
Big Brother Wants To Bite Me

Kerry hates vampires, she fears them and would have rather avoided having to ever deal with one. Her life is made complicated when her mother gets remarried to a vampire. As a human who has always believed that Vampires, Wolves, and incubuses were nothing more than stories, she is among the few who find it difficult to cope with their existence. With a new father, along comes a Drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother oozing danger, a single look would leave her frozen in place. " Don't look at me like that " " Like what?" he asked, head tilted " Like you want to bite me" " Maybe I do, you look delicious" Kerry hates vampires, yet it's hard to not get seduced by one

Usman_Nafisat_4708 · Thanh xuân
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25 Chs

Delicious Blood

Deric hadn't been kidding, the whole of Elthon looks like it has been hit by an apocalypse. the streets were empty, cars were stranded, and everywhere was silent. I stared up at my house, the door was left open which alone was a red flag. I wanted to go inside and ensure everybody was safe, but I was afraid of what I would find. I thought of my mother's call, I prayed that she was safe, but why wouldn't she be safe? Bill should have been there to protect her, he had promised that he would always protect her, hadn't he?

"Are we going inside? or should we just keep standing out here like a bunch of idiots? "

" you could always go in first "

" and leave you behind? what could I possibly do with myself if something happened to you? darling"

" cut it out " God, I wish I had ended up trapped with anyone else than Deric. he was crazy and so f****** annoying. he seemed to find everything funny, but then again I knew from the very beginning that he was an a******. He had tried to bite me, that was the one thing I would never forget. biting was my biggest fear after all

I took in a deep breath, summoned all my courage, and approached the front door of my house, it looked exactly like I had left it. Well, except for the bloody footprints leading upstairs.

" oh my God! " I screamed, because why the hell were the bloody footprints in my house!?

" what's wrong? Are you alright? " Deric was by my side in seconds, a protective hand wrapped around me. well, I definitely didn't expect him to be protective of me, it wasn't like we were friends or anything. maybe Silas had offered him something as payment for protecting me, that had to be it. but it's not like any of that matters, not when there were bloody footprints on my floors that hadn't been when I left home.

" look at that "

" Oh, I see it "

"That wasn't here when I left. who do you think they belong to? "

"Probably your mum," Deric said so casually like we were both talking about the weather and not the fact that my mum might have been murdered "The blood smell similar to yours. Just a little bit unappealing"

" Mom" I remembered how terrified she had been on the phone. fear gripped me at the thought of the blood belonging to her. I pulled myself from Deric's hold and ran upstairs where the footprints let you.

" Kerry! don't just run off like that, what if there had been someone in the house? are you so stupid that you can't keep yourself out of danger? " he said angrily. I glared at him, Who the f*** cares if someone was waiting for me? My mom might be dead, what could be more important than that?

" I could have protected her! if only I had stayed at home, it's f****** stayed at home. now my mum's life is in danger because of me "

" what are you even talking about? This whole thing has nothing to do with you. there is nothing you could have done even if you had stayed, I doubt you could have stood your ground against one vampire, and I am sure as hell that there had been more than one here"

"Does this mean my mum is dead? " the thought alone made me feel like breaking down. what would I do if Mum was dead? I already lost one parent a long time ago, I didn't think I could stand losing a mother

" vampires don't kill humans, not unless it is necessary. the worst thing that can happen is we feed on them, if they die we die as well, we need them to survive"

" Don't Lie, of course, you don't need humans to survive, not one you can feed on animal blood "

" don't tell me you actually believe that s***. vampires can survive on animal blood Kerry, we never could, it's like living on water only for humans, it can carry you long but it will never be enough to sustain you for long. Why did you think your brother was at my bar that night? didn't he make you believe that the blood in your fridge came from livestock? vampires don't survive on animal blood, that's just what the government wants you to think "

" T. . then where does the human blood come from? " If vampires were truly feeding on humans, then the news should have gotten out at some point right? Was it possible to keep a secret like this from the public for so long? I thought of the countless times I saw that red substance in the fridge, I always assumed it was animal blood, Bill had assured me of it. Was that all a lie? did my mum know about it? I doubted it would have stopped her from marrying Bill even if she knew.

