
Big Brother Wants To Bite Me

Kerry hates vampires, she fears them and would have rather avoided having to ever deal with one. Her life is made complicated when her mother gets remarried to a vampire. As a human who has always believed that Vampires, Wolves, and incubuses were nothing more than stories, she is among the few who find it difficult to cope with their existence. With a new father, along comes a Drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother oozing danger, a single look would leave her frozen in place. " Don't look at me like that " " Like what?" he asked, head tilted " Like you want to bite me" " Maybe I do, you look delicious" Kerry hates vampires, yet it's hard to not get seduced by one

Usman_Nafisat_4708 · Thanh xuân
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Seeing the frown on my face, Silas stopped laughing. He walked closer to me, his eyes filled with concern. " what happened? Your Principal called and said you left school, Dad asked me to come to check up on you "

" Of course he did. I am grateful " Bill cared a lot, he was doing his best to be an ideal father, and I loved him for that. But what I needed right now was space, I needed to think and decide what to do with myself. I couldn't do that with my stepbrother, Silas was a God damn distraction, sometimes I even forget how to breathe when he was around me. And the guilt I felt didn't make things any better, I kept replaying his words in my head. Choose someone who loves you. I thought Carter did love me, I sincerely believed it. But now the truth was evident, perhaps he had been using me all along to get back together with Emily. He must have known that Emily would grow jealous when seeing us together and would decide to get back together with him. I was a spawn in their games, I felt sick with myself for not figuring it out earlier. " Look, I... I just need time to think okay, I promise I am not running away if that's what Bill's worried about "

" I get it. Where are you going? "

" The Beach house. I wanted to call Bill...I hope he wouldn't mind if I stayed there for..."

" Of course, he doesn't. " The relief on Silas face made me feel guilty. It was clear that he had thought I intended to run, it wouldn't be the first time I had tried doing so. Now that I thought about all the shit I had done in the past, I felt very stupid. My family was really tolerant of me. " Come on, at least let me drive you there. You can't stay long though, a week or so, you still have school "

" Alright. Thank you "

Silas nods. He leads me towards the car. I had opened the door to get in when another car drove roughly into our parking lot. I quickly wanted to hide myself when I recognized his car it was. I wanted to get in the car but Silas grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side. I looked up at him in confusion, wondering what kind of game he was playing. His gaze however was fixed on Carter who had got out of the car and was approaching us.

" Kerry " Carter looked terrible. His hair was messy, his face was much paler than usual and he had eye bags. I wondered how he had gone from looking so perfect to looking like he had just been hit by a bus in one day. Either way, I didn't really care, Carter was the last person I wanted to talk to on the surface of the earth. " Kerry please let me explain, I..."

" I don't think she wants to hear anything you have to say " Silas spat out, venom dripping from his voice. If I didn't know better I would think he was the one who got cheated on. Carter's eyes snapped towards him, for the first time he took notice of how close Silas was standing to me, his eyes narrowed and anger could be seen on his face. Yeah, I felt like a rabbit caught in a trap or something. The atmosphere was suffocating, I was counting down the seconds, hoping that a fight wouldn't break out. At that moment I was wondering whether it would have been better if I had just stayed in my room, to better avoid situations like these.

" Stay out of this. It has nothing to do with you "

" Oh, it has everything to do with me. Since you dare to break the heart of the person I love the most, I won't hesitate to break every single bone in your fucking body! "

" I didn't break her heart! It was an accident, Kerry please, I didn't mean to kiss her alright? She kissed me and I was too shocked to push her away. I was wrong and I regret it, please just give me a chance to explain. " Carter's voice was earnest, he was afraid I might disappear from his sight at any moment. Looking at my best friend I could see nothing more than love, fear, and maybe a tad bit of possessiveness.

He glared at Silas's hand which was on my shoulder like he was about to rip it off at any moment. I opened my mouth to say something but couldn't make out any words. It would have just been easy if he had cheated, then I would have something to be angry about. But the Sincerity in his eyes told me that he hadn't. And Silas was staring down at me like he wanted me to break off things with Carter there and then. On one hand, I had a stepbrother who was on the edge of being obsessed with me, on the other hand, was a friend who had loved me right from childhood. Both men cared about me genuinely, I could see that. And why the hell did life have to be so complicated? Geez, why couldn't I just have one guy for a change?

" He doesn't deserve your forgiveness " Silas spoke breaking the tense silence between us. " Break up with him "

" Don't fucking tell her what to do?! You only want her to break up with me so you can get a chance, fucking pathetic! "

" Why shouldn't I get a chance? You had yours and you messed it up. I love her the most "

" I do! And I loved her first! "

" This isn't a competition! Just let me think " I snapped. Both men went quiet to my words, they both stared at me with blank expressions. They were both willing to go on with the argument, to compare which among them loved me the most. But they all knew how fickle I could be, they didn't want to overwhelm me. So considerate, both of them. I took in a deep breath and tried to clear my head. " I know you didn't mean to kiss Emily, I get it. But it doesn't make anything less complicated, she still loves you Carter, and Emily is my best friend "

" So what? You are leaving me because you don't want to stop being friends with Emily? That's not very fair, is it? "

" I didn't say that, don't put words in my mouth. I..i just need time to think alright. We'll talk more when I clear my head. I'll be at the beach house, only for a week. If you get so worried, you can come to visit "

"Not " Silas growled. I rolled my eyes at his aggressiveness.

" Fine, but...we'll talk after you get back right? This isn't the end for us? "

" No " I said " It's not "

Carter looked at me, I could tell he wanted to come forward and wrap me in his arms, or maybe kiss me. But one glance at Silas who was seething by my side told him that might not be the best idea. " Alright then. I love you Kerry, always have and always will "

" I love y...."

" That's Enough " Silas pushed me into the car before I could finish my sentence. He flipped a finger at Carter who only flashed him a nasty look and then went back to his car. Silas started the car and zoomed down the street. " This is unbelievable "

" Sorry, I know you expected me to break up with him "

" I expected you to stab him with the stake you keep under your pillow. I was willing to help you get away with murder "

" That's a joke right? " I asked with a smile. The look he gave me told me that it wasn't a joke. I laughed because there was nothing I could do. That was the most awkward moment of my entire life. Hopefully, it won't happen again. Carter and Silas should be kept as far from each other as possible.