
Chapter 382: No smoking

Restlessness began to consume him as he paced around his room, he was showered hoping that it would have helped to ease off the feeling but then he was still thinking about Tina.

He fear was that he was never going to see her any more even though he knew where she lived with Lorenzo.

After a lot of research about Lorenzo, he could not get what he wanted from his file and it seemed like some thing was off ' Lorenzo has to be doing some thing, he can't be jobless.... other than been an author, I feel that there is some thing else ' he said to him self as he felt a sharp pain on his head, he grasped his head tightly as he walked towards out of his room heading to the dinning.

He forced him self to slump on one of the chairs " Damn Lorenzo!!! " He cursed.

He knew so well that Lorenzo is a tourist who owned a house at least in every country " why is that? a tourist does not seem to own houses like that, there must be some thing else " he said to him self, he had tried to recollect but it was not working.

He pulled his head over resting his head on the head rest and shut his eyes close ' i am scared that he is more richer than me and then Tina would see him better in every thing he does and then she would not want to let go off him ' he said to him self.

He had been watching her for a while now, he had seen Lorenzo give to her things that he could not even give to her despite the fact that he had it all in his excess but them there was a Lorenzo treating her like she worths it.

He needed to do as he tried to find out any thing he could do but then there is a paper on the table, he quickly picks it up staring deep in to the paper he hisses so loud and at the same time a smirk appear on his face as his lips because thin.

" Fucking damn the management of this suite, no fucking human tells me how to live my life and after all..... I do not do to any ones bidding, I do things because I want to do them " tearing the paper in to two was the only choice he had but then he stared at the paper over again.

He ran his hands through the bold inscriptions inscribed on the paper, ' No smoking ' he said calmly repeating what was written, then another smirk appeared on his face.

He stood up and walked back in to his room, opening his ward robe he take out a polythene bag, holding it up to his face, looking emotionless.

The only thing he wanted at the moment was to feel better and that was it, he did not like how he was, he wanted to breath in some fresh air.