


Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid



Bobby's Pov

As each hour passed everyday, this feeling kept on deteriorating. In my entire existence, I never thought there is a pain more greater than the one I experienced by growing up without my parents by my side. This past few weeks, everything that happened still seemed like an illusion to me, because it doesn't look real. Stupid me, I thought the only chance of me getting out of my father grip is by taking over His company, oblivious of the fact that by doing so, his tormenting willingly increase without me having power to escape out of it. 

" Melissa," I whispered, slamming my fist on the pile of files that were laying silently on the  front desk.  

I can't even bring myself to face her, can I? Not like I have any plan to change the whole situation, I hardly have the power to travel to California without my father's approval, my whole life presently is not mine, I can barely do anything without my father getting involved.

I'm just a card in the whole game,nothing more....But, is this the end? sigh, does this mean I lose the game already? No, this can't be.

" But the marriage is fucking one week away!" I screamed loudly, I had no clue how my hands grabbed the laptop that was laying beside me, And the next thing? I smashed it to the wall angrily, every single part scattered onto the linoleum.

I dropped back to my seat, breathing heavily, this can't be the end, No! this can't be the end....  The whole situation wouldn't have turned into a mess if I didn't receive that phone call from Draven.  I don't think I can keep letting my anger get the best of me if I ended up doing something to hurt her.  That stupid man will go any length just to make sure I lay low till after the wedding, and with the look of things, he never made mentioned of her name not to talk asking me what's going on between us, and I find that kind of strange. 

What's his plan? Is he waiting for the best time to use this card to threaten me?  "what the heck!" 

I'm still in my train of thought when the landline phone started to ring, at first I ignored the call but when the phone rang for the second time, I grabbed it aggressively before putting it to ear.

" I thought I told you I just wanted to be alone?" 

" I'm very..... Sorry Sir, just that.."

" Tell me" I cut her off.

" Harry Amelia is here," she answered from the other side.

I stayed mute for a few seconds, contemplating on what to say. I thought we are not supposed to see each other till the wedding day, so,what is she doing here all of a sudden?

I cleared my throat, " Let her in" 

I started to arrange the files that I scattered on the table earlier, not bothering to stand and clean up the laptop parts that had been scattered on the floor. 

My head was still in the dock position when I heard being pushed open. I slowly raised my head, and behold, I nearly lost my sense as my eyes  scrutinized her perfect shaped face, her cologne filled the room almost immediately. I'm still busy enjoying the view as she walked closer to where I am sitting, but she stopped all of a sudden, her eyes scanning the floor in surprise.

" What's going on here, Bobby?" She looked concerned even without knowing what really happened.

I stood up from the chair, pushing it slightly to give me enough space.  With my fingers on my Tie.

" Have this anger issue have been planning to subside, I pray I get over it very soon" I flashed her a smile even though it was not genuine.

I walked closer to where she was standing, motionless. " Miss Harry, don't you think this can cause us a problem if you Father.......hummm, let me add mine" I paused, studying her expression, she was looking straight into eyes without blinking.

" This can cause us a big problem, I thought you know that?" 

" Whatever" she muttered sharply, before I could say a word, she had already walked past me to take her seat on the nearest couch, opposite the office chair I was sitting on before she entered.

I chuckled before turning back to face her, " That's quite rude, I never knew you got some attitudes" I snickered. I walked closer to her, bending a little low when I reached her side. " If I may ask, what brought you by the way?" 

" You don't look that good, you care to share" her breath hitting my face, damn it! it is so hard to resist this lady charm. I abruptly stood straight before I started thinking about something crazy.......

" With the way you scattered your office, I guess you are frustrated about everything, or is this because of the marriage?" She grinned, her mouth forming a purse. 

" Are you enjoying this? Anyway, you look good if I may ask, I guess your Dad must have speak some sense into you" 

" Really?" she stretched her legs, revealing her thighs. I quickly darted my eyes to the side.

"What are you doing? Remember this is...my..off.i..ce" I managed to say, gulping down the saliva that sticks to my throat..

" Wow!" She suddenly clapped, " Don't tell me you don't find me attractive, you should be happy that we are getting married,"

" What....a..."

" My thoughts tho" she cut me off.

I slowly strode back to my sit, and sat down. Now facing her. " Can you please go straight to the point, remember am not jobless" 

" You don't look like you are busy, ohhh! my bad, you are busy smashing anything you can lay your hand on" She chuckled, and that only made me more furious. She seemed like a totally different person, the Amelia I knew won't even look at my face, not to talk of her talking back to me. What the fuck is going on?

" Can you be serious for once" I sighed, " I thought you don't like the idea of us getting married....."

" Then" she pointed out... " You changed your mind already?"

" Did I say so?" 

" So what is all this then?"

" I came for you help"

" What are you.." wait, did I just hear her saying she needs my help, what's going on.

" My help"


I sit back into my chair, all my attention fully engrossed into her face.

"What are you talking about?" I grumbled calmly. I'm kind of worried about what she was about to say, what if she said she accepted the offer already? Does it mean everything is really over? Does that mean I will never get the chance to hold Melissa in my arms again? I tried shaking my head off the thought, but the more I think about it, the more it gets.

" I heard you went to California yesterday," 

" Yes" 

" To do what if I may ask?" 

Why the question, how did she know in the first place?" " To see my father of course" I fibbed.

" Lier, your dad is with my Dad at Alaska throughout yesterday" 

" So?" 

" Is it not obvious that you went to see someone, someone that's very important?" She rolled her eyes.

" You must be kidding, why did you think so"

" Because I know so"

" You can't just...

" We need to come up with a plan, this marriage can't hold Bobby, you have someone you love, even if you keep denying it, I know that that's the true" she sighed loudly, her hand resting on her cheek.

" Done with your assumptions, I guess you must have found a new prince charming, or is he alive?"

" Yes, I saw him at the airport yesterday"
