

(His Strange Prisoner)


Mafia Romance 💦💣🖤


Chapter Six


Lucas Anthony's Pov


Being hunted is not something new, especially when it comes to someone like me that's been a deadly Hunter for a very long time as far as I am concerned, just that I have never imagined being wanted for the wrong reason. I'm still finding it hard to believe that I was neatly framed for a murder and I have no power to turn the table around.


The mighty Lucas is now a wanted criminal for the wrong reason.

I know I have killed several people during my stay in the US, but trust me every single soul I took did deserve it, have never for once taken an innocent life, not to talk of killing someone this important to me.


For the first time in my life, I experienced an emotion that comes with betraying. Have never felt betrayed before because if I detected that you are planning something behind my back, you die on the spot, that's Lucas’s second law of deacon Mafias; Everybody knows that I'm heartless.


But it is very different this time because it was the entire Gang that framed me, I was betrayed by the people I see as my Family. What is more painful is that I only have six months left before I return to Russia to replace my father, and become the Boss of Deacon Mafia, but all my hopes have been shattered. Not that I care about becoming the Boss of the most notorious Mafia Gang in Russia, but I just wanted to be back home, staying in a foreign land for all these years is tiring, I just want to be by my father’s side. Unfortunately, that wish is no longer valid.


Have got an act of revenge I need to carry out, have got something I need to lay my hand on even if this is going to cost me my life, I don't care. Why am I even thinking about my life? This is unusual, have never cared about it once.




" Who would have imagined that there is this version of Anthony?" Anthony stifled in his position when he heard Emily’s voice, lowering down the newspaper he was holding.

They are in a bar on the outskirt of Alaska, Loud music is being played from different speakers, and people who have no other reason for coming here are busy dancing away whatever is bothering them. 

The lights that were illuminating this place are coming from a few pallid bulbs, making the place a bit darker. A perfect place to hide.


He dropped the newspaper on the table, grabbed the bottle of the rum he was sipping before she entered, and gulped down the entire contents.


" Are you here to help me or to mock me," he muttered tonelessly, while he stared into her Emerald eyes.


Emily has been a very good friend of his since his childhood, he has tried on several occasions to question his father about who Emily's parents are, but his father always eludes his question when it comes to this.


Although Emily has always wanted their relationship to be more than just an ordinary friend, Anthony's feelings toward her are pure, with nothing attached. And he believed her feelings for him would fade as time went on. He knows dating her will only give her nothing than adding his enemies to hers. 


" You know I can never mock my Boss," She brought her head closer to him and muttered. 


" How far about what I asked you to do?"  He probed. Anthony watched as her face turned bleak immediately he said this, she moved her head back a little while she adjust her sitting position. Even without her saying a word, he already knows he won't get the answer he wants.


" Emily?"


" Anthony," she hesitated for a few seconds, glancing around for a while before facing him back.


" I think this is more serious than we think," she explained.


" What do you mean?"


" Everyone I secretly contacted keeps saying that Derek Ace instructed them not to have anything to do with this. I know you are angry but you will need to do something you are not used to,"


" Derek?" he questioned again, just to make sure that he heard Emily. She nodded in response.

He suddenly starts to laugh at this, because the last person he expected to be disobeying his order is Derek.


" Anthony, this is not the time to be cracking jokes, your life's on the line,"


" I never say I care, but thanks for caring about me anyway," He winked at her, and Emily growled loudly at his behaviour.


" Do you mean that Bastard, Derek is telling the gang to disobey me?" He stood up, walked to the nearest chair, and threw it into the crowd.


When Emily sees this, she quickly rushed to where he was and dragged him to a corner with all her strength.


She was breathing heavily, “ What do you think you are doing Anthony, what if one of those guys recognizes you? Do you think I will risk my head and break into the prison once again?" She muttered angrily. Anthony did not reply to her, he was busy cursing Derek as he kept on pacing in her front.


He stopped and faced her.


" Emily, I appreciate every single thing you have done for me, even when all those people betrayed me, you and Michael are still by my side, but never forget this is my fight," He paused, glaring up and shutting his eyes closed. " And For Derek, I won't hesitate to gun him down when I set my eyes on him," He muttered through gritted teeth.


" But Derek is in Russia, and we are presently in Alaska. Why can't you hunt him after clearing your name? You can't even sneak out from Alaska because every single person is looking for your head!" Emily stated, giving him a stoic look that hold no emotion.


" And you think I care about any of that?" He spoke furiously.


" But you still to be patient, even if you are not used to it,"


" Good that you also know that," He hissed, his hands running through his brunette hair. " Not like we have any other choice, you can stay out of this, I will contact Derek by myself," He added


Emily's eyes widened, " Are you trying to implicate yourself? Someone that told your people to turn against you? Do you think you will manage to convince him to help you?"


" I never said I'm going to ask for his help, this is not how the Emily I knew used to talk, you sound scared," He snorted.


Emily was about to say something when he noticed that a police car had pulled over at the front of the building, some of the people that were busy facing has also started to evacuate the building immediately they see this.


" We need to leave immediately," 


They both walked to the back of the building, and exit the building through the back door. 


"  You can stay, let me get the car," Emily told him and Anthony hummed in agreement.  Emily disappeared into the dark road immediately, while Anthony just stayed still on the spot she left him.


" Get in," Emily's voice made him look up, he forced a smile and walked towards the car.


" This is the latest Ferrari, don't tell me you steal this again?" Anthony joked as he stepped into the car.


" What do you think about it? is cute right?" 


" But this is not your favourite colour," His eyes Lingering around the silent road. Emily speeds off.


" I have no choice to search since I took it directly from the port," She complained bitterly, Anthony glanced back at her in surprise, " I thought you promised not to steal again," He asked in surprise.


" This is from the ship directly, I only shot one guy, and I killed no one," She pointed out.


" Whatever," Anthony hissed, 


" Michael called, I think we have an alternative," 


" Really?" 


" He said there is a new girl in town," 


" So?" He probed; he doesn’t sound like he was interested in whatever Emily was saying.


" He said she is living in this beautiful penthouse, he thinks we can easily get rid of her, so you can stay in the house until we sort things out,"


He chuckled, " Michael can do better than this, what is all this,"


" You are not taking me seriously, are you?" Emily bit her lips in anger, followed by a loud snarl from the car engine.


" You can't keep doing this," Emily complained.


" What of her family? Do you think no one won't ask for her if they find out that she is missing?" Anthony explained casually.


" Her family is in Texas, that can buy us time. At least for like five days before we find a way to get out of Alaska. You are doing this whether you like it or not,"


" Okay, can we go now?" 


" You will be the one to go, I will explain everything you need to know on the way. it's already past 7, I also need to return to the mansion if I don't want them to suspect that I am meeting someone secretly. She rolled her eyes at him..