



Continue from the last chapter



"Please, can you send Melissa to the quarters immediately, it's very urgent" I heard the head maid pleading from the other side, a hint of fear in her voice. I became dumbfounded for some seconds, the fact that I had sent her away like five hours ago but being asked to send her over still surprised me.  Besides, did she expect her to still be with me at this time of the day? This is 5pm already for good sake, I'm not that wicked.

"She left already, but what happened by the way?" I tried to play the gentle guy, even though I didn't care.


"His father just slumped in the garden, and faint, but the ambulance is yet to reach here"

"What!!! Just wait I will get the limousine and come to the quarters immediately"  I replied the first statement I could think of.

"Ok we will be waiting, I need to go" she replied before ending the call. I remained stiff to my position. What the fuck did I just heard. Where the heck is she? .

Bobby's pov

I ran as fast as I can,  both feet hitting hard on the cold linoleum. After picking the key, I rushed down to the garage, walked briskly to where the three limousines were parked separately from the myriad of cars. Without thinking twice I attempted to open the black one clearly forgetting that am yet to unlock.  I groaned in frustration when I remembered the key is still in my pocket. I tucked my hand into my trousers and brought out the key. I pressed the unlock button but to my surprise, the white one that was beside me came into live by buzzing loudly. I hurried towards it, I opened the door and started it almost immediately before closing the door.

I drive towards the maid's quarters, different thought diving through my mind, where the hell is Melissa in the first place! I slammed my hand on the hand wheel, but sigh when the quarters come into view. But wait, hope is not what I am presently thinking? They are yet to see her at the maids quarter, meanwhile Draven came to ask me for some shit* about her. No, that could be a coincidence, she was definitely with him.

"Gosh! Why didn't I think about that before" I whispered to myself, I raised my head lightly , I can see Melanie or whatever waving her hand at me at the front of there quarter, I parked the car swirling around. I opened the door before I stormed out to meet them.

"You are here" the head maid grumbled, immediately I reached her front.  I

" Where is he?" I asked, she pointed at the two security men, each using his hand to support his body as they kept on walking towards us. I gaze at the starless sky in Nervousness.

"Where the heck is the driver?!" I groaned, a hint of irritation in my voice. One of the security men that was standing beside Melanie who is comforting Melissa's mom, rushed to me trembling. 

"Just arrived for my shift, sir " he stammered, looking at the floor. "Ok, just take this and drive, I would have liked to drive by myself but you know i'm not that familiar with this place" I said, trying to suppress my anger. I feel agitated at his silly excuse. I threw the key at him, he caught it in a jiffy before hurrying towards the car. The two security men that were bringing Melissa's father are now at the limousine,  The driver opened the door and they guard him in. 

"Are you going with them? " I heard Melanie's voice trailing behind my back, I tilted my head and my eyes landed on Melissa's mom immediately. I bowed my head a little before facing Melanie.

"Nope, let Mrs Mark go with them, I will go get another car and follow" I gulped down, trying to show sympathy through my voice.

She nodded, I watched them walk to the limo. Melanie quickly opened the door for her and shut it immediately. Before I could ask her why she did not enter, the limo buzzed into life and speed off. I closed back my mouth,waiting for Melanie to reach me.

" Why don't you follow them?" I questioned, looking at her intently. He frowned a little at my reaction before answering me.

"Since you wanted to follow behind, I think riding in the same car won't be a bad idea" she muttered sarcastically. I smirked before bursting into a laugh. Damn it! This is not the time for this. I tried restraining myself from laughing again before looking at her.

"And you think I will allow that? Not even because of this situation. I'm not that kind ``I grumbled, quoting the last word.


