

Melissa's pov

"What!!t" my eyes widened at his statement, how can someone be this cruel.  I blinked in incredulity .He brushed his hair to the side before speaking again.

"Whatever" he murmured, walking up to a chair and sit down 

I froze for a while trying to understand what he was saying clearly..

Babysitting him?

I can't.

"You must be joking right, is not like you're a kid in the first place" I chuckled 

"I never imagined that a full grown man like you would be looking for an excuse to make a Maid babysit him " I rolled my eyes at him.

"So, you still think i'm joking around,I'm not kidding sweetie, i mean it" he said, making me raise my head.

I stare at him with so much hatred.

" I can't do that. '' I muttered, biting my lips in the process. What kind of mess is this? Why did he come back in the first place?

"Then  there's no other  any option than to send you  you parking" he muttered, giving an intense look eyeing  me from head to toe, he walks to the book self scanning through it before finally picked one, he face me back  before giving me a  fake smile  which I return with a deadly glare.

" You don't have any other option than to accept it sweetie or....

"Just stop it I" screamed

I can't continue to be a dickhead, he can do and undo and judging from his look he doesn't look like someone that's going to change his mind any minute.

I feel like killing him right now, I looked at him one more time searching for what to say but nothing comes out.

"If you can't , then get the fuck out of my room" he suddenly cut me off my thoughts making me to flinched at his word, my heartbeat increase almost immediately.

"Ok let me think about it, I'm gonna tell you my answer.".....

" ok, am waiting" he muttered coldly

"You know, I......  

"Bobby are you in " Mrs Parker's voice cut me off all of a sudden, I tilted my face to the side, facing bobby. The look on his face clearly shows he was also shocked.

"You see what you have caused" I whimpered silently, if only a look can kill am sure he would be rotten in his grave by now.

He remained mute, without saying a word, he looked troubled, which made me wonder if he had multiple personalities. Someone who is quite planning on how to get me out the mansion is now doing like he cares.

  I bite the corner of my cheek as my eyes turn red almost immediately, what is the excess of begging bobby when his mom is going to fire me immediately she sees me with him.

My heart beat increases as it keep pounding like it's going to ripe out of my chest any minutes, I look at Bobby in confusion thinking that he might say something but he remain mute like a statue .

" Is this not what you want, you want your mum to sack me right? I grumble silently but instead of answering he just fixed his gaze into mine ,he's eyes ball show that he is also confused.

"Are you in " his mom's voice came from the other side of the door again, but this time he replied, immediately.

"Am coming" he muttered, raising his voice slightly while  looking at me .

"Won't you do anything" I stammered, making him cringe a little before looking at me.

"Quickly go and  hide in the bathroom "  he commanded, giving me a deadly stare.

 "So, you actually don't want your mom to see me, but you are blackmailing to be your fucking babysitter" 

He signed in exasperation before walking towards the door, I quickly found the bathroom door which was somehow difficult ito locate, I quickly hopped inside.

The thought of his mom catching me sent a cold shiver down my spine, I don't think she would be that generous to spare me even when it was her Son  who caused everything.

"Are you with someone"

"No, I am coming. " I heard Bobby voice answering her mom, I remained silent with different thoughts going through my mind. Eventually I heard the door creaked open, which signified she was now in the room.

"Why are you here" he questioned

"Are you asking me?

"I'm  here to check on you and to ask you why you left the ballroom  without even informing me" she answered follow with a grin from bobby .

"Like you care" I heard him fired back.

"Why all this drama, both of them don't even get along, what an arrogant family " I growled silently, praying for her to  leave so that I will escape from this mess.

For what seems like a long time, I heard no sounds making me think they left the room already.

What happened, why did they stop?

Are they leaving already?

His  mom found out that I am here? Different thoughts keep crossing my mind .

I keep thinking about what is happening and after waiting for another five minutes everything Is still silent.

I put my ear on the door knob to know if they were  talking but I heard nothing. 

Without thinking twice, I mounted the  closet to peep. Maybe I will see what is happening. The bathroom was built in a way that if you climbed the closet you will be able to see what's happening in the living room

I ascended the ceramic with the aim of a taking a glimpse of what's is happening in the other room. Unexpectedly, my leg is which was already on the closet suddenly lose its balance and the next thing I knew was a loud sounds before my eyes was clouded with darkness.

💌💌Booby pov 💌💌

"Am here to check on you and to ask you why you left the ballroom without even informing me" she said immediately as she walked in.

"Am not a kid .

I hissed before moving to a couch, and sat down.

"Like you care" I reply bluntly without looking at her ,I take the drink that was in the glass cup on the table and sip it before looking at her again.

Only God knows how I am with her and my dad right now.

"Who are you talking with before I came in "she asked, making me flinch a little  before shooting her a deadly glare.

"Am on a call" I answered softly looking at her reaction.

We stayed silent for like ten minutes without talking to each other. I didn't even ask her to sit. That's what we are, we are not that close and I don't why she didn't let me be. She was busy with her business when I was craving for her love and attention. But not now, I am different from the High school Boy they think I am then, a boy who's deficiency is love. I'm no longer that child.

I Was about to say something when a loud sound was heard  from the bathroom making me to drop the cup I am holding.

My mum looks at me suspiciously.

"Fuck it, I have even forgot that this silly girl is in the bathroom" I said to myself .

What is she up to and what is the noise all about? I found myself thinking about the possibility of what's going on.

I look at my mum again, who doesn't lose her gaze from me before standing up.

"Can you pls excuse me"

She just looked at me, anger filled her eyes but decided not to say anything before heading out.

I quickly locked the door immediately before  running to the bathroom.

On getting to the bathroom,The door was locked from the back, making it impossible to open,all my attempts to open it were in vain.

"Melissa!!!!" I screamed, hoping to hear an answer from the other side, but received none. The thought of her getting hurt makes my leg shake frantically, I am already sweating,I pull my shirt from my body.

Before running to the sitting room I search for any tools but doesn't find one.

My body starts trembling and at the same time sweating profusely.

I found myself sitting on the floor thinking of the next step to take, and am still thinking when one idea popped into  my head.

I run to the door immediately, I mount  the door handle before climbing the wall to take a look at the  bathroom, its actually good that the bathroom doesn't have a ceiling.

My heart skip a beat on seeing her, lying  helplessly on the tiles as blood keeps coming out  from her ankle .

"What!! "I screamed, without thinking twice I jumped into the bathroom from the top, wounding my leg  in the process but I didn't even notice it, I was so engrossed in the fragile soul lying unconsciously on the tile.

I quickly carried her pushing the door open as I moved into the bedroom.

I checked to see if she was breathing, and to my relief she was breathing well.

Her body temperature has risen.

I placed her on the bed, not thinking about the blood that was coming out. Before running to the freezer to get water, I poured it on her but she didn't move an inch.

What am I going to do? I gasped  before running downstairs.

I Was still climbing down the stairs, when I noticed one of the maids walking to the ballroom corridor.

I run to her and catch up with her immediately but to my surprise she is Melissa's friend,Melanie, the one girl I once feared during my highschool days.

She usually beats me whenever Adriana reports me bullying her.

She was kind of a tomboy making it harder to defeat her .

"Melanie I need your help" I murmured weakly before I could even stop myself.

"Am busy "she muttered sharply giving me a deadly glare before walking away but I held her hand immediately.

"Pls,this is about Melissa" I responded, biting my lips in frustration.

"Adriana, what happened to her or what did you do to her" she spat out with venom in her voice and I scoffed in annoyance.

"She is  unconscious can you just go and get me first aid box"  I asked sharply before releasing my grip from her hand 


"What!!!! she screams, "I will meet you at your quarter",   with this she's out of my sight.

I use my hand to push my hair to the side before breathing in. After about five minutes I also run back to my room.

"What kind of problem is this?  I muttered to myself immediately I entered the room shaking my head as I watched Melissa who is still lying on my bed.

I heard the door creaked open before Melanie popped her head in .

"Where Is she?" she questioned,  I pointed.

She rushed to her immediately before facing me.

"Can you excuse me for a while I need to treat the wound" she grumbled while feeling her pulse 

Without saying anything I walk toward the door, push it open before closing it as I step outside.

What is this, what kind of girl is this , she just ruined my first day in England.

I won't spare her if she wakes up. I look at the starless sky, the night seem to be very long. I am here sitting lost in my own thoughts because of one girl's silly mistake.

Am done Melanie voice jerked me out of my thoughts.

"Oooh" so fast" I checked my watch before looking at her again.

"Is she going to  be alright" 

"She just need to rest, try not to disturb her" 

I remained mute I just nodded thinking of what to say.I just disliked this girl, but tonight I was grateful she came to my rescue..

"Won't you carry her with you to the maids quarters?" I asked, looking confused.

"You must be joking she is sleeping here tonight"

"What!!! What are you going to tell  her parent" I asked with my eyes widened.

"Don't worry about that, just make sure nothing happens to her and don't dare to take a step closer to her " she replied in a warning tone after saying this she walked away leaving me with my mouth wide open.

"It's up to five minutes before I can refine what just happened.

Adriana sleeping in my room?


Is not possible.

"I punched the wall angrily and let out a painful groan before pushing the door open.

I walked to the bed where she was lying helplessly with her eyes closed like she was on an adventure of no return.

I look at her ankle that is already bandaged, I sigh looking frustrated and am still thinking about walking to her, though her hair is messy but she still looks beautiful.

What are you thinking?

Remember, she is a maid?  I trailed away from thinking about her before heading to the couch to sleep.