" Feeders. we have humans who volunteer to serve vampires, mostly for materialistic things. Human do you like money a lot, I like that they are willing to do a lot of things for paper " Deric grinned, like he found the whole concept amusing. What people wouldn't do for money? And it was true that most vampires were loaded, but that was only because they lived a lot longer than humans did and so they had time to make as much money as they needed to survive comfortably. It was no surprise that most of the rich families in our Societies were vampires. No one ever found it suspicious " A thousand years ago humans didn't have much choice in whether they wanted to become feeders or not. They how to do whatever they wanted if they wanted to survive. vampires were on the top of the food chain back then, and now some very powerful vampires want to bring back the Dark Ages. they want us to rule "

"Why do you keep saying they!? you are clearly one of them "

" I won't deny that "

" then why are you helping me? " Deric could take me out if he wanted, He could turn Me over to the Other vampires, I didn't even have Silas here to protect me, so I don't understand why he still chose to help me, what does he hope to possibly get out of this? I wasn't stupid enough to think he was doing this out of the goodness of his heart. that was b*******, this guy couldn't give a damn about me, I'm sure of it. " and don't tell me it is because Silas asked you to. there has to be something you want out of this"

" you don't trust me one bit, do you?"

"Have you given me any reason to trust you? "

He smirked, walking closer to me. I did my best to stand my ground, I want to let him intimidate me " I suppose not. I am not going for myself, there is something different about you, you are not like the other humans I met. and I don't mean this in some cheesy romantic way, you are a light that draws me in, I'm sure you draw other people in as well, like your brother and those two idiots you hang around with. you are different, and it's beautiful "

my mouth fell open at his words, and despite my efforts, I felt myself blushing. I had not expected Deric to say something like that, and especially not in a situation like this. his eyes were filled with sincerity, I had no doubts that he had meant his words. He thought I was special? that was the sweetest thing I have heard, I think. maybe he wasn't as bad as I had thought

" or maybe it's just your blood," Deric said again after some careful thinking. " your blood smells very nice, really, it's the best thing I have ever f****** smelt. I wish I could have a taste, meh, too bad we got an apocalypse going on here, or else I might have taken you on a date and made you my personal feeder"

Alright, that was the creepiest thing I have ever heard in my life. this Fucker was just as bad as I thought, maybe even worse. of course, he was after my blood this whole time, unfortunately, I had no intention of letting him get anywhere near me. Damn, I wish I had that stake I kept under my pillow. it would prove very useful in this situation. " so my mum isn't dead? " I asked wanting to change this conversation, also because I desperately wanted to hear a positive answer.

" No, the council probably wiped your stepdad's memory, because I doubt he would have had a hand in this Revolution. He must be keeping her as a feeder somewhere in the city "

" And Silas? What happened to Silas?"

Deric's darkened as he turned his gaze towards the door. " Silence is going to be the problem "

" What? "

" Fuck " there was a loud banging sound that echoed through the house. Someone had kicked the front door open, I was only able to catch a glimpse of the person's brown hair before Deric pulled me into the nearest room, which coincidentally happened to be my room. he pushed me into my Closet, my legs felt weak so it was no surprise when I fell on my ass "Stay quiet " Deric told me with the most serious expression I had ever seen on him.

the closet door slammed shut and I pulled my knees to my chest, trying to slow down my beating heart. The were small holes in the door, meant to serve as some kind of design I guess, I was able to make out Deric's figure through it. the footsteps which had been growing louder from downstairs finally came to a stop outside the door. Someone went into the room, and I could see how tense Deric was, even though he tried to play it down. he was nervous.

"Just what the hell are you doing here? " a voice said. and how could I possibly not recognize that voice?

Silas. . .