
False suspicion

"Dad, who're you talking with?" He greeted his father, who seemed to be anxious while he was holding the cellphone.

"It's a friend," he replied shortly.

Then he left the place and went to his room. He's been acting strangely these past few days. He seemed to be worried and seemed to be deep in thought. His daddy rarely stays at their house. He just vacationed here for a few days and then returned to Korea, where he has a flower farm.

Harry slowly followed his daddy.

He entered the room and closed the door, but it didn't close properly, causing Harry to hear everything he said freely.

"Are you at the rest house yet?" his dad asked.

He could not hear the person he was talking to because his cellphone was not in speaker mode.

"You have to be careful. I already told my boy to provide everything you need there," he said again.

He was confused by what he had heard.

"Everything will be alright. Don't worry so much, Amanda."