

After six years apart, successful billionaire Christian Hampson reunites with his first love. He doesn't forget his one-night stand, who doesn't remember him. She is the only daughter of her family and wants to become a flight attendant and travel the world. After a bad day at work, she bumps into a billionaire's Bentley on her way home. She thinks she has met him before and offers to work for his aviation company for free as long as he returns her car. Christian, who has already sold her vehicle, refuses. Will Christabella finally remember Christian or will they make new memories together? Despite all obstacles, will they ever be together? Find out in Billionaire's First Love

Favour_Taiwo · Thành thị
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51 Chs

Chapter Forty

At Christian's office.

Chris sat on his office chair attending to a business call from San Francisco. Christian had a great talent for designing aircrafts and Christian's company just got a contract from one of the elites in San Francisco. The elite wanted to purchase a new private jet and he wanted Chris to design both the interior and exterior of the aircraft and the meeting was to finalise the design. Chris heard a knock on his door but he didn't didn't say a word so the person came in. It was Eliot his P.A.

"Sorry to interrupt your meeting sir but you have to attend to this call urgently." Elliot said.

"Excuse me please give me two minutes." Chris said before placing the call on hold to attend to Elliot.

"Who is it?" Chris asked.

"It's your mum. She said it's urgent." Eliot said handing Chris the phone.

"Mum please can I call you back in an hour? Am in the middle of a busin...."

"Chris I won't take long... It's very urgent and important." Chris mum Cassandra said.

"Okay mum. What is it. If you're planning to set me up again then stop wasting our precious time." Chris said feeling uninterested.

"No it's not a waste of time son. Do you know Leonard Frederick? The owner of LFB? The world biggest car brand?" Cassandra asked in excitement

"Yes have heard of him." Chris said sounding uninterested.

"Okay he called me this afternoon that he wanted to surprise his wife with a private jet and he wanted you to design and oversee the whole process yourself. He already sent a representative to the company. The person will be with you shortly. Please attend to the representative personally." Cassandra said smiling

"Ok mum. I'll call you later." Chris said before dropping the call and went back to his business meeting.

"Sorry I had to attend to a family emergency." Chris said to the client.

"No it's fine. So have decided to go with the third design for the exterior design and the first design for the interior." The client said

"Okay then. Your jet would be delivered as stipulated. Thanks for trusting Hampson international." Chris said with a smile.

"Alright bye." The client said before dropping the call.

Few minutes after Chris dropped the call. He heard noise from outside so he signaled for Elliot to go and see what was happening.

"Ma'am you can't go in." Chris secretary Diane said.

"I will go in and there's nothing you can do about it. Do you know who I am? I will make sure I get you fire you shameless slut." The female visitor said as she tried to make her way into Chris office but was stopped by Diane.

"Get your filthy hands off me." The female visitor said with a glare dipping her long red nails into Diane's skin.

"Madam please." Diane begged but the visitor wasn't having it.

"What is going on here?" Elliot said as he walked out of Chris office.

"You must be Christian's personal assistant." The stranger said releasing Diane from her grip.

"Yes and who are you? I noticed you're not on our visitors list for the day." Elliot explained.

"Well... I came representing Mr Leonard Frederick. He's my Dad and am Thelma Frederick." The stranger said with a proud smile.

"Oh sorry, we actually received a call few minutes ago regarding your arrival. So sorry for the misunderstanding." Elliot said while Thelma smiled victoriously.

"I won't be holding a meeting with you." Chris said in disgust as he came out of his office.

"Oh my goodness I finally got to meet the almighty Christian Hampson in person." Thelma said batting her fake lashes.

Chris couldn't help but look at her in utmost disgust. Everything about her looked so fake except her perfect British accent. Chris couldn't help but look at her with disgust from head to toe. She wore a black two pieces that comprise of a skirt that had a slit on the right side that went up to her waist and a top that only covered her boobs. Although to Chris her body was well sculpted but her figure could not be compared to that of Bella.

She had a really heavy make up on that made Chris want to throw up. He knew Bella had to wear makeup due to the nature of her job but her makeup was always minimal. Bella usually won't wear makeup if she wasn't going to work. Compare to the woman standing in front of him Bella had a natural beauty which she was proud of.

Chris found Thelma so unprofessional to have dressed that way to his office.

"We won't be having a meeting till you get changed ma'am and you have to apologies to my staff." Chris said glaring at Thelma.

"And why should I apologise to her?" Thelma said glaring at Diane. Chris asking her to apologise to his staff really made her feel small. She felt so humiliated but she wanted Chris and she knew too well not to get herself on his bad side.

"Am sorry." Thelma said glaring at Diane.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked Diane.

"Yes am fine sir." Diane replied smiling which got Thelma really furious. She believed she was way hotter than Diane and Chris eyes was supposed to be on her only. She was really mad at Diane for sharing the attention that was meant for her.

"Good. Am heading home." Send in my schedule for tomorrow." Chris instructed Diane as he headed back to his office to get his bag. Thelma was really shocked and dumbfounded by Chris action. She had always been the centre of attraction for any guy. All guys she had come across wanted her but she never wanted any of them. It was the first time she experienced rejection in her entire life. It broke her heart that Chris rejected her even before they got to know each other. She became more determined than ever to make Chris hers by fire by force and she was ready to fight anyone that would be a distraction to their relationship.

Thelma had done her research since her talked to her about Chris. Her mum had told her to make Chris hers since he was super rich an influential which would be an added advantage to their family business if Chris and Thelma ended up together.

Thelma's mum had told her about Bella and they had devices a plan to separate them. Thelma and her mum had set her up with Neil on purpose and they had someone who was giving them every information they needed about Bella.