

(His Strange Prisoner)


Mafia Romance 💦💣🖤


Chapter Nine🤭

Lucas Anthony's pov.

" Or maybe have seen you somewhere before," She managed to say before looking down. I was shocked by her answer because she just confirmed my suspicion. Has she really seen me before? No, I doubt that, there is no way.

I cleared my throat.

" And where is that?" I whispered, narrowing my eyes at her.

" I don't know.....knowww," She stuttered, still not raising her head.

I stooped at her front, leaning closer to her face before using one of my fingers to raise her chin. She is now looking straight into my eyes. For a split second, I felt the urge to draw her closer, hug her and told her I'm not going to hurt; An emotion have never felt toward anyone before. I find it kind of strange. I inhaled slowly, before wearing back my emotionless look. This is not you Anthony, you need to get rid of this girl as soon as possible, this might cost you your life if you keep being friendly with her, I find myself arguing with my subconscious mind. I chuckled, there is no way that will be possible, I already made up my mind, breaking my words is like breaking my own rules, it has never happened before, and not even this girl will let it happen.

I look straight into her Emerald eyes, just like I when I saw her picture three years ago before leaving Russia, nothing has changed about her throughout the years. It would have been better if the person that assigned this assignment to me is still alive, maybe he would be able to give me a reason why this girl is important.

" Think deeply about it, where? You might not get another chance again,"  I mumbled in a serious tone, and then I leaned away from her. I stood up, awaiting her response. 

The truth is, I have no idea why I'm doing this, even if she has seen me before, which I doubt. It's of no use, not like she will use it against me when she is dead. 

" I don't know....please just let me go," Her pleading voice drove me out of my trance.

 I glanced back at her.

"So are you saying you are lying?"

" I'm very sorry, I'm just afraid you won't believe me if I said no,"

"I don't need to believe you. I will still kill you anyway without your answer," I muttered emotionlessly.

Her face turned red as I said this, I expected her to burst into tears and start crying again but none of it happened. She maintained a straight face, I guess she was trying to hide her fear, but I can still see through them.

In my entire life, making decisions has never been a heavy task. I can even say it is the easiest thing I love doing because I always do what I think it's right without giving it a second thought, especially when it comes to killing people. But today is different, this girl is different, and I can't help but give it a second thought. I know I can not let her go, but I find it hard to kill her at the same time. All the prattle talk have been saying was to give me enough time to conclude. If I had known, I would have let Michael take care of everything secretly without me finding out who the girl is, but it is late. I already know who she is. 

Who knows, if she is that important to the person that sent me down to the US, she can also be of help to me now or later. At least for now, she should be in my custody while I figure things out , and if she is not useful as I thought. I guess I had no other choice but to get rid of her then, anything that happens to her depends on her luck.

She is still glaring at me with a stoic expression, not even blinking for once.

I forced a smile.

" You won't say anything?" I pulled out the gun I already shoved into my back pocket.

" Can you do me a favour at least,"

I adjusted the gun silencer, "And what's that?" I inquired without looking at her.

" Let me leave a message for my family. It will save them from thinking I was kidnapped for Ransom,"

" What a great thought!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together.

" You won't believe I never thought about that before. That means I can also make money off your death," I winked, it seemed that was a bad move because I never expected her next move. She rushed towards me, her hands aiming to snatch the gun out of my hand. What a stupid game from her, I don't think twice before I dropped the gun and lifted her tiny body off the ground and slammed her into the wall. Fuck! How did I forget to tie her?

She screamed in Agony.

" What do you think you are doing?!" I boomed, while I  brushed my hair backwards, thinking of what I had just done. Wow, I never expected that from her, is she that eager to die? If that is her choice, maybe I can be of help to her dumb decision.

I stared at her body which was lying pitifully on the tile. Blood was already dripping from her right hand. 

I quickly rushed to her side and held her body up before moving to the couch to lay her down. She was sweating and also struggling to breathe.

" How can you make that reckless move," I grumbled furiously. 

" Just ki....ll...lll...lll" Her voice was breaking, making it hard to understand what she was trying to say.

" Just kill me, please," She managed to say this time.

I withdraw my hand from her head and place it gently on one of the throw pillows.

" Not after I get my money," I hissed. " Where is your phone?"

" Why do you need it?" She groaned, she attempted to lift her hand but she stopped halfway, I guess the wound is more than I think. This just shows how stupid she was. I still can't believe she made that stupid move on me. So if she managed to snap the gun out of my hand, she is going to shoot me? I scowled, I wouldn't have any other choice than to finish her before she will get hold of the gun cock.

" I'm feeling dizzy," Her tiny voice stopped my train of thought. I looked down immediately only to see that her eyes has started to close.

" Fuck!" I cursed.  There is no way I could help, I have no idea of how to stop her wound from bleeding, and I don't even know how much I hurt her. I think it is better I give Emily a call, she is the only person that can save her. But her phone?

I bent my head, my hands cupping her face. Her eyes are shut but I can still hear the faint sound of her breathing.

" Stay still, fight it. Where is your phone, I need to call a doctor," I don't want her to think that I care, but my voice was poorly disguised, I can't help it.

" Why? You will kill me anyway, you don't need to save...." Her lips stopped moving.

" Olivia, Olivia!" I muttered repeatedly. When I realised there is no hope of getting a word from her. I raced out of the Sitting room and walked directly into the first room I saw. Luckily her phone was there, lying peacefully in the middle of her bed.

I quickly grabbed it and proceeded to dial Emily's number. I hesitated when I was about to dial her number.

Why am I doing this? What am I even going to tell Emily? I know she won't question my command, but what of my dignity? Anthony, this is not you. For the past one hour, I have been behaving strangely, completely different from the ruthless Anthony that entered this building. What if the girl is not as useful as I thought? Anyway, I still need to find out more about her, and why have been her Anonymous bodyguard for three years………

More secrets to unfold.I was supposed to post two days ago but something happened, I'm very sorry for that. I will start updating daily from tomorrow.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
