
part 0

"boarding schools aren't all that bad. i mean, sure, it may be more exhausting to keep up with the work. all the questioning about what is going to happen if i fail, when i get kicked out. but let me tell you, our school has never had a student fail or repeat a year in its 25 years of existence. our understanding professors are always there to help any kid reach their full potential.

the teenage years are without a doubt the most complicated years of a person's life. we also understand not being able to see your family for such a long time must be very hard. that is why our school allows all of its students to take one week off whenever they think they need it the most. not to mention, it's up to each student to decide whether they want to stay here or head to their hometown for the holidays and breaks, with the exception of summer break.

we feel responsible for every single one of you and we care about your well-being. we believe mental health is important, therefore we do have school counselors and therapists you can always talk to. our staff tries its best to stay modern and open-minded, so not a single person in this building feels left out.

that is why we are excited to announce, together with a local department, starting with the new semester, that there will be school clubs awaiting you. unfortunately, it is going to be mandatory to join at least one. we are willing to make a few exceptions. however, we will need to discuss that privately and only with a reason being health or other personal issues.

there should be a list on the notice board, right next to the first assembly hall. during your first period, you will be introduced to the rules of this new addition. as well as that, you will be given a paper to sign. you will write down your name, and the activity you're interested in and, if you feel like it, you can add a personal request.

thank you for staying with us and being mindful of one another. we will make sure to provide you with the best quality of everything. such as education, food, and a clean and peaceful environment.

you're all free to go now. we hope you also have another joyful school year this year."