

  Warm hands caressed me awake and I moaned, turning away from it. I felt so utterly tired and wanted some sleep. Besides, I probably imagined it. Where would warm hands come from in my bed?

  "Hailey," A deep silvery voice murmured and I felt someone place a kiss on my arm trailing his mouth downwards until he reached my fingertips.

  My eyes flitted open as I recalled who it was that I was in bed with. Xavier. My husband Xavier Lowell. My heart jostled wildly within my rib cage and I sat still for a while. I had sex with Xavier. Scratch that, I had mind-numbing and earth-shattering sex with Xavier.

  The room was dimly lit and I tried to find a clock to know what the time was, but Xavier's insistent kisses were too hot and melting for me to resist.

  "I know you're awake," he whispered in my ears and I giggled.