
Chapter 240: her body ached

he sighed when he saw the duvet had a bump, at that moment he knew that it was Nicole who was hiding inside the duvet.

" Nicole, are you okay? " Raymond asked as he walked in to the room leaving the door open.

He pulled the duvet out a little bit as he tapped her shoulder.

She turned her face and looked straight in to his eyes.

" I am fine " Nicole replied as she turned her face to the other direction and shut her eyes.

" Okay, I am so sorry for badging in, it is just that I wanted to check up on you after the drama you displayed...I can see you do not need to be disturbed here, Good night " Raymond said as Nicole turned her face and stared at him as he leaped out of the room .

She felt sorry for stressing him out just to check up on her and still she gave him an attitude.

' what the heck is wrong with me? ' she asked her self as she used her palm to hit her head continously.

She wondered how she would have told Raymond that she was scared if thunder and lightening...that was extremely childish.

She quickly got up from her bed and went straight in to the bathroom.

' I have to end all of this abnormal behavior of mine tonight ' Nicole said to her self as she turned in the tap and put her hand under the tap making water pour in the little circle her hand formed and then she washed her face as she repeated the method continously for six times.

After which she walked out of the bathroom and stripped out of all her clothes then she opened her wardrobe as she brought out a pair of pyjamas and put it on.

When she was through, she walked out of her bed room and walked straight back to the room Raymond was in, she slowly opened the door and sneaked in to the bed.

' ooppss, thank goodness he is asleep ' Nicole said as she made space on the bed, raised up the duvet and enter inside it as she smuggled her self in to Raymond's arm and then she hugged him so tightly as if her life depended on it.

Raymond who has fallen asleep gradually opened his eyes when he felt some thing or some one was holding him so tight.

He looked beside him and saw Nicole laying beside him and then then he smiled, at first he was surprised because she had always not wanted to stay close to him but right now she was the one smuggling in to his arms and almost making him have shortness of breath.

He remained calm as he waited to know her next move because she did not seem so comfortable.

Nicole had been feeling so nervous since the incident at the car and lying down so close to Raymond made her temperature rise so much and her body craved for some thing she had abstained from since the past seven months.