
Chapter 411: Worried 5

 Raymond walked out of the shower with a towel tied around his waist, Nicole turned around as she stared at him wondering if he really had his bath or if he just poured water on his body.

"That was fast!" She said and he smiled.

"I do not waste time when it comes to things like this" he said, drying his hair as he stared at him self in the mirror.

"Sweetheart, please get me some thing nice to wear.... some thing that matches your outfit" he pleaded

"I need to look more like your husband" he added.

Raymond smiled when he say how Nicole's cheeks flushed pink through the mirror as she walked to the ward robe.

"I wonder if I can get to see more of that beautiful face... you have never played with me and I am craving for that" Raymond said as he put a little quantity of mosturizer on his palm, rubbing his palms together and applying the lotion on his face.

"Raymond?" Nicole called as she kept on flipping through the clothes that was hanging on the ward robe.

"Darling" he responded as he looked towards her direction.

He wondered what was wrong because her voice was so calm and it sent shivers to his spine.

"I love you and will always love you... nothing will stop me from loving you but I want you to know that we would go through this together and we will win... The both of us and those who support us" Nicole said passionately as she felt her eyes becoming watery.

"I am so sorry that I can act romantic, even as a woman_ it is my responsibility but I can't no matter how hard I try, I just end up hurting you and it makes me ashamed of my self... I am so sorry. I will try my possible best to be a romantic wife" she assured him, she could not imagine how he must have been managing her.

She had only made him go through pain right from the first day they met but then he still choose her.

She shuddered when she felt his arms encircled around her waist pulling her closer to him, she could feel the warmth of his skin and the fragrance of the lotion he had just applied.

"You are more than that to me, I just need you to love me... that is all I ask, I do not care of I have to be the romantic one or if I have to be the playful one" He said as he fondled with her hair "you do not have to worry your self about that because I understand you and I know you will never intend on harming me intentionally, you have no idea how grateful I am to have you here with me" he added as he took the clothes from her.

Nicole could not hold back her tears as she let them fall freely.

"come on, you do not have to cry.... we have a long day ahead"