
Big Brother Wants To Bite Me

Kerry hates vampires, she fears them and would have rather avoided having to ever deal with one. Her life is made complicated when her mother gets remarried to a vampire. As a human who has always believed that Vampires, Wolves, and incubuses were nothing more than stories, she is among the few who find it difficult to cope with their existence. With a new father, along comes a Drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother oozing danger, a single look would leave her frozen in place. " Don't look at me like that " " Like what?" he asked, head tilted " Like you want to bite me" " Maybe I do, you look delicious" Kerry hates vampires, yet it's hard to not get seduced by one

Usman_Nafisat_4708 · Thanh xuân
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25 Chs

Keeping You Safe

My head was hurting so badly that I felt like throwing up. I had no idea how long I had been unconscious, just knew that Deric had been responsible for it. I was upside down I think, no he was carrying me on his shoulder, the same person who had kidnapped me out of my own bed. I wanted to struggle, but for some reason, I couldn't move my body. I was weak, but my mouth wasn't

" You fucking bitch! Do you have any idea what you are doing? This is kidnapping! "

" hush, I hardly think it counts as kidnapping if I am helping you out " Deric's voice carried a hint of worry masked in amusement. This alone had me nearly losing my senses. I've only met this guy a handful of times and so far his personality has been arrogant and playful, why would he be worried? Unless he was planning to do something bad to me and was worrying over how he could cover it up.

" Are you going to kill me? Suck my blood? Is that it? "

" Didn't you hear me say I was helping you? Besides, I'm your your blood smells too much like Silas, I want nothing to do with that "

" What are you talking about? "

" Alright, listen " I yelped feeling pain in my lower back when Deric dropped me on the ground. I landed directly on my ass, and seeing the look on his face I knew that he had done it on purpose. I was gradually able to move some of my limbs, but it cost a lot of effort. I didn't know what kind of spell he had cast on me, was it so I wouldn't try to run away? " You Darling Stepbrother have gone crazy, all humans are going missing, and vampires are taking over. I like you, so I decided to take you to safety. Go ahead and thank me if you wish "

My mouth fell open in shock. There was no way I would believe what this madman was saying, complete bullshit. " I don't believe it "

" Which part? "

" All of it! I just left home earlier today, and everything was fine. Are you trying to tell me an Apocalypse started a few hours after I was gone "

" I wouldn't call it an Apocalypse, but rather a revolution. And of course, you would focus on the unimportant parts, did you not hear me say I was helping you because I liked you? " He looked at me expectantly. What the hell was this supposed to be, some kind of sick love confession? I stared at him blankly, hoping my nonchalance would be enough to tell him that I didn't give a damn what he thought of me. Like me, hate me, it had nothing to do with me. Kidnapping me from the comfort of my own bed however was rude, and I wasn't going to forget about that anytime soon. Deric must have known what I was thinking, he rolled his eyes. " Damn humans. Whatever "

" Why did you kidnap me?"

" How many times do I have to tell you, I am trying to protect you? The last thing your brother said before he lost his mind was 'Protect Kerry... don't let anything happen to her '. So I am protecting Kerry, and I am trying to not let anything happen to her "

" You are not explaining anything! What do you mean Silas lost his mind? What are you protecting me from?"

" I'll just show you " Deric took out his phone, and I watched him type away on it before he presented it in front of me. It was a video. As I watched the video, my heart raced with adrenaline. The chaotic scene unfolds before my eyes, with vampires attacking humans and causing panic in the streets. The camera zooms in on a woman, her terrified expression captured as a vampire feeds on her. The abandoned cars and people running in panic create a chilling atmosphere. It's a scene that sends shivers down your spine! It was like a horror movie, I could hardly believe what I was seeing. I reached forward, wanting to replay the video but Deric moved his hand away. " Now do you understand? "

" What the hell was that? Why...those people were being attacked! They were being fed on! "

" Yes "

" What are the police found about it? " God, how could something like this happen within just a day? I hadn't even been gone from home for that long and the entire town was in chaos. I thought of my mom who had called me earlier, the fear in her voice had been evident. She had warned me to not return home, clearly, she had been trying to warn me. I was scared of what might happen to her, Silas, and Bill. " My family, I need to ensure they are alright, can you please take me to them?"

" Can't. It's not safe. Besides, Silas said his dad would look after your mom, I'm supposed to take you to a human camp or some shit. With the whole revolution going on, I won't be surprised if someone tries to kidnap you along the way "

" How did this happen? "

" Our Vampire Elders decided they no longer want to coexist with other Supernaturals. They are trying to take over completely, humans are taken as food and the others are killed. It's fucked up "

" Did you know about this before? "

" Of course, my father is an Elder. But I don't support...hey! Cut that out would you " Deric dodged my attack effortlessly. I threw punches and kicks but none of them reached him, I was so frustrated and scared that I wanted to take my anger out on someone. The world was getting taken over by vampires. I always knew this would happen one day, I always told Mom but she wouldn't believe me. The vampires were just so powerful, of course, they would try world domination! Our fucking President was a vampire! Or was it a werewolf? Fuck! I don't even remember anymore.

I wanted to go get my mom, I wanted to ensure Silas and Bill were safe. My family was all I thought about, and here was Deric suggesting I leave them behind. This guy had to have something to do with it, the video didn't seem faked. " You are fucking insane if you think I am going anywhere with you! "

" Why? " He raised a brow like he was genuinely surprised that I didn't trust him. This was the same guy who had wanted to feed on him, the same guy who had beaten the crap out of Matt. God, Matt, what happened to Matt? " I won't hurt you "

" I have to get the others, we..we have to go back! If you are truly helping me then you will take me back "

" I already told you it's dangerous. If someone sees you there and decides to take you hostage, then there's nothing I can do about it. I won't betray my people just because some stupid human girl is too stubborn to listen "

" Oh God! You are in on this! Do you want to enslave everyone else? For what exactly?! So you can rule the world like you used to in the dark ages! "

Deric stares at me silently. He didn't respond for a long time and I had already given up hope that he was going to help me out. Even if he was trying to keep me safe, there was no way I was going to leave my loved ones behind. Besides, it was still hard for me to believe any of this was real, despite the evidence. Everything had been going so well, vampires and other supernaturals had blended in with the society, it would be insane for them to throw that away for such a selfish reason.

" Fine, I'll take you, " Deric said. He held out a hand for me to take which I only stared at suspiciously, half expecting this to be some sort of trap. He snorted and reached forward to grab my hand directly, leading me further into the forest.