
Your choice

Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


Melissa's pov.

" I guess you can do anything for money," I don't know where I suddenly get the boldness to say that. He stopped on his track, and gave me a deadly look. I'm sure he never expect me to say that out all of a sudden.No wonder that his face seemed familiar at first.I remember seeing him at the party on the first day I met Draven, but I don't he was anyway related to him back then, seeing him during this to him proved one thing, I don't think Draven is really his son, because i dont think a father could be this wicked to do this to his own son all in the name of getting something in return.

 And for his brother, I don't think I need to ask that, it's very glaring that they are both working together, but for what reason? That's the only question I can think of.

"Relax Daniel," Draven's Father's voice interrupted my thoughts. I glanced to look at them, only to see him holding Daniel by his wrist, I can see his face gleaming with anger like a volcano that's about to erupt. His hands were clenched into fist as he struggled to jerk his hand off his father. I think I just landed myself in trouble with what I just said. Maybe I should have not said that in the first place, now that they know that I am aware of their identity, I don't think they will longer consider me leaving their captive,  maybe I will end up dying here, or they might kill me at the end of the day. I should have keep my mouth short and played along, it doesn't seem like I will find a way out of this....

" That's very impressive, I guess he must have told you a lot about me for you to recognise me at first sight," Daniel bent down at my front, he use his fingers to brush my hair aside, that's when I realised that the turban I tied earlier is no longer there.

" Don't you think you know a lot already, and it would be so stupid of us to let someone this important to go scout free without doing anything" Before I could even say anything, he suddenly grabbed my hair and used it to drag me to his front.I winced loudly, tears that I promise not to shed no more, has started to form at the brink of my eyeslid, even though I tried to stay strong, my body betrayed me to that.

" Please, let go of my hair" I pleaded when the pain is no longer bearable, but instead of letting him go, he continued to pull it like he was planning to detached it from my head.

" Daniel, stop already!" His father muttered. 

" Okay Dad," he answered.

He realised his grip a little bit, before moving his hands to cup my face in between them.

"Just wait and see, I will make sure you'll never get the chance to see the light of the day again, bitch" He spit on my face, stood up and walked back to where he was standing motionless without saying a word.

" Drop him," Draven's father signals to the guy holding Draven's body to drop him on the Dry grass in front of him. He kicked him in the stomach twice but Draven showed no reaction, he did not even move a finger. 

" Bastard!" he cursed.

I don't know what to say other than to burst into tears as I stared at Draven's body. His face is beyond recognition, that's the least of what I care about right now, I just want to hear him talk because the person I am staring at looks completely like a dead soul. 

"Why are you doing this! please just let us go....please.....please" I whimpered with tears gushing out of my eyes at the speed of light.

I just don't get what's going on, if this is all about Bobby and his marriage, I believe they can do that without involving anyone. But why is Draven showing in the picture? Do they really need to go this far just because they don't want the wedding to be held? No, definitely there is more to this....

"Go get her phone," Daniel's voice jerked me out of my trance, one huge towards me and grabbed me by my neck, his other hand was busy poking through my body in search of my phone. I just stay still, struggling with him to leave me will only get me hurt at the end of the day. After searching for what seemed like an eternity, he eventually shoved it out of my pocket, he walked back to where they were standing and handed it over to Daniel.

" Your password?"

"1310" I gulped down the saliva that was stuck to my throat. I can feel my body vibrating with each word I say. I'm dehydrated, but I dare not ask for anything at this position. 

I glanced back at Draven's body in tears, the only thing I could think about is him giving me signals just to put my mind at ease that he is alive. I know they might not spare him, but I believe anything can happen at any time. I might be able to buy enough time for people to notice that I am no longer in the mansion.

" Did you really break up with him?" His voice dragged me back to reality.

" Who?" I asked in confusion.

" Do you think i'm joking with you or something?"

"Why are you asking her that?" His father interrupted.

" His number is not here, not even a text message from him" That's when it hit me that he was actually referring to Bobby.

"There is nothing going between us" I replied sharply, but that only earned me a loud slap from Daniel. 

I cried out, if it felt like he just rubbed something spicy on my face, my cheek was boiling.

" Can you stop hurting us, I'm ready to do anything you want, just let me go" I managed to say amidst the pain, I can no longer bear it any longer, seeing Draven laying defenceless is not helping the situation either.

" Really?" His father replied.

" Yes," I sniffed, my face was already soaked with tears making my sight blurry.

" What about killing Bobby in exchange for your family's life and yours?" I gasped.


