

Meet Angelou, a smart and independent businesswoman who built a name for herself after years of hard work and determination. She tirelessly cares for her foster parents as a simple gratitude for providing everything for her since adoption. But when her foster father mismanages the family business, he seeks help and arranges a partnership with multi-billionaire Ferdinand Levine. A partnership that includes Angelou marrying his only heir, Gabriel. Angelou and Gabriel got tangled with the arranged marriage, both having their own respective objections and goals. Angelou being at the top of her career and loving her singlehood, while Gabriel wanting to get his revenge on her and at the same time take full control of his father’s conglomerate. As their world collides, blossoming love and danger intertwine in this gripping billionaire romance. “I hate to burst your bubble, Miss, but this marriage is nothing more than just a deal. You can dream all you want, I will not stop you from doing so, but these are all temporary. So enjoy the moment while it lasts.” “As long as this will keep my family’s name from destruction, then I am more than willing to spend temporary hell with you until our fake marriage is over. I am doing all of this for my parent’s sake. So come hell or high waters, even if I need to be in the abyss just to save them, then so be it.” “Don’t ever fall in love with me, Miss. Don’t you dare or you’ll be sorry.”

MissBlackRose · Thành thị
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114 Chs


In a split second, my foot bored heavily outside the premises. I am shaking in unadulterated and ground-breaking rage as the gate screeches closed in front of me. Hearing the heavy metal's gurgling sound was like slapping me countless times and prodding at my face with the reality that I'm no longer part of Gabriel's life forever. I could literally feel my blood reach its zenith to the point of actually feeling the scorching heat all over my trembling body. 

Never had I been treated this way before. I had my shares of emotional malpractices from my family in the past, but I was never this humiliated and maltreated with such intense disgrace and ill-repute. No one ever shooed me away the way Gabriel had done now, and it was all because of that stupid pretend wife of his. 

As I gazed illy ahead of me, thoughts of last night's call from Gabriel ran back inside my head like a broken record, which will definitely be my worst nightmare ever.