
Big Brother Wants To Bite Me

Kerry hates vampires, she fears them and would have rather avoided having to ever deal with one. Her life is made complicated when her mother gets remarried to a vampire. As a human who has always believed that Vampires, Wolves, and incubuses were nothing more than stories, she is among the few who find it difficult to cope with their existence. With a new father, along comes a Drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother oozing danger, a single look would leave her frozen in place. " Don't look at me like that " " Like what?" he asked, head tilted " Like you want to bite me" " Maybe I do, you look delicious" Kerry hates vampires, yet it's hard to not get seduced by one

Usman_Nafisat_4708 · Thanh xuân
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25 Chs

If You Break Up

"Are you the one responsible for Matt's injury?" I was able to piece everything together and that was the only explanation that made sense. why else would the both of them be in the forest at the same time both covered in blood and bruises? Deric was injured, I could see the scratches and claw marks on his face, yet it was in no way compared to Matt's most severe injury. if the both of them had been in a fight then it was clear who the winner had been. why would there be a fight in the first place? A vampire and an Incubus, those two didn't interact much, even in school everyone talked to their own kind.

" why are you worried about someone else? " he smirked at me, drawing a bit closer. I held my ground not wanting to show that I was intimidated by him, even though I clearly was. " shouldn't you worry about yourself little Red? Even if you scream no one will be able to hear you "

" you can't do shit! don't f****** things you can intimidate me, if you were the one responsible for hurting Matt then I would call the police and tell them"

" Feisty, however, that won't be necessary, even if you call them there's simply nothing they can do about it. Tell me, why are you dressed so lovingly? A date? " the way he said it felt like he was amused at the thought of me being on a date. Note that this was someone I had absolutely no relationship with, the last time we had met he had literally manhandled me, I hadn't even thought I would see him again, I had hoped I wouldn't. because I didn't even want to think about why Silas was in that place in the beginning. just when I was beginning to forget everything, something ugly broke its head out, Deric. This man was dangerous, that much was obvious. " I wonder what Silas had to say about that. this is very interesting indeed "

" what does that even mean? "

" little red " he suddenly appeared in front of me, i yelped as i took a hurried step back. His smirk widened at my obvious fear. " haven't you already figured it out? Silas is in love with you, why do you think he makes so much fuss over you?"

" of course he loves me, he is my brother "

" you are truly stupid if you think he likes you that way, I don't really have time to tell you what you should believe or not. go ask him yourself "

" but what does any of this have to do with you? "

" it doesn't, my only interest is to watch the show. see you some other time little red " Before I could say anything the man in front of me had disappeared. that was possibly the strangest encounter of my life. So I wasn't the only one who questioned Silas's affection for me? If Deric said it then it had to be true, I still wasn't sure whether Deric and Silas were friends, but it seems that they knew each other at least. now that I have confirmed my suspicion, I didn't know what to do with this newfound information. what should one do when they find out their step-sibling was having forbidden thoughts about them? our parents were literally married to each other, and there was no way we could ever be together, plus I was already in a new-found relationship with Carter, and I didn't want to ruin anything between us. Damn, this was so hard.

" shit, how can I f****** forget to call 911? " I scolded myself the moment I remembered why I was here in the first place. I quickly took hold of my phone and thankfully I had some service. I dialed the Emergency number and reported the incident. I went back to where I had left Carter and Matt.

" what took so long?" Carter asked

" it took some time to get any service " I didn't even know why I was lying to Carter, I should have just told him the truth. But I didn't know whether or not Matt would be happy with me sharing the information. After all a fight between two People of different species wasn't something small, especially since the government was doing everything to promote peace between every one of them. they wanted to show that humanity was safe, that despite us being the weakest we still have nothing to worry about. So violent was a big crime, and both Deric and Matt could be in jail for this.

" Matt, are you feeling okay?" Matt was healing, I could see that some of his wounds were almost completely gone at this moment. perhaps he didn't even need medical attention in the first place, all he needed was some proper rest. Matt glanced at me, there was a strange emotion in His Eyes which I didn't understand.

