

Chapter Fourteen ❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣

Olivia's pov

Talking to my Mom was not an easy one, I practically sobbed throughout the call. She kept asking me if I am okay, and with an arching heart I continued to tell her I'm fine, and that I will get better within a few days. I tried to talk her out of worrying about me, at least for her peace of mind. And if the worst eventually arrives, I won't be there to see or console her. 

Thank God my uncle was not in the country, I can't imagine my Mom telling him to check on me. That will only make everything worse, David is not the type to go anywhere without an escort, and I know that him coming to check on me here is not an exception, he will surely come with his bodyguards, I can't even imagine the bizarre thing that is likely to occur if that happens.

" If you notice you are not getting better, I can fly down to Alaska tonight, or I can call Edward to drop by at your place" She had said, her voice filled with nothing but concern. But who am I to say yes when a gun was being pointed at my head. I don't know how I completely forgot that Edward told me he will branch at my place today. Fuck! He is not supposed to be here, I don't want a situation where my ex-boyfriend will get involved with them. Unfortunately, He is a cop, another red flag. Even if they pretend to be my friend while I hang out with him, Edward will surely recognize the most wanted prisoner in the whole of Alaska at first glance, and if that happened, they might end up killing him like those Cops.

I remember raising my voice at my Mom in response to this suggestion, " Not again, I need no Edward!" I took a deep breath, making time to control my emotions. I slowly spit out the salty tears as they dropped on my lips, closing my eyes in the process.

After a few seconds, I continued. " You should not, this is a lady thing, I only need to rest, I don't need....." I wiped away the tears on my cheek. " I don't need him..." I completed it.

" You can't be like..."

" No Edward talk again, you..." I paused when I noticed Lucas drawing an invisible circle in the air.

" I need to go...now," My voice broke as I said the last sentence.

" Okay, just make sure..."


Emily pressed the red button before she could finish, and then took it from my front.

" I don't remember giving you the permission to talk about another thing aside from what you are meant to say," Emily said as he trudged towards where Lucas was sitting, he handed him the phone.

I didn't say a word or reply to her question. I just stared down, my eyes eying the tiny line between the tiles in my front, reminiscing about my Conversation with my mother while I sobbed silently.

" You can enter now," I heard Lucas' voice. 

The silence that followed after this, nobody talked for a few seconds, but when I began to like the silent atmosphere, I suddenly heard the sound of the door being opened.

My heart skipped, the only person I can think of entering is Edward, my mind is too far away that I don't think about the possibility of him coming in when he doesn't know any of my door Password In the first place. Then it hit me, it can only be one person, Michael. No way, the call ended about fifteen minutes ago, there is no way he would be here.

 To clear my curiosity, I forced my face up. Surprisingly, Micheal was the first person I set my eyes on. He was also looking at me as he strode closer. The way he was looking at me was completely different from that Micheal who always looks down whenever he is talking to me. My mouth was wide open, I wanted to say many words that instant, but I'm speechless. It seemed like my tongue had been tapped to my throat. 

He broke the staring competition when he reached the front of Lucas, and he bowed.

" Wow! Impressive, I actually thought you went to Texas for real," Emily stated in delight, smiling loudly.

" And you think Don will do that?"

" I'm also confused at first, but I can't question him anyway." 

Micheal tilted his head to my side, Immediately his eyes landed on mine, and he looked away.

"About what you asked...." Michael was about to say something but stopped halfway. Did they divert their attention back to me? I thought, twirling my fingers into each other.

" Who is Edward?" His voice was laced with an uncomfortable emotion; the way vampires speak in Hollywood movies when they know the person is under their compulsion.

The question came as a shock because I thought he was not interested, but here we are, asking me all of a sudden.

I raised my brows, " Wha..tt" I stuttered. Looking at his face in confusion. Both Emily and Micheal now divert their attention back to me, Emily was looking at me like a hungry wolf, I don't try looking at Michael's face, I'm very sure his expression is way worse than Emily's.

" Who is Edward? Care to share?" I was sidetracked by his question for the second time.

I scanned my brain for the perfect lie, but I found none. What if I tell him it was nobody and Edward eventually shows up in front of my gate the next minute? No, that won't happen. I can still tell him that he is a guy friend without mentioning that he is a Cop and not just a regular one. That will only make it once, I should quickly play it safe...

" Answer the Goddamn Question!" Emily's voice jerked me out of my reverie. She made to walk toward me, more sure she is trying to drag me to Lucas' front again, but Micheal was faster than her, he grabbed her wrist, and pulled her back.

 I hissed silently, no need to show that you are different, all of you are murders anyway.

" A friend of mine, you want to kill him too?" I answered harshly. Emily groaned as I said this.

Lucas chuckled. 

He put down the right leg he was putting on the other one, stood up, adjusted the jacket I never noticed, and then began to walk slowly to me with a smile forming on his lips.

He bent at my front, " You are getting more interesting,"  He complimented. 

I scowled.

" Now, will you answer my question?" 

" What if I am not, you will kill me now?" I don't know where the words are coming from, but I'm starting to like this version of me. Moreover, no need to be afraid of him when he will kill me in the end.

" I'm starting to like you. What do you think about her, Micheal?"

I look over Lucas's Enormous shoulders.

He cleared his throat, " Same as you think..." Sniffed. " She is an interesting one,"

" I guess I'm too easy on her."

I glared at his devious eyes, " Easy?" I scowled, " Just like you are planning to kill my mother? I guess you only get me to believe you because of my fragile state, If only you knew who she was....." 

" Gently, your spit is kind of irritating." He cut me off, placing his palm on his chest before he made a weird expression.

I hissed.

" I don't mean to hurt your feelings,"

" I never.."

" Rachel Mark, CEO of Stardom Telecommunications. She took your father's place in the company when he was murdered seven years ago, you need more evidence?"

My eyes widened in shock.

I glared at him in surprise, how is that possible? How did he manage to gather so much information about my family when it's not even up to two days? And about my father's death, how is that possible? The cause of his death was hidden from the public, there is no way someone would find that out except if my mom told the person...

" Boss, Edward is calling," Micheal called from behind.
