

  Nothing made sense the day after. Or even two weeks after.

  I barely saw Xavier after that day. He had been seriously ill for a few days after that and Brenda, the fire-breathing dragon that she was, made sure I was kept away from his room at all costs. But even after he got better, I still barely saw him. The closest I had been able to talk to him was at the dining table.

  And that had been to ask him to pass the salt.

  It wasn't like I hadn't tried to say something else. But Xavier had simply ignored me when I asked how he had been and then his mother stepped in to hack my head off my neck.

  Currently, I was at a cafe stuffing my face with cake while Susie and I talked about my supposed plan for the future. I wasn't doing much listening as I was quite busy trying to figure out why one minute, I thought I had Xavier, and the next, all I had was a teddy bear I had named Xavier and flogged several times a day.

  Yes, I was that desperate.