
Chapter 24: To Forgive and to Forget

We have been outside the operating room for three hours and I couldn't think and act properly, I was sitting and holding my face with my two hands Olivia was silently sobbing beside me while she's rubbing my back. My chest continued to pound. Mirna is walking back and forth with her hands clasped crying and praying. The tears that I am holding back to fall for awhile is now running down my cheeks. "Please don't take her away from me." I told myself. I looked on Olivia and asked her.

"Why is it happening again? first my parents and now Ara."

"Shhs, honey don't say it, everything will be fine." she told me as if giving me some courage. Darren also came, I stood up and he hugged me. "I can't lose her Darren." I told him and tears kept falling. Then the doctor came out the operating room, I instantly walked towards her direction.

"Mr. William," she said and I nodded to her,