
Favourite Maid

Continued from the last chapter.

"Whatever, I'm not in for any chit chat" I muttered out of frustration, giving him a straight look. I don't know why I allowed him in the first place, there is no doubt that he thought I have something for Melissa I guessed that why she always appears in the picture. I tried acting calm but deep down am eager to know what he have for me, about Melissa to be precise. I'm still blaming myself for sending her off. What's happening to me, I shake my head of the thought, I never imagine myself to be disturb emotionally because of one Petty maid.

"Like I said, we need to sort some things out"... His voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

" And what's that?"

" It's about Melissa, " he retorted, looking at my reaction. 

" Okay, I'm all ears, what's up with her?" I queried, pretending not to understand what he was getting at.

" I don't know what you might have against her, but keeping someone against her will is not cool" 

There we go again, I guessed she has got a lawyer to plead for her guilty.

"Keeping her against her will? Dude, do you take me for a kidnapper?"  I laughed at his joke, deep down I know what he is driven at, but beating around the bush is what I hated the most. If you want to beg for someone go straight to the point instead of forming dick head.

He chuckled, "don't try to elude the fact that you understand me" , he paused, waiting for my response but since I kept mute looking at him in awe, he continued. " I heard you instructed the head maid to assigned her to your apartment for the month"

" Yes, don't tell me you are here to ask me about that" I tried restraining myself from shouting. I don't know why I became furious just because of his statement. I clenched my fist in order to calm myself.

"Anyway, in here to ask you to take it down" he asked silently, looking at me intently. "Why should I?" I asked  , sitting upright. I assume I am enjoying this chit chat more than what I expected.  

" Maybe it's because I think I have something for her, and I can't cope with seeing her with some random dude you know" his eyes shrewd, drawing on the couch.

I didn't know what to say, I remained speechless for some seconds, thinking about what to say.

"Whatever your feelings, I don't think I can do that, Loverboy" I managed to say, I was somehow catch off guard with his statement.







Bobby's pov

I was bewildered with different thoughts gushing through my mind, the thought of seeing her with him disgust me already not to talk of him confessing his feelings to me. I kept mute lost in my own World. But no matter how much I think I don't think anything actually makes any sense, with the news they just  conveyed through my so-called PA. There is no doubt that I will be leaving LA for Norwich City. Nope why am I thinking this way, even my so-called father is yet to tell me what's going on. "But why am I overprotective when I actually don't feel anything for her?" I drones silently, I flickered my eyes trying to understand the prattled word I just heard .

"Are you there?" His grumpy voice made me raise my head, I gawked at him...

"I'm here of course, so what are you trying to get at?" I questioned, throwing him a stoic look. I'm knackered already with all this childish talk. I just can't believe we are sitting because of a maid.

He grinned silently, I just can't stand his calmness.  

"Let's just do it this way," he paused, then continued. " I believe you knew already about your dad's plan for you"

My expression changed immediately, no it can't be what I am thinking of. Is not possible for him to know about that. Wait, what if I am the only one that doesn't have any idea about this, there is no way my father will discuss his family business with his brother. But what if he did?

"And what can that be?" I asked innocently, beaming at the same time. 

" Don't tell me you don't know about you taking over your Dad's company, besides is that not why you are here In England" he muttered, surprisingly, I keep a straight to avoid any suspicious sign that can indicate i have no Idea of what he was talking about. I hit my foot lightly on the linoleum, looking at him incredulously.

" I knew about that already, but am somehow surprised that you knew about it," 

"Ohhhhh, don't be surprised, and as a matter of fact, I just  got to know on the day i moved in" 

"I guessed your dad must have told" I smirked 

"Is not like I'm that close to your dad, you know I am also like you to him" je grumbled,a hint of sarcasm in his voice. I took a deep breath and raised my head to look at the chandelier that was handed above us, anger fuming inside, I clenched my fist together in order to suppress my anger. Starting at him with so much hatred.

"Wow, I like your joke, but you should have told me directly"  I spoke through gritted teeth . I know he must have notice the furious in my voice

" But, I'm not the person that loves to reverse his decision, dear cousin" I whispered, trying to sound calm. He looked down for some seconds while I sat still waiting for his reaction.

"There is no need for me to argue, just thought I need to tell you before going through another method" he smiled, he stood up and adjusted his coat. Mouth wide open trying to understand what he meant. 

" And that's supposed to mean what," I retorted, he stayed still for some seconds before heading to the door, I signed in frustration. 

"What's game is this Dick head trying to play" I grumble under my breath, I heard the door being closed Implying he just left me speechless  without replying. I dropped down on the nearest couch. Different thoughts, different assumptions running through my mind. His only way of treating me is contacting my parents, my dad to be precise. But there is no way he would order me around, I'm now an adult and I'm qualified to make my own decision.

Melissa's pov


After Draven existed the room, I take my time in the devouring the bread, yes, I don't get chance to eat as I like due to his presence. Wait, I don't think I catch a glimpse of my dad yesterday, gosh am dead what excuse am I going to give him if he found that have been hanging with Bobby? No, there is no way the head naid will disclose that to him. It would have been nice if have gathered enough money for my college, the thought of getting a degree and securing a good job after graduation can stop pop in to my head. I believe that's the only solution for now.

Sorry for the short chapter, gonna make the next chapter longer than this


