

After six years apart, successful billionaire Christian Hampson reunites with his first love. He doesn't forget his one-night stand, who doesn't remember him. She is the only daughter of her family and wants to become a flight attendant and travel the world. After a bad day at work, she bumps into a billionaire's Bentley on her way home. She thinks she has met him before and offers to work for his aviation company for free as long as he returns her car. Christian, who has already sold her vehicle, refuses. Will Christabella finally remember Christian or will they make new memories together? Despite all obstacles, will they ever be together? Find out in Billionaire's First Love

Favour_Taiwo · Thành thị
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Chapter Four

Christabella has been in the same room for almost two days now, at least her kidnapper was nice enough to give her food. She had a feeling that Christian kidnapped her because the last thing she remembered was her trying to escape bunch of security men. One thing she's yet to understand is the reason why Christian would have her kidnapped.

" Fine I followed his car, so what, am not the first to tail him and I won't be the last but what's his plan. What does he plan to do with me." She thought to herself.  She folded her legs closer to her chest and held them together with her hands so that she could rest her head on them. She didn't know when she slept off. She woke up in a different position entirely, she was now sleeping on her side covered with a beautiful blanket.

Bella met the eyes of Christian. His eyes were so tender. He looked so vulnerable but she could care less. She finally got the chance to come face to face with him.

"How dare you have me kidnapped you lunatic." Those were the first words that came out of Bella's mouth.

"Technically I didn't kidnap you, if you were kidnapped you won't be looking all cute and dolled up. Can you at least go take a shower? I mean it's been three days already. You smell like a rotten egg, don't make it seem like I didn't take good care of you during your stay here." Chris replied.

Bella knew that if she's to start arguing with him, it was only going to get her into more trouble so she knew she had to get out of his house.

"You know what Christian please just let me out. I really need to go. My final exams starts in two days time and am not even prepared. I don't want my grade to drop. Have tried really hard to keep my straight A and I don't want that to change so please just let me out." She said at the verge of tears.

"You still don't remember me do you?" Christian asked.

"It's is confirmed that this guy is a little psycho. His he trying to change the topic or what exactly his he trying to do." Bella thought in her head.

"Of course I know and remember you perfectly, you're Christian, Christian Hampson and everyone knows you so let me out. I'm sorry for tailing you the other day okay? and you can have my car. You can do whatever you want with it but please don't sabotage my admission. It has always been my dream and this is like the final step to achieving my dream so please if my application is ever considered please don't even try to sabotage it." Bella said with venom laced with her voice.

"Ok I'll let you out, but on one condition." Chris said

"Is this guy trying to sleep with me? What could his condition be?" Bella thought in her head

"You know what Chris, if you're trying to get me in your bed by putting me in a tight spot of a stupid condition then forget. I would rather die than sleep with you." Bella said with a glare.

"No one you're already in my bed baby" Chris said with a smirk

"Don't you dare call me baby" Bella replied immediately she heard him call her baby.

"Does the word make you feel so uncomfortable baby?" Chris replied with another smirk

"You're nothing but a misogynistic jerk." Bella said standing up from the bed and running to the door.

"The door is locked." Chris said hold the key up for Bella to see.

Bella launched for Chris with full force but missed and landed on the bed. Chris bursted out in laughter. His voice filling the room.

"Napuno!" Bella said with an eye roll, venom lacing her voice.

"Why do you want to get out so bad? You know you can never win against me" Chris said with a smirk

"You're such a jerk and I totally hate you. I really really hate you. Nan jeongmal jeongmal dangsin-i silh-eo."

"Speak to me in a language I understand." Chris said with venom in his voice

"I really really hate you that's what it meant, you lunatic." Bella said

Without thinking twice, Chris rushed Bella and pinned her down on the bed. He sat on her stomach and pinned her hands over her head. Bella immediately closed her eyes shut in fear.

"Don't you dare say you hate me ever again. In fact you don't deserve to say those words. So don't you ever say does words ever again because you really won't like what I would do to you." Chris said

Bella was so scared and was shaking in fear but she wasn't planning to let Chris win. She doesn't want him to see her as weak so she fought back.

"Let go of me you this cold blooded brute. I freaking hate you and theirs nothing you can do about it."

"You'll learn to love me woman. You belong to me. You've been the only one for me for the past six years and it's your turn to love me back." Chris said

"I am not your freaking ass property, so get of me." Bella said nodding him in his head and he released her immediately.

She tried to run out of the room but the door was still locked.

"Let me out" she screamed. Is anybody there? Christian Hampson is a fucking monster, he's a serial killer." She shouted more.

"Shut the fuck up Ella or you'll hate what I'll do to you." Chris shouted back

"What will you do, am super curious." Bella said with a glare.

"If you know what is good for you, fucking shut your mouth and hear me out." Chris said in anger.

Bella knew the argument would only escalate and it won't lead her any where. She decided call down to hear what Chris had to say.

"Why did you kidnap me?" Bella asked.

"I didn't kidnap you I just wanted to talk. Chris replied.

Bella wondered why Chris would want to talk to her of all people.

"About what?" She asked glaring.

Chris picked a paper from the bed side and told Bella to sign it.

"What is this?" Bella asked

"An agreement that you won't tell anyone under any circumstance that you were here in my house." Chris said.

"And why would I do that?" Bella asked with a glare.

"I don't want to be caught up in a stupid scandal involving you so I'll not tell anyone about this." Bella said tearing the paper.

"If I ever hear of the fact that I kidnapped you from anyone, I'll destroy you." Chris said with a glare

"Is that a threat?" Bella said with a smirk.

Chris didn't reply and just went to the door to let her go.

It's been 2months since Bella's last encounter with Christian. It's very funny how her mum thought she was at her best friend Bianca's place. Bianca on the other hand knew where Bella was but choose not to say anything about it.  What Bella still don't understand was why Bianca kept quiet.

Bella's graduation is in 2days and she couldn't wait. She is super excited because she'll be graduating with a first class degree in international Tourism. She feels so proud of herself  and she's somehow thankful to Christian because he didn't sabotage her admission into the aviation school. Her appointment letter came in yesterday morning and she feels so happy .Christian really surprised her on this one and she couldn't be happier.