I'm going to Arizona and won't be back till after three days." She picked her coat off the hanger and walked out of the house.

The moment she got into the car she saw a photo frame that they all took together when she was little and her elder sister was still alive and her heart broke into pieces.

A single tear dropped from the corner of her eyes and she let out a small smile wishing she could live the moment just once but even if she did it will never be the same without Elena.

She was the best sister anyone could ever have and would do anything to make the twins happy but that night when the house caught fire she was burnt alive along with it.

The scream of Elena was still clear in Carmel's head and sometimes she had nightmares because of it. Carmel wished she could drive to the graveyard right now and yell at her for leaving her behind but she just couldn't. She just couldn't bear to even see the grave of her sister.

She picked her keys and drove out of the parking lot and out of the house. She took a tissue and cleaned the tears in her eyes but it just kept falling and just when she thought everything was gonna be ok, she accidentally crashed into another.

Connor suddenly stood up from the meeting he was attending and everyone turned to look at him. He might fight with his sister all the time but he could easily sense if something was wrong even if she was not with him.

"Connor sit down or do you have something to say?" Reed; his father said.


"Carmel?" His phone suddenly began to ring and he picked up immediately.

"Hello, who is it?" He questioned feeling extremely nervous.

"Your sister met with an accident."


"She was taken to UC San Diego Health." he immediately hung up and ran out of the room and Reed followed him.

He had no idea what was going on but Connor was filled with fear of losing yet another sister, he just couldn't. He has been staying strong for he believes that the men shouldn't cry and they should stay strong that's why he was awful to her but just hearing she got into an accident reminded him that they get to live once together and at some point they will separate but not now.

He immediately got into the car and luckily Reed got in before he drove off, he completely ignored everything that his father was telling him for all he really cared about right was his sister.

The moment they got to the hospital he immediately ran to the receptionist and Reed swore that at some point if his son wasn't gonna tell him what the hell is going on he might just kill him.

"Carmel Anderson, she had a car accident."

"She is currently in the operating room right now and you can't go in there."

"She's my sister."

"I'm sorry but you can't, you'll need to wait for the operation to be done please wait in the lobby over there." she pointed towards the lobby and continued to do what she was doing.

"Connor come" Reed held his hand and pulled him towards the lobby and made him sit down. "... She's gonna be fine Connor."

"What if she never has a father? What am I gonna do? I understand that we fought a lot. I mean some siblings do fight but I still love her father." tears rolled down his eyes and he dropped his head on his father's shoulders and Reed put his hand around him while fighting the urge to cry.

Reed had in mind to tell her about her marriage alliance during the lunch he had set for them but after she had left the house he realized she was actually right they barely spent time together and now she was battling between life and death.