
Chapter 249: heart break

 " Have you ever been like this in front of a man? " Mr Gavriel asked surprised at Tina's statement.

" No I have not... is any thing wrong with that? " Tina asked.

" How old are you? " Mr Gavriel asked again.

" I am 23 years old " Tina responded and Mr Gavriel gasped.

" I am getting scared, what is wrong? " Tina asked as the feeling of been embarrassed with all the questions consumed her and she took the duvet and covered her self up.

" Noo no no, nothing is wrong I am just surprised to hear that you have not been like this to any man even as old as you are...I know a bunch of ladies who started living that kind of life at a very young age but..but you are different, you are not like them " Mr Gavriel said astonished.

" Well, I never had such thoughts on my mind, I always wanted to live a happy life since the death of my parents caused my mental health to degrade but I am happy that I am back to normal... " Tina said as she held the duvet so tight.

" .....and more over, I have seen a lot people who were in relationships but it did not add to their lives, they were always quarrelling, fighting, unforgivable spirit dwelled in their midst, some even died in the process, a lot of heart breaks and I did not want to sign up on that, even Nicole suffered from it as well and I remember how pained I was when I was helping her get over it..then come to thing of the pain I would have felt if I was the one, I was not just ready for that life style " Tina added as Mr Gavriel stared at her from her eyes to her plumpy pink lips and also paid attention to what she was saying.

" Yeah you are absolutely right, I can possibly relate to this after my wife and I divorced it was more like a heart break but I usually defined heart break as some thing preferable and amateur...do you want to know why? " Mr Gavriel asked and Tina looked up at him.

" Of course, I want to know in full details " Tina said as she let out a funny laugh.

" I am so sorry I could not bear to hold on to it any more " Tina apologized.

" Okay..when you are dating some one and you suffer from a heart break, you will always have an opportunity to move on with your life probably after a few weeks, month or a year depending on how far that particular relationship has gone but this is why I call it amateur...if a courtship is led to marriage and some thing drastic happens or if they can not bear to keep calm on each other's nerves then the problem begins because either they choose to remain in the marriage because of what society will say...but if they were dating, who cares they would have broken up "