
Chapter 2

Lindsey and Kamlyn's plan was set to trip Karah up on the field and make Karah a laughingstock in Jared Swenson's presence was all set.

As Kamlyn and Lindsey took their turns on the field, Karah waited with bated breath for her turn. She didn't know why she was so nervous? She'd done this millions of times? It should be a piece of cake for her?

But as she watched Lindsey and Kamlyn out there, she still doubted her ability.

She caught Jared Swenson looking at her out of the corner of her eye, "Why was he looking at her the way he was?" Karah wondered. It made her more nervous.

Finally, it was her turn! As she took her position, Lindsey and Kamlyn each looked at each other and crossed their fingers that their plan would go off without a hitch.

As Karah took off, things were going well. Her horse was doing the course perfectly just as they practiced. But things took a turn when they happened upon an obstacle that wasn't there before. It tripped up her horse and caused Karah to fall from the horse sending her flying to the ground, rendering her unconscious.

After a few minutes, it appeared she wasn't coming too and rescue crews were on the scene as Jared watched as Lindsey and Kamlyn smiled to each other, knowing they ruined Karah's chances in front of Jared Swenson.

The competition was cut short as Karah was taken into ambulance to the hospital. She woke while enroute to the hospital, "What happened?"

"What do you remember?" the Randy, the EMT attendant asked her.

"I was riding my horse in the competition." She replied. "Then, everything went blank?"

"You were in an accident on the field." Randy told her. "You went unconscious, and now you're being rushed to the hospital."

"Everything is ruined?" Karah said, as she went unconscious again just as they were pulling into the emergency department at the hospital, where she was wheeled inside.

Jared, concerned about his pick, hopped into his limo and ordered his driver, Jerry, to follow the ambulance.

While Jared waited for word on Karah, he was unaware that Lindsey and Kamlyn had followed him to the hospital to see what was going to happen?