" you look very stunning today," he said taking me by surprise. Me and Carter exchanged confused looks. No, maybe he wasn't completely right. Perhaps he had hit his head on something " Is this a date?"

" Actually it was, and you kind of ruined it "

" Carter, that's not very nice "

Matt didn't seem to take Carter's words seriously. His lips lifted in a proud smile, one that said ' I am very happy I did '. I stared at both boys not knowing what to think, there was a strange energy between them, like they both knew something I didn't. I shook my head, not letting it bother me. boys will be boys, since Carter hung out in Matt's house often, they probably had some hidden secrets or whatever. We all waited in silence for the police.

* * *

In the end, Matt didn't really need much medical attention, he had almost completely healed before we even got to the hospital. however, the problem came with him not wanting to answer any questions from the police. They were worried that whoever had attacked Matt in the woods might hurt someone else, Matt assured them however that it was nothing serious, he said that he had gotten in a fight with a friend and he didn't want the police involved. Reluctantly they believed him and left the case. I sat beside the Incubus in the hospital lounge room, Carter, and went to get some food for me while we waited for Matt's discharge.

"Are you really not going to tell them about the fight? "

"Why should I? it's just a fight, people fight all the time "

" not that kind of fight. He nearly maimed you, Matt "

" so you met him then, that's why it took you so long to come back. "

" Well, he was there. however that's not a problem, we should worry about how to stop him. Deric is clearly a very dangerous person, you should have reported him to the police, he could hurt someone else "

Matt scoffed "I doubt he is that reckless. Anyway, I don't really want to talk about this, I should be apologizing for ruining your date with your new boyfriend. sorry but not sorry, you could do a lot better. Is he better in bed than me? "

" Matt, about us sleeping together. . . I. . "

" you don't want me to bring it up again? Because you are really serious about dating him? you are so cold "

" What? "

"I thought what happened that night meant something, I was hoping to see you again, but you never showed up in front of me " Matt sounded hurt, yet his face was blank of any emotion. I felt terrible, it wasn't like I had avoided him, honestly, I wouldn't have thought that I would end up dating Carter as well, things just happen sometimes. I'm not saying I didn't wish to date Carter, that wasn't it.

" I... I didn't think you liked me like that "

" you mean me asking you out wasn't an indication?" Matt smiled " However, it still doesn't change anything. I simply can't stay mad at you when you look so f****** good " Matt raised my hand to his lips and placed a kiss on my knuckle, I flushed red have some of the nurses passing by glanced at us curiously. I quickly pulled my hand away, not liking how hot I suddenly felt. Matt must have felt it as well, he must love the effect he had on me. " If you ever leave him, I'll be waiting "

"What makes you think I'll leave Carter?"

" Stuff happened " Again there was that look on his face that suggested he knew something I didn't. " thank you for your help Kerry, I'll see you later "

I wanted to tell him that he hadn't gotten discharged yet, but Matt was quick to disappear from my sight. Damn their fast reflexes, it was just for showing off at this point. I sat there waiting for Carter to show up, it didn't take long for him to arrive with boxes of takeout.

" He left? " he asked seeing that Matt was no longer seated beside me

" Yeah, I think we should go home now. "

" all right, I am sorry the date didn't turn out the way you might have liked. who would have thought we would run into such a thing on the one day we decided to go out? I promise I'll make it up to you next time "

" I'm looking forward to it " I smiled as Carter wrapped his arm around me, together we walked out of the hospital Building and towards his car. Carter drove me home and I enjoyed some of the food on the drive. He gave me a kiss when we pulled up in front of the car, promising to pick me up tomorrow for movie night. Despite my joy, I was a bit on edge remembering my conversation with Deric. Thinking deeply about how I was supposed to act around Silas now that I knew he had feelings for me. I didn't need to think about it for too long, because the moment I walked into the house and made my way upstairs, my anxiety was soon replaced by anger.

" Mh. . . Yes, Silas... Ah. . . Harder! "

For fuck sake! Why the hell was he doing this again?