
Billionaire's Wicked Wife

***Mature content*** " Today is my sister's wedding and last night I had s*x with my future brother-in-law" Rose mumbled. Rose Anderson is a Stubborn, Brat, Arrogant, selfish woman. Who can do anything to achieve her goals? If seducing her sister's husband is implicated in her goal, she will do that too. Aaron Patterson is an ambitious billionaire. He is a smart and handsome man. He is the youngest billionaire in the country. He can do anything to grow his business. But he meets a girl and he falls in love with her. Which later turns out to be his half-sister. His parents want him to marry the daughter of their business Colleague. What will happen when Aaron and Rose marry each other to achieve their goals? can they ever love each other?

Azniv · Thành thị
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6 Chs

Stepping on my bottom line

Next day at dinner

Aaron Anderson

I was wearing my Armani suit. I look at my reflection in the mirror, I don't believe I am going to have arranged marriage, Who was so against it that I will never marry for business, Look, what I am doing?

I hear a knock "Young master, All the guest is here, sir asking for you," Our housekeeper informed me.

"Yes, I am coming," I told, Did last minute touch-up.

When I reached downstairs Mr. Anderson's and his whole family sitting in the hall.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson," I greet them with a bright smile, This is my business skills. And handshake with Mr. Anderson.

"Hello, Aaron, how are you?" Mr. Anderson responded to my greets.

"I am good, sir, and you? You are looking beautiful Mrs.Anderson" I asked While giving my full attention to Mrs.Anderson who was standing near Mr.Anderson.

"Very well," Mr. Anderson said, He put his hand on my shoulder, Mr.Anderson look at June "Meet your to-be fiance, June," Mr. Anderson introduce us.

I turn my attention toward June, But my eyes go to the one who was sitting near her, Rose Anderson, My heart thumping fast. She was looking damm beautiful. It is not like June is not beautiful but My eyes didn't leave her face. I was just staring at her. Mr. Anderson patted my shoulder I snaps out of my thoughts. I looked at June she is a really beautiful young woman, I take her hand and kisses her hand. she smiles shyly. " Hello, June you are looking pretty" I complimented her, She blushed.

"Thank you, you also look handsome," she said in shyness.

Then I turn my attention to the girl standing near her. The girl looked so beautiful and innocent, but I remember how stubborn she is. She is a troublemaker for me in the office and on party nights. When I recalled her at the party then my eyesight was down to see her feet because they were bleeding heavily that night. but now she is wearing heels maybe her feet wound is healed.

I looked up at her and extended my hands to shake hands. She looked at my hand then looked at my face and said with a forced smile "Hello. Mr. Patterson"

I take my hand back When she didn't handshake me. "Hello, call me Aaron, and nice to meet you, miss Anderson," I said with my polite business smile.

"Rose, where is your manner introduce yourself properly. I am sorry if she offends you, Aaron" Mrs. Anderson apologize. I smile and didn't decline that she doesn't offend me she deserves more scolding.

"No, no, it's okay Mrs. Anderson, she is a young girl and she didn't even do anything wrong," My mom said and give me a deadly glare. I shrugged my shoulder at my mom.

"Rose," she said with a pissed expression and raise her hand for a handshake.

"huh?" l didn't understand why she is telling me her name. We Handshake.

"Call me Rose," she said and sit down on the sofa.

"Such a stubborn girl" I mumbled to myself.


We seated on the sofa and talked a little bit then My dad offer everyone a tour of our home, He told to me that I will take June to see our house. I said yes, but June was gone for the washroom. Everyone follows Mom and dad. Rose refuse she didn't want to see and will just sit on the sofa. Everyone is gone only me and stubborn Rose sitting in the hall. I turn his gaze to Rose who was just busy looking at her phone.

"How are your feet?" I asked her.

"What,?" she said with a surprised expression.

"your feet hurt at the new director's party and you were crying," I said so she could remember how crazy she was that night. She looked a little uncomfortable "Ohh it was you who help me,?" she asked, I was getting annoyed by her behavior, she didn't even remember me. Here, I was expecting thanks from her.

"You really don't remember me or you are just trying to piss me off?" I asked with a frown.

"Why would I remember you, it's not like you save me from dying," she answer dryly.

She turned toward her bag and Was searching for something in her handbag. Then she took out 1000 bucks and gave it to me. I didn't take it but just stared at her.

"What?" she asked, Arrogance dripping from her face. I didn't reply just continue to stare at her.

"Ohh, this is for the hanky that you used for my wound dressing. it is enough I will give you more, Take it, It is not part of your marriage deal" she chuckled. I feel a surging fire of anger inside me. I stand up and march to her. I grab her upper arm and stand her up. I pull her close to me, My fingers digging into her soft skin

"Are you looking down at me just because I am marrying June for money?" I asked, My nose flared, and I was getting annoyed she is stepping on my bottom line.

"Oh my so much anger, Well, Mr.Patterson, I don't think I did say something that pissed you off so much" She smile, And looked into my eye. I can see she is hurting but I want to hurt her more so she never steps on Aaron Patterson's bottom line. I leave her, hipped my hand in my pants pocket, and stand in front of her.

"Let me state some interesting facts, In a few months Anderson's enterprise going to be bankrupt, My project may delay Anderson's enterprise going bankrupt," I told her. She was astonished.

"Don't react like you don't know" I chuckled, She should know how to behave with Aaron Patterson.

I was about to say something but June come out of the bathroom. I walked toward her.

"May I," I asked June to show my house. I looked at Rose who was just standing stunned. I smile.

"She deserves it" I was trying to convince myself so I don't pity her.


Next day-

Kane is crouching in front of me in my office and Kane is glancing at me.

I sigh, slam the file on the table and look at him.

"What happened?, You are staring at me since you come to my office," I asked him, in My annoyed voice.

"You tell me how was your meeting with June Anderson," Kane asked him While raising his eyebrows. He is seriously so interested in my life.

" Yea, she good girl. We will be meeting tomorrow, " I reply And start doing my work.

"Oh, Thinks like I am going to be going to be groom's best man," Kane smiles mockingly.

"Find a bride and accomplish me as another groom," I said.

"I have no interest in destroying my life like yours, I will marry someone I love," He announced,

"Then I doubt that a Play Boy like you can find anyone," I said sarcastically.

"Then, I will be a bachelor for the rest of my life not like you who is having another business partner instead of having a life partner," Kane said angry, his anger is also acceptable because he is my friend who wants to see me happy.

"Kane, We are arguing on this issue since I told you I am going to marry June, I don't need further arguments. Kene you know this marriage is a business deal for me, Or we are not living in the olden days there is no such thing as divorce." I smile and raise my eyebrow as I give him a suggestion.

"Let's go we are getting late for a meeting," I told him.