
Short chapter



Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


Melissa's pov

"Her name is Harry Amelia, I trust you must have heard about her" that's when it struck me, I remember Melanie telling me about one Amelia the other day, about her having a date with Bobby, no,this doesn't make any sense, does that means Amelia was actually Draven........ Fuck! Why don't I think about this possibility from the beginning?

" I'm sure you have an idea of where we're heading to now" His voice was husky this time...

" I found out the two are getting married, some kind of contract marriage between the two families" he cleared out my doubts.

 My eyes sparkled at the words, finding it hard to breathe as if something has struck me down my throat, making it hard to breathe and talk, my face turned pale,though am not presently seeing my own face, but I know that shock is the only expression that flitted across my face as at now.

There's nothing to doubt here, unless am just trying to play dumb about the fact, she knew this from the beginning but decided to hide this from me, is it not some kind of manipulation?

And as from Draven, the reason he sounded so concerned is very hard to predict, because of me or just because of his first love, Amelia?  I'm sure he is still thinking that Me and Bobby are yet to get entangled in some kind of relationship as he suspected, telling him about that won't make sense at the same time, when I am yet to know is true feeling for me...

I tried fighting back the tears that are about to evacuate my irises. I sniffed silently, not even up to a week after he departed from me before this happened, that's the most painful part

" Melissa," He called me.

" I'm hearing you" I whimpered, I don't want him to blame himself for telling me this, better to know earlier than later. The more I struggled to hold back the tears, the more it deteriorated, leaving me in no place to hide away from Draven being suspicious of my sudden change of tone..

" Are you crying?Melissa what happened? Is there something I don't know?" he muttered calmly, a hint of concern in his voice.

" Nothing.....just ht.bha." my voice broke before I could finish the statement, breathing heavenly and sobbing silently at the same time. Maybe if I cry my heart out, I will feel better, I never expected this very fast..

" Melissa, listen to me, you don't need to cry, we can sort this out, just wait , I am going down to your quarter immediately I reached the mansion, just wait for me" his voice was so fast that I found it hard to hear him clearly amidst the sobbing. 

" No, I want to be alone,I will give you a call if I wish to see you" I managed to say, and then pressed the end button immediately, without waiting for his reply.

 From the couch I am sitting on, I tossed my phone to the sofa angrily, not even bothering if I missed , and the phone landed on the linoleum, mistakenly.

My two palms on my face, struggling to stop the tears from rushing down again. Melissa , you caused all this, you should have not fallen for his words, you could have ignored him till he left, you should have known he will never back off from hurting, you should......... " Hahaha!!" I screamed, my hands brushing through my hair in frustration. How did I became this dumb just because of him? having no idea how this feeling reached this point.

Sorry for this short chapter, going to make it up for you guys